After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1803: Think she is a sick cat? (40)

Chapter 1803 Think she is a sick cat? (40)

How did you escape?

Liang Liang was stunned for a moment, but suddenly thought of something. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Wuhen.

 Qiao Yiyi frowned, her face full of solemnity and sadness. She thought about the situation that day...

Before she went to steal, she changed her clothes seriously and thought about her theft trip that night.

 At that time, her mother stood behind her and asked her: "Are you sure you want to go?"

 Wuhen nodded.

Mom continued: "I always feel that it's not very reliable. Besides, as a family of thieves, can we really be clean? Yiyi, Mom just hopes that you can be happy. Isn't it good for us to be like this now? "

 At that time, Wuhen was young and energetic.

You may have a lot of abilities, but you just can't put them to use.

  She wants to appear in front of others openly, instead of always being the cowardly, bullied daughter of the Qiao family's ex-wife and his ex-wife.

 So, when she heard her mother's words, she turned around excitedly, "Mom, I want to clear my name!"

 Mom was taken aback, and her face, which was very similar to hers, was filled with sadness and worry, "I'm worried about you..."

 “Mom, if you don’t try it, how will you know?”

 Mom continued to ask: "Why are you so stubborn? Thieves and policemen will not end well!"

 Qiao Yiyi did not answer and walked directly out the door.

 Her mother shouted behind her, "Yiyi, haven't I learned enough lessons? Your father... I just don't want you to get hurt, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Qiao Yi suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at her, "Mom, do you know why I have to go on this trip?"

 Mom shook her head, "I don't know."

 Qiao Yiyi smiled bitterly, and then replied: "Because, I don't want my daughter to be a thief too."

 Mom was immediately stunned.

To this day, she still remembers the hurt look on her mother's face.

  No trace.

 She sounds chic and free, and she sounds domineering and cool, but how many people actually know that she just wants to be an ordinary person and live an ordinary life? !

  She knew that these words hurt her mother.

  But this is what she means.

  When her mother first taught her to be a thief, she actually complained about her mother.

 However, that is her identity, she cannot choose it, nor can she choose her origin.

 But now, she has a chance to clear herself up, why doesn’t she try hard?

 So, she turned around and walked out without caring about her injured mother.

 She will use her cleared identity to tell her mother how happy she is to be an ordinary person.

 However, she never expected that it would be such a consequence.

  When she went through all kinds of hardships, came to the stolen things, picked up the box, and found that the weight inside was wrong and there was nothing at all, her whole heart felt cold.

She was not only unwilling to be deceived by Liang Liang, she was even more unwilling to accept those words she said to her mother...

And when she was pushed away by Liang Liang and was about to fall down the 58-story building, she realized that as long as she fell, she would be shattered to pieces!

In a panic, she threw the rope and tried to grab something nearby.

 However, the ground on the roof of the building was so smooth that it was impossible to grasp it.

 The other end of the rope was scratched on the ground, and her body was slowly falling!

 The words her mother said flashed through her mind:

“A thief and a policeman can never be together.”

 (End of this chapter)

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