After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1932: My mother is Wuhen! (10)

Chapter 1932 My mother is Wuhen! (10)

Qiao Yiyi followed without any pretense.

Lu Nanze felt relieved when he saw this situation.

As long as Qiao Yiyi doesn't get into trouble, they can have a rational conversation.

Qiao Yiyi is indeed not pretentious. Since he wants to make Kaka happy, how can Kaka be happy if he is entangled with Lu Nanze?

 They are divorced, are they husband and wife?

  But they can also be friends.

 After all, they respected each other's opponents back then.

Just after getting in the car, Qiao Yiyi saw Lu Nanze put Kaka on the seat, then picked up his mobile phone and said to Kaka: "Kaka, please sit down for a while, dad will be busy. Then Come and stay with you, okay?”

Kaka was obviously a little disappointed, but he still nodded sensibly.

When Qiao Yiyi saw this situation, he couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Mr. Lu is so busy that he doesn't even have time to spend time with his children."

After finishing these words, Lu Nanze's hand holding the phone paused slightly, then he raised his head and glanced at her with a wry smile, but did not speak. He just lowered his head and continued to send some messages.

 When Qiao Yi saw that he was really busy, he immediately became a little angry.

 However, this fire cannot be released.

 She wanted Lu Nanze to sincerely and well play with Kaka for a day.

But look at Lu Nanze’s focused look...

She turned to look outside the car, out of sight and out of mind.

About fifteen minutes later, Lu Nanze seemed to have finally finished his work. He put his mobile phone next to him, then picked up Kaka who was sleeping next to him and put him on his lap.

He picked up Kaka and looked at Qiao Yiyi: "Isn't this child a bit petite? It's too light. Could it be that he can't keep up with the nutrition?"

 Can a four-year-old boy be so light?

Qiao Yiyi twitched the corner of his mouth. He was a little angry that Lu Nanze was busy working and ignored Kaka, so he spoke in a harsh tone: "Don't worry, Mr. Lu, although I'm not as rich as your family, I won't be able to do it." Hungry kid!”

Lu Nanze:…

Lu Nanze didn’t mean this at all, okay?

 He just wanted to care about Kaka.

But seeing that Qiao Yiyi was unhappy, Lu Nanze still had no explanation.

Kaka spoke first, "Dad, I'm not light. I go for a physical every month and I'm at the standard weight!"

Lu Nanze: ..."Well, maybe it's because dad has no experience."

                        will be known if you take me to play with you more in the future. ?

Qiao Yiyi sneered and continued to look out the car window.

 Soon, they arrived at the amusement park.

After several people got off the bus, Qiao Yiyi was about to buy tickets nearby, but suddenly someone trotted over and handed them the tickets for the amusement park and some hats, "Sir, what did you ask us to buy?" , all ready.”

After saying these words, Qiao Yiyi was immediately stunned. She subconsciously said: "When will you let them..."

 At this point, she suddenly paused, and she suddenly understood.

 She misunderstood Lu Nanze.

 Lu Nanze was not busy with work after getting in the car. He was arranging today's schedule. He wanted to make Kaka's birthday more perfect!

 When I realized that I had misunderstood him, a feeling of guilt immediately arose.

At this moment, Lu Nanze took out a bouquet of flowers and handed it to her like a magic trick, "Yiyi, the child's birthday is a hard day for the mother. Thank you for four years ago. I continue the bloodline.”

 PS: The plot is all warm, see you tomorrow~~

 (End of this chapter)

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