After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1931: My mother is Wuhen! (9)

Chapter 1931 My mother is Wuhen! (9)

Lu Nanze didn't know how long he stood there, just staring at Qiao Yiyi and Xiao Kaka. When he saw them going out, his eyes first passed over Qiao Yiyi, and then fell on Xiao Kaka!

Little Kaka breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and looked up at Qiao Yiyi, meaning, look, you really met your father by chance, right?

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

 Qiao Yiyi twitched the corner of his mouth, then turned to look at Lu Nanze and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Lu Nanze said: "I want to talk to you."

Qiao lowered her eyes coldly, "I have nothing to talk to you about, I..."

Before he finished speaking, his wrist was held by a pair of gentle hands.

Qiao choked one by one, lowered his head, and saw Xiao Kaka raising his head, staring at her with a pair of eyes full of expectation.

Qiao Yiyi frowned, and then compromised after a while, "Okay, you can talk to me, but you have to promise me one thing."

Lu Nanze immediately said nervously: "You tell me, I will promise you anything."

After saying this, he added, "As long as I can do it."

  If she says to let herself go, then he can just say that he can't do it.

Qiao Yiyi then said: "Play with Kaka for a day."

Lu Nanze was stunned.

 Then he lowered his head and looked at Xiao Kaka.

The petite Kaka was staring at him with a pair of eyes full of Lu Mu, which made Lu Nanze speak directly, "Okay, his... name is Kaka, right?"

Little Kaka nodded immediately, "Hello dad, I want to introduce myself. My name is Qiao Kaka. I am four years old this year. This is the second time we meet. Please take care of me."

He was like a little grown-up, and Lu Nanze couldn't help but feel soft in his heart just by looking at him.

Lu Nanze nodded, "Okay, little Kaka, hello, I'm your dad."

Little Kaka stretched out her little hand and took Lu Nanze's big hand, "So today, daddy is Kaka's only father, will he celebrate Kaka's birthday with him?"

Lu Nanze was shocked, "Is your birthday today?"

Little Kaka nodded.

Lu Nanze did the math. After her one-night stand with Qiao Yi, she got pregnant. She was pregnant in September, wasn't that the month?

Thinking of this, he raised his head and looked at Qiao Yiyi. It turned out that four years ago today, she gave birth to a baby for him alone in a strange country and a strange place.

His eyes narrowed and he nodded immediately, "Okay, daddy will celebrate your birthday with you today."

 At this point, he lowered his head, picked up Kaka, and put it on his neck.

Kaka was startled at first, but then he couldn't help laughing.

 Qiao Yiyi was stunned by Lu Nanze's actions. When she wanted to stop him, she heard a clicking sound and stopped her actions immediately.

 She looked at Kaka and smiled sweeter than in the previous days, and she couldn't help but smile.

 Life is already so difficult, why should we make ourselves so unhappy?

Since Kaka likes him, and Lu Nanze has indeed never done anything to regret himself in the past few years, why should they stop their father and daughter from being intimate?

Kaka is so happy, let’s make it happen.

As soon as Qiao Yi thought of this, he was silent for a moment and then followed.

Lu Nanze carried Kaka to the underground parking lot, and then put Kaka directly on his nanny car.

 He sat in the back and looked at Qiao Yiyi.

 (End of this chapter)

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