After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 276: Xiao Qiao, don’t leave me (7)

Chapter 276 Xiao Qiao, don’t leave me (7)


A sharp scream came from the office door, breaking the silence of the entire newspaper office.

Qiao Lian's face was full of shock, but she was also relieved by the scream. She looked up and saw Su Meimei standing at the door, staring at the gift box on the table, covering her mouth, obviously from the scream just now, It came from her.

 Her cry attracted everyone's attention.

"What's wrong?"

Soon, a group of people from the newspaper office gathered around the door of her office, and a series of exclamations came over her.

  Qiao Lian finally came to her senses, lowered her head again, and looked at the package on the table.

 She clenched her fists tightly.

Although the packaging was exquisite, there was a dead cat inside.

The cat should have been white, but it was cruelly cut into pieces and its fur was dyed red with blood. It was **** and scary.

 She swallowed and her fingers started to tremble.

Although she has always been fearless and courageous, the sudden visual impact still made her feel nauseous.

Zhang Chunhua and Liu Zhixing also rushed over. When they saw the things on the table, Liu Zhixing was also startled, "What's going on?"

Zhang Chunhua gloated: "What else can happen? It's obvious that she has provoked someone! Qiao Lian, you have no one! How can you cause trouble like this? Don't let your private life affect your work, okay?"

After finishing the sentence, Qiao Lian raised her head in confusion, and immediately looked at Liu Zhixing, "Chief Editor Liu, this package is addressed to Xiao Qiao, not my real name, so I suspect that this should be someone I have reported. Someone is threatening me maliciously.”

 Who this person is, he hardly thinks about it.

 Wang Wenhao.

This person was ruined because of her reports, and was later beaten in public by Shen Liangchuan. It was said that she could not survive in the entertainment industry.

 She frowned, feeling it was really troublesome.

Who knows what a desperate person like Wang Wenhao will do?

 She looked directly at Liu Zhixing, "Editor-in-chief Liu, I apply for special protection and I want to call the police..."

After saying this, Zhang Chunhua sneered: "What a fuss, you want to call the police for such a trivial matter? What will happen if the police come? Can they protect you 24 hours a day? I said Qiao Lian, you can't There must be some kind of persecution delusion!”

 Qiao Lian was so angry that even the packages were delivered to the company, and she even said that she had persecutory delusions?

 This man is simply sick!

She looked at Liu Zhixing and said, "Editor-in-Chief Liu, what do you mean?"

Liu Zhixing thought for a moment and was silent for a while before speaking: "After all, this matter will have an impact on the reputation of the newspaper, and the other party is just warning you. If we call the police now, the police can't actually do anything. I think I'm still looking at it. If he makes any next move, call the police.”

Shi Nianyao was furious, "If his next move is to kill someone, what's the use of calling the police?"

She picked up her phone and said, "This is a terrorist attack. We must call the police now!"

"Shut up! Are you the leader or am I the leader? Do you dare to call the police? Then get out of here right now! A young employee in the internship period dares to challenge me!" Liu Zhixing cursed angrily and asked Shi Nianyao He frowned.

When Qiao Lian saw this, she gave Shi Nianyao a comforting look and then said, "Okay, don't call the police yet."

 (End of this chapter)

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