After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 277: Xiao Qiao, don’t leave me (8)

Chapter 277 Xiao Qiao, don’t leave me (8)

After the group of people dispersed, Qiao Lian threw away the packaging box. When she came back, she saw that Shi Nianyao was still aggrieved: "This is simply too much! I have never seen such a leader, but Chief Editor Lianlian, you How could you not call the police?”

Qiao Lian sighed, "For this kind of thing, when the police come, they just make a record. It's impossible to really send people to protect it 24 hours a day, so even if you call the police, it's useless."

Shi Nianyao fell silent for a moment, "Then what are you going to do?"

“What else can we do? Let’s have it cold!” She smiled, “Don’t worry, I just need to pay more attention these days.”

 She said it very easily, but only she knew how scared she was.

 After staying in the office for a day, for her own safety, she simply did not go out to collect news.

 Liu Zhixing probably understood the seriousness of the matter, so he didn't force her.

 When it was time to get off work, she decided to take the bus home because the bus had the most people on it and should be the safest.

Although it was peak hour after get off work, there were not many people walking towards the villa. When she got on the bus, there were still seats on the bus, but only a few people were occupied.

 Qiao Lian sat and looked at the scenery outside. After a while, she noticed someone standing next to her.

She turned her head and glanced, but didn't care.

 But after a while, I felt a heat on my head.

She was stunned when she saw the man standing next to her with his hand on her head.

Qiao Lian frowned and was about to speak when the man suddenly spoke: "Your hair is so beautiful."

 After saying this, he took his hand back as if nothing happened just now.

Qiao Lian immediately became vigilant and put her whole body on guard.

She bit her lip and waited until the number of people in the car gradually decreased, and they finally reached the suburbs. It was relatively desolate and there were not many people getting on and off the car.

While Qiao Lian was thinking, the man next to her suddenly rounded his arms and slapped her!

 The slap came so fast and urgent that she didn't react at all.

Qiao Lian stood up suddenly and saw the man yelling at her: "******, didn't you hear me talking to you? You know how to play with your phone every day!"

Qiao Lian bit her lip, "Who are you? I don't know you, you..."

Before he finished speaking, his hair was suddenly grabbed by the man!

 The car arrived at the stop, and he pulled her hair and walked out of the car!

Qiao Lian exclaimed: "I don't know him, help!"

But the man said fiercely: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a couple fighting?!"

There were people around who wanted to step forward, but someone stopped them: "I just saw this man touching this woman's head. They must be a couple..."

 Qiao Lian was completely confused by this kidnapping in broad daylight!

She screamed in terror and shouted for help, but the people in the car looked at her indifferently, but no one came forward to save her!

 She was forcefully pulled out of the car by the man and dragged into the grass beside the road!

 Qiao Lian's body was trembling, and she watched helplessly as no one around her paid attention to her. As she watched the bus leave, the person was pushed hard into the grass.

She looked at the person in front of her tremblingly.

He grinned, waving a dagger in his hand, "She is quite beautiful, but what do you think will happen if your face is scratched?"

As soon as she said this, he took the knife and stabbed her in the face!

 (End of this chapter)

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