Chapter 1665 Qiao Yiyi (1)

The voiceover is very clear, Lu Nanze is in a bad mood, so don’t come!

Dad Qiao really understood, "Well, I'll see what that is tomorrow. Yiyi, you have to give birth to a child for Mr. Lu as soon as possible. Only when you have a child can you stand on your own feet. You have to know that after all, you You are a person with nothing! If Mr. Lu hadn't announced to the media that he was going to marry Qiu Yiyi, you and Qiu Yiyi would have had the same name. You have to know that you have nothing to do with Lu. "Sir, it means nothing at all. You must know your identity clearly and know what to do when, do you understand what I mean?"

 Qiao Yiyi rolled her eyes.

She said deliberately: "I know, Dad, I will take good care of Mr. Lu and I don't dare to think anything wrong."

Dad Joe:…

Dad Qiao coughed and said, "That's not what I meant. What I mean is that you have to plan for yourself. You know, only when your parents' family is strong will they not dare to bully you. If our family is too bad, no, You should think more about your mother’s family, you know?”

Qiao Yiyi: "But dad, Mr. Lu has a bad temper. I don't dare..."

" coward! It's really...forget it, I can't tell you clearly, just hang up now!"

  When the person on the other end hung up the phone, Qiao Yiyi stared at the phone and curled her lips.

 Soon, she threw the phone aside.


 She is a substitute.

Lu Nanze's father, when he was still alive, announced the marriage of Lu Nanze and Qiu Yiyi, but Qiu Yiyi was sentenced to life imprisonment for intentional homicide and entered a prison cell.

Lu Nanze was in a dilemma, so he thought of a way to marry someone with the same name as Qiu Yiyi. Wouldn't it be possible to stop everyone from talking about it?

 So, this has its own insertion.

Thinking of this, Qiu Yiyi couldn't help but sneer.

She didn't take it seriously at all and took a shower directly. When she came back, she lay on the bed and fell asleep.


 When I woke up, it was already bright.

 Qiao Yiyi... No, to be precise, Qiao Yiyi stretched his waist, then went into the bathroom to wash up, and then went downstairs.

She entered the kitchen without looking away, found something for herself, took it out and sat in the dining room.

 She managed to turn a blind eye to the disdainful looks from the nannies around her.

After eating and drinking, I raised my head and was about to stretch again when I suddenly saw Lu Nanze sitting on the sofa in the living room!

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…!

 Lately, she was used to Lu Nanze not being at home. How could she forget that Lu Nanze went home yesterday? !

 She immediately retracted her arm and looked at him timidly.

Lu Nanze didn’t even raise his eyelids, he just stared ahead and thought about something.

I searched for Wuhen all night yesterday, but there was really no trace at all.

This Wuhen is really that amazing?

While thinking, the housekeeper from outside came in, "Mr."

Lu Nanze raised his eyes and saw the housekeeper glance at him and then at Qiao Yiyi.

Qiao Yiyi was confused and simply stood there without saying a word.

The housekeeper coughed and said, "It's like this. Madam's family came and said... Madam asked them to be guests."

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…! !

 (End of this chapter)

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