Chapter 1666 Qiao Yiyi (2)

 When did she let the Qiao family come over?

  Why do these people always stand and talk without pain in their backs! It's so shameless!

A flash of anger flashed deep in her heart, and a stern look flashed in her eyes, but those emotions all flashed away, and she immediately returned to her usual calmness.

When she didn't speak, Lu Nanze raised his head, glanced at her, and then said, "Then let them in."

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

Qiao Yi stood there and looked at the door. After a while, he saw Qiao's father and Qiao Yi's half-brother Qiao Gang walking in. The two stood there cautiously, nodding and bowing to Lu Nanze. "Lu, Mr. Lu is here too!"

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

It’s really speechless in front of these two people.

Lu Nanze is at least Qiao’s father’s son-in-law now. Can’t he just straighten up the rocker and speak?

 But she would definitely not say this.

 Qiao Yiyi lowered his head and stood there when he heard Lu Nanze nod lightly and immediately stood up, "You guys chat, I'm going upstairs first."

That look showed that he didn’t want to have any quarrel with Dad Qiao at all.

Dad Qiao immediately said: "No, no, no, no, no, no..."

 Needless to say the two of them, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became awkward.

Dad Qiao swallowed and did not dare to speak anymore.

Lu Nanze glanced at Qiao Yi one by one and immediately went upstairs.

 When Lu Nanze went upstairs and the low pressure in the living room disappeared, Qiao's father and Qiao Gang became more relaxed.

 Qiao Gang turned to look around the house, his eyes full of admiration, "Wow, the Lu family is really different. Bitch girl, you are really marrying into a honey vat!"

 Bitch girl…

 Qiao Yiyi immediately narrowed his eyes, but still lowered his head and said nothing.

Dad Qiao couldn't help but said: "Yiyi, your brother is talking to you, why are you ignoring him? This is so rude. You have no tutoring at all! You..."

Before he finished speaking, Qiao Yiyi raised his head aggrievedly and innocently: "Dad, didn't you teach me the tutor?"

 One sentence made Dad Qiao choke.

 He coughed immediately, nodded, and then said: "Then ask the nanny to pour some water first!"

Qiao Yiyi then looked at the nanny, "Sister, could you please pour us some water?"

Lu Nanze was at home, and the nanny didn't want to be too harsh. He just rolled his eyes at her and walked to the kitchen.

Qiao's father couldn't help but lectured Qiao Yiyi, "When you talk to the servants, you have to be more arrogant. If you are so polite, they don't take you seriously at all...and they don't take your brother seriously either. You didn't notice." Yes, she glanced at your brother just now!"

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

 Emotionally, you care about me so much, not because the nanny neglected her, but because the nanny neglected Qiao Gang!

 She lowered her head, said nothing, and continued to make her elm knots.

Dad Qiao suddenly became a little unhappy, "I'm talking to you, but you don't pay attention to me. With your dull personality, no wonder you've been married to Mr. Lu for half a year and haven't even conceived a child! You said, yes Didn't Mr. Lu never touch you? "

After finishing the sentence, Qiao Gang couldn't help but speak, "It must be like this, look at her cowardly look! Mr. Lu is the only one who can take a fancy to her!"

With one word, Qiao Yiyi raised his head and glanced at Qiao Gang.

 (End of this chapter)

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