After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1802: Think she is a sick cat? (39)

Chapter 1802: Think she is a sick cat? (39)

Liang Liang was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"It means..." Qiao said one by one, "I have never stolen that thing, whether you believe it or not! I am a thief, and stealing that thing will only cause trouble to myself. In the past six months, Come on, you should know better than me what kind of **** I am living!”

Whether you believe it or not...

As soon as this sentence came out, Liang Liang already believed half of it!

 He stared at Wuhen in disbelief.

Thinking of Bai An'an's confession, the place where it was stolen, the earring left behind, Wuhen's cooperation later, and even throwing himself into a trap...

He thought he was very smart at the time, thinking that Wuhen had stolen that thing. In order not to cause trouble for himself and be hunted down, he would definitely make an illusion and cooperate with the police to steal it, and then find that the thing was missing. , so that no one would suspect her.

It's a pity that Wuhen didn't calculate it. He had already seen through her trick, so he laid a trap.

Six months ago, Liang Liang never thought that he would misunderstand Wuhen.

 But it wasn’t until this moment that he suddenly understood that he had really misunderstood Wuhen!


This is all a misunderstanding!

 Thinking about what Bai An'an did, and then thinking about Director Bai's appearance, he suddenly understood something. He just felt that he should have been used and involved in a complex conspiracy.

He stared at Wuhen in shock, opened his lips, and wanted to speak, but found that he could not say a word.

He swallowed a sip of saliva and saw Wuhen Wu said with sadness and joy: "I never thought that you would be so stupid... You are a policeman, you have your coat, but do you have any Have you ever thought about who I am? I also have my own bottom line! But maybe, in your eyes, I will always be a thief who cannot stand up to the public, that’s why you speculate on me like this!”

 Wuhen stared at him, "That's why you set a trap for me! Liang Liang, let me tell you... I have never hated anyone in my life, but now, I hate you!"

Liang Liang paused and said, "Wuhen, I..."

"You don't need to say it. From now on, we have nothing to do with each other. If you still feel a little bit guilty, then please help me clarify it in the world and don't let me live worse than a street rat!"

 At this point, she turned around and walked out.

  Halfway through, someone suddenly grabbed my wrist.

Wuhen turned his head and saw Liang Liang staring at her, "Wuhen, I, I was really wrong, I misunderstood you... Wuhen, don't leave, I know I was wrong, can you give me another chance?" ! Since there is a misunderstanding between us, and since we still love each other deeply, we cannot separate... The misunderstanding is solved, isn’t it happy for everyone? "

 Everyone is happy?

Qiao stared at him one by one, feeling extremely ironic.

Let’s not talk about the misunderstanding that caused me to hide in hiding for the past six months. Let’s just say that at that time...

 When she thought of that scene, she suddenly felt like her heart was being cut by a knife.

She bit her lip, stared at him and said, "Do you think we can go back to the past? Liang Liang, I really don't know whether I should call you innocent or stupid! You forgot, then How did I escape in one day?"

 (End of this chapter)

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