After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1597: Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (76)

Chapter 1597 Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (76)

Mo Hai watched him enter his room and then went upstairs.

As soon as I entered the study and sat down, there was a knock on the door.

Mo Haining frowned and looked at the time. It was already three o'clock in the middle of the night. Why was no one still awake?

 He said: "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and someone walked in immediately. It was the nanny at home.

Mo Hai was stunned, "What's the matter?"

The little nanny hesitated, "I, I, that, I am..."

Mo Hai lost his patience and stared directly at the nanny, "If you have something to say, say it quickly! If you fart, hurry up!"

The little nanny was so frightened that she was about to cry, "Mr. Mo, I, I just have something to say to you. Today I saw Mo Zhi entering Madam's room...and then Madam went to find Mo Zhi in a menacing manner. , I was worried, so I followed the madam. I saw Mo Zhi pick up the bracelet and throw it to the ground... I saw the madam was very sad, so I rushed over and slapped Mo Zhi, and then, You are here..."

  It was said in a hesitant way, but Mo Hai immediately understood the meaning of this sentence!

He stood up from the sofa suddenly and stared at the nanny in shock, "You, what did you say?"

The nanny said: "That's it, it was Mo Zhi who slandered Madam, not Madam... Sir, you have misunderstood Madam!"

These words were like a thunder, shocking Mo Hai's ears instantly!

 Let him stand there stupidly!

 Has he misunderstood Li Shu?

 He misunderstood Li Shu!

 How could he misunderstand Li Shu!

 But if he misunderstood Li Shu, why didn’t Li Shu explain it to him from beginning to end?

As long as she opens her mouth to explain, he will listen.

 Mo Hai thought of this and his body stiffened suddenly. He understood.

He didn't explain, because he was completely disappointed with him, so he didn't say anything and just filed for divorce... As for why Mo Xicheng treated Mo Zhi like that, he understood better that it was Mo Xicheng avenging Li Shu. .


The people who were wrong today were not Li Shu and Mo Xicheng at all, but him, Mo Hai! It was Mo Hai who didn't believe in his wife and son and fell into Mo Zhi's trap. No wonder Li Shu would look at him like that and say divorce...

 Having made such a mistake, Li Shu will definitely not forgive him!


His pupils shrank, he rushed out and said to the nanny: "Follow me!"

He anxiously went downstairs and came to the room where Mo Zhi lived. He stretched out his hand and knocked **** the door.

After a while, Mo Zhi's voice came out, "Who is it?"

 “Me! Open the door!”

"Dad?" Mo Zhi asked doubtfully, "Why are you here? I'm already asleep here."

"Mo Zhi, open the door for me!" Mo Hai wanted to kick the door open.

 “Okay, please wait a moment.”

After a while, I heard the sound of the door opening inside. Before the door opened, Mo Hai kicked it open, kicked the door open, and walked in.

Mo Zhi was drowsily asleep and stared at Mo Hai, "Dad, it's so late, what's wrong?"

As soon as he said these words, Mo Hai grabbed him by the collar: "Tell me, what happened today, did you slander your mother, or did your mother slander you?!"

Mo Zhi was stunned, "Dad, what are you talking about? It's definitely..."

Before he finished speaking, Mo Hai interrupted him directly, "Someone saw the dispute between you, Mo Zhi, do you still want to quibble?!"

 (End of this chapter)

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