After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 278: Xiao Qiao, don’t leave me (9)

Chapter 278 Xiao Qiao, don’t leave me (9)

 Qiao Lian practiced Taekwondo when she was a child. She is a delicate young lady who is afraid of pain.

 After she got several bruises on her body, she acted like a spoiled brat, and her father felt so distressed that he never let her study again.

When she complained to Zichuan about this in the game, Zichuan said to her: "I'll go and learn."

 The next sentence is obviously "I protect you."

 So, she really didn’t study anymore.

She thought that her father protected her when she was a child, and Zichuan protected her when she grew up.

 But at this moment, she suddenly understood.

 Dad can't always be with you...and Zichuan is already in the past tense.

In the flash of lightning, when she saw the dagger stabbing her, she wanted to move and dodge, but her shoulders were held tightly by the man, preventing her from moving.

 She watched helplessly as the dagger stabbed her, feeling a sense of desolation in her heart.

In this world, after all, no one can be relied on, and you have to rely on yourself for everything.

 She closed her eyes and clenched her fists.

She has been afraid of pain since she was a child. She wonders how painful it will be if a dagger cuts her face.

But...the expected pain did not come. Instead, the shoulders relaxed, and then a heavy "bang" was heard!

She opened her eyes and saw the man who committed the crime falling to the ground, and in front of her stood a man.

 He was wearing a white sweater and black trousers.

She knelt on the ground and looked up at him, which made him look extraordinarily tall.

 The sun shone from behind him, and his whole body was bathed in the sunshine, like a protector descending from the sky, which made her feel at ease for a moment.

 “Are you okay?”

He turned around and bent down. When a low and familiar voice rang in his ears, Qiao Lian still felt like she was dreaming.

 Why is Shen Liangchuan here?

As soon as this thought crossed my mind, I saw the assailant jumping up from the ground, stabbing towards me with a dagger!

 She yelled, "Be careful!"

He came to his senses and swayed, but he still missed the man's kick, and the man's dagger continued to stab Qiao Lian.

 Qiao Lian felt her eyes darken, and then she heard a "chi" sound, and the sound of a dagger cutting through her skin rang in her ears.

 A touch of warmth splashed directly on her face.

Her eyes widened in surprise, and she saw Shen Liangchuan swaying.

 The man, seeing that someone was really hurt, might have been frightened, so he dropped the dagger and ran away.

  Qiao Lian finally came to her senses, jumped up from the ground and supported Shen Liangchuan!

His eyes were very dark and fierce, but his face was pale. He saw the man running away, but he still stood there.

When Qiao Lian touched his hand, she felt that his palm was extremely hot. She hurriedly touched his forehead and realized that he still had a high fever!

 No wonder I was staggering and powerless just now...

  Qiao Lian looked at his arm again...

Just now, he used his arm to help her block the dagger. Now, a large amount of blood poured out from the wound, turning the white sweater red.

She hurriedly held his wound, "Shen Liangchuan, how are you?"

Shen Liangchuan's lips moved, as if he wanted to speak, but he couldn't speak because he was too weak. He tried hard for a long time before he said three words: "Run quickly."

 Then, his tall body directly pressed on her shoulders and she fainted.

Qiao Lian was anxious, her eyes were red, "Shen Liangchuan, how are you? Wake up!"...

 (End of this chapter)

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