After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1737: He is actually quite handsome (14)

 Chapter 1737 He is actually quite handsome (14)

at the same time.

Lu Nanze returned to the villa.

He still didn't look good. Thinking about Wuhen and Liang Liang's connection, he felt like something was stuck in his throat. He couldn't tell what he felt like.

 So, when the housekeeper saw his gloomy face, what he was about to say suddenly got stuck in his throat with fear and he did not dare to say it out.

Lu Nanze saw his hesitant look and couldn't help but said: "If you have something to say, just say it, and if you have anything to say, let it go!"

 The housekeeper immediately lowered his head and said, "Sir, my wife has not come back since she went out with Mr. Liang."

With one sentence, Lu Nanze couldn't help but get angry, "She will come back if she likes her, and she won't come back if she doesn't like her. What does it have to do with me?"


The housekeeper is so reasonable that he can’t explain it clearly.

 Why is it none of your business? Isn’t that your wife?

But he definitely didn’t dare to say this, so he lowered his head.

Lu Nanze snorted, and then asked: "What's the news today?"

 Since he learned about Wuhen, he began to pay attention to the latest reports on the Internet.

As soon as these words came out, the housekeeper immediately raised his head, "Something happened. There was a shootout in a well-known community. It was said that the police were arresting a master thief Wuhen, and it was also said that... this Wuhen was a Male and female thieves..."

"Pfft...cough cough cough!" Lu Nanze was picking up a cup of tea on the table and took a sip. When he heard this sentence, he couldn't help but spit it out.

The man who had never lost his composure suddenly raised his head at this moment and looked at the housekeeper in shock: "What did you say?"

 His face turned dark!

He used to be a feared person, but now he is also a well-known financial tycoon in the business world. He is used to being a master of others. This is the first time he has been in the news, as a thief!

 What kind of **** male and female thieves are, it is simply an insult to his identity.

While thinking, I heard a voice coming from the door, "Mr. Liang..."

Before he could finish these words, he saw a person rushing in quickly and heading straight for Lu Nanze!

Liang Liang's face was a little dark. He stood in front of Lu Nanze, stretched out his hand and pointed at him, "You are really interesting!"

After saying this, he sat down on the sofa in front of Lu Nanze, "Tell me, why did you lie to me that Wuhen was dead? Do you know that I was so sad yesterday that I felt like I was about to die! "

Lu Nanze looked at him calmly: "Aren't you living well now?"

Liang Liang: "...Why did you lie to me!"

Lu Nanze lowered his head and looked at his fingers, "No reason, I just think... it's not a big deal."

Liang Liang was stunned, raised his head, and looked at him in shock.

Lu Nanze spoke slowly: "Even if we break up, why bother killing her? She is a woman after all. Do you know what people in the world are saying about you now?"

As soon as these words came out, Liang Liang's fists suddenly clenched.

 He looked at Lu Nanze intently, "You think so of me too?"

Lu Nanze did not look away: "I have never thought about what I thought of you. What you do to Wuhen is none of my business. I don't know what happened between you at all."

Liang Liang lost his temper when Lu Nanze spoke so confidently.

 He bit his lip, lowered his head, and then sighed deeply, "Actually, something happened between us that I can't say...otherwise I wouldn't hold on to her like this."

 (End of this chapter)

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