After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1596: Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (75)

Chapter 1596 Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (75)

After Mo Hai said this, he turned around and left angrily.

Upstairs, Li Shu stood in the bedroom, looking through the window at Mo Hai's leaving figure.

 Once upon a time, that high-spirited young man has turned into the disgusting uncle he is today.

Li Shu smiled bitterly, then lowered his eyes and sighed.


Mo Hai drove out of the villa, but did not drive away. Instead, he parked the car outside. After turning off the engine, he stared at the second floor of the villa.

He stared there, wondering why it had become like this.

Li Shu wanted to divorce him. It didn’t look like he was lying.

 She is determined to get a divorce.

Mo Hai lowered his head, stretched out his hand irritably, and hugged his head.

He is not an emotionless person. Because Mo Zhi is Li Shu's son, he is particularly partial. He personally watched Mo Zhi grow up. He has unbreakable feelings for Mo Zhi. He has been looking forward to it since he was a child. As Mo Zhi grew up, he had high expectations for Mo Zhi.

Now, even if Mo Zhi is not Li Shu's child, the relationship, the friendship that has lasted for more than 20 years, is not fake, and it cannot be put down just as easily.

 So, why did Li Shu force him like this?

 Does he have to let him end things with Mo Zhi?

 She did not look at the child and did not understand the joy and success of watching him grow from a little baby to an adult.

 Thinking of this, he lowered his head and took a deep breath.

 At some point, the lights on the second floor went out.

Mo Hai sighed and then drove home.

 The car stopped outside, he got out of the car and walked listlessly into the room.

As soon as he opened the door to the living room, he saw Mo Zhi sitting on the sofa. When he heard the sound, he stood up and stared at Mo Hai.

Mo Hai was slightly startled, "Why aren't you asleep yet?"

Mo Zhi immediately said: "Dad, I, I'm scared."

Mo Hai's eyes fell on his two hands. His hands were wrapped and looked very pitiful.

 The look at this moment is like a child who is afraid of being abandoned, which makes people feel soft.

Mo Hai sighed, "It's okay."

Mo Zhi stared at him, "Dad, I know that mom hated Yao Lili and took her anger out on me. I really know that I was wrong. I'm afraid... I'm afraid... I don't know why mom is forcing me so... She hates me, okay Just say it, you won't refuse her...Why did she use this method to frame me? Dad, will you drive me away? I leave, I don't know what I can do, I don't know how to support myself..."

As Mo Zhi spoke, he lowered his head and his eyes were red.

Mo Hai looked at him, patted his shoulder, and then said: "Don't worry, I won't ignore you."

 Mo Zhi nodded.

Mo Hai coaxed him: "Be good, go to sleep."

When Mo Zhi heard this, his eyes flashed and he looked upstairs.

 In the past, he lived upstairs, but now he was driven to the servant's room. Tonight, I wonder if Mo Hai will ask and let him go upstairs?

Anyway, without Li Shu and Mo Xicheng at home, Mo Hai's Yiyantang will be the only one left!

As soon as this idea came to his mind, Mo Zhi stared at Mo Hai, but found that Mo Hai had no intention of speaking at all.

Mo Zhi could only frown and walked towards the room where he lived.

 (End of this chapter)

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