After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1735: He is actually quite handsome (12)

 Chapter 1735 He is actually quite handsome (12)

It was indeed him who spread the news, but how did Qiao Yiyi know it was him?

 Did Liang Liang say that?

 It shouldn’t be!

Lu Nanze coughed: "Who told me about my walk?"

Qiao Yiyi said without saying a word, "Liang Liang."

Lu Nanze:…

Lu Nanze suddenly narrowed his eyes and turned to look at her, "You two, are you still in contact?"

 I don’t know why, but a feeling of betrayal and abandonment arose in my heart.

  When did these two people hook up?


Liang Liang was still drunk last night. He came directly from home. It is impossible for him to have had contact with Wuhen...

As soon as this idea came up, Wuhen sneered, "How is that possible!"

Since Liang Liang didn't contact her to tell her, there was only one possibility left.

That is, when Liang Liang said this, she heard it.

 Why did she hear it?

Lu Nanze suddenly thought that Wuhen had not spent the night in his villa every day these days. Could it be that she could not forget her old love for Liang Liang? Although she looked calm and calm on the outside, in fact, she had always cared about Liang Liang secretly. Very closely? !


Wuhen wants to track someone, it must be very easy, and no one will find out the clues!

As soon as these guesses came out, Lu Nanze suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Feeling depressed, he frowned and said no more.

Qiao Yiyi felt the aura on Lu Nanze's body and suddenly became cold. She immediately closed her mouth and turned to look at him in confusion.

The man who had a smile on his lips just now had a gloomy face at this moment, as if someone owed him two million.

 But the question is, why did I offend him?

Think carefully about what you just said... He is obviously spreading the news of his death everywhere, so why is he so angry here now?

 Qiao Yi curled his lips, feeling that this man was really terrifying.

 The mood changes are too obvious.

Qiao Yi thought of this and simply turned to look out the window and stopped talking.

After a while, Lu Nanze suddenly stopped the car on the side of the road, "You can get out of the car."

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

 This man!

 Is it really appropriate to leave her here? !

 She looked down at her courier clothes and curled her lips, "I'll lend you your car!"

After saying that, he walked directly from the middle of the passenger seat to the driver's seat and walked around to the back seat, and then a quick rustling sound came over.

Lu Nanze was stunned, looked out through the rearview mirror, and found out!

Qiao Yiyi was actually in his car, changing clothes! !

 Change clothes! !

Lu Nanze's eyes were a bit straight, staring at her white skin, and then the roots of her ears slowly became rosy: "You... why didn't you say a word!"

After saying this, he still stared at it, as if there was something attractive in the mirror that prevented him from moving his eyes away.

 Qiao Yiyi raised his head and glanced at him. The eyes under the silver mask showed a pure light, "What's wrong?"

Lu Nanze was really speechless.

Qiao Yiyi lowered his head and glanced at himself, then quickly changed into ordinary clothes and put on a mask. Then he smiled, stretched out his hand and patted Lu Nanze on the shoulder from the back seat, "Come on, it's not like I didn't. I’ve seen you! Good buddy~ I’m just a man in your eyes, why should I be shy?”

 Lu Nanze:…!

 (End of this chapter)

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