After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1736: He is actually quite handsome (13)

 Chapter 1736 He is actually quite handsome (13)

 Qiao finished these words one by one, opened the car door, got out of the car directly, then tilted his head in front of the mirror, waved his hands, and shouted: "Bye~"

Immediately turned around and walked back.

Lu Nanze watched her just standing on the side of the road, took a taxi, got in, and left.

Lu Nanze frowned in frustration, then opened the car door and got out of the car.

 He drove this car to rescue Wuhen. The police must have recorded it.

 So it is very likely that the whole city is searching for this car now. For safety reasons, it is better to abandon it first.

Lu Nanze only got out of the car halfway with Wuhen. He looked around, found an inconspicuous restaurant, and walked in. Then he picked up his cell phone and made a call.

After a while, I saw a car parked at the entrance of the restaurant.

Lu Nanze got in the car and left directly.

 And the car that rescued Wuhen parked on the side of the road in a swaggering manner.


As soon as Qiao got into the taxi, he took off his mask and revealed his true face.

 The driver asked: "Where are you going?"

Qiao reported an address one by one, which was exactly where the incident happened.

 After arriving at the place, she got out of the car, then turned left and right until she found her sports car.

However, she did not get in the car first. Instead, she walked to an aunt who was setting up a fruit stall next to her. She asked: "Auntie, what happened?"

"Hey, you don't know. There was a shooting just now. It's said that the police wanted to catch a thief! That thief was so awesome. He pretended to be a courier and even... sent a dead dog to that family. mouse…"

Qiao Yi listened with great interest: "Then what?"

"Then? Then the hostess of that house was so frightened that she peed her pants on the spot. Now she is in a hurry to sell the house and run away to another place!"

Qiao Yi curled his lips and thought, he deserves it!

 Although their profession is not popular.

 But every industry has its own rules.

Employers who violate their default rules will be punished.

With things like this now, let’s see who in the world will dare to fool her without hesitation in the future!

As soon as Qiao Yi thought of this, he stood up and was about to leave when he heard the aunt continue to say: "By the way, little girl, are you interested? Let me tell you about the thief."

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

The aunt picked up an apple, washed it quickly, and handed it to Qiao Yiyi, "Eat it, I'll give it to you for free, I said."

After struggling for so long, Qiao Yi was indeed a little thirsty, so he nodded, took a bite of the big apple, and heard the aunt say: "Let me tell you, these are a pair of male and female thieves! The female one Well, she came in to deliver a courier, and her husband was outside to meet her... Where is this couple..."

Before he finished speaking, Qiao Yiyi suddenly raised his head. When he heard the words "male and female robbers"...


She took a bite of the apple and spit it out, and then she burst out laughing! !

The aunt didn't know why, "Little girl, what's so funny... I'll tell you, this male and female robber, it is said that the relationship between the two couples is very good..."

Qiao Yiyi couldn’t stop laughing, male and female robbers? !

Lu Nanze turned out to be that handsome thief?

If Lu Nanze knew this news, he would definitely go crazy.

 PS: The update is finished~~See you tomorrow.

 (End of this chapter)

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