After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 490: Song Yuanxi, is that enough? (1)

Chapter 490 Song Yuanxi, is that enough? (1)

Looking at her back, Qiao Lian lowered her eyes.

 At this moment, my body suddenly felt warm.

She turned around and saw that Shen Liangchuan had walked up to her at some point. He took off his coat and put it on her body, with worried eyes on his face: "Why did you come out without any clothes on?"

 Then she lowered her head and found that she was still wearing slippers.

 His brows suddenly knitted deeper.

  He picked her up directly, strode downstairs, put her in the car, and the two of them drove away and returned to the villa.

 In the master bedroom.

Qiao Lian was wrapped in the quilt by Shen Liangchuan again.

Then, over at the hospital, Song Cheng was dealing with the aftermath.

He called Shen Liangchuan: "Ms. Song's mood has stabilized now, and she told me that she agreed to go abroad tomorrow."

Shen Liangchuan nodded and gave a faint "hmm".

Song Cheng continued to speak, "Miss Song asked if I could go say goodbye to my wife tomorrow."

Shen Liangchuan frowned when he thought of her crazy behavior today.

 He flatly refused: "No need."

If Song Yuanxi says something to Xia Yehua tomorrow, Xia Yehua will definitely be reluctant to let Song Yuanxi leave.

 At that time, there will be another wave.

Shen Liangchuan's rejection was also expected by Song Cheng, who said directly, "I also said there was little hope, but Miss Song still insisted on asking me. Will you go to the airport tomorrow?"

  Qiao Lian looked at Shen Liangchuan again.

I saw his brows furrowed, and after a while he said, "I'm not going."


 Song Cheng hung up the phone.

Qiao Lian stared at Shen Liangchuan, "But Song Yuanxi is gone, how are you going to explain to your mother?"

Shen Liangchuan pursed his lips and said, "Let's talk about it then."

 Qiao Lian nodded.

Thinking of everyone in the family, they all have a good relationship with Song Yuanxi.

Qiao Lian couldn't help but sigh.

She hugged the quilt and lay on the bed without realizing it, and fell asleep.

 While sleeping, I suddenly heard a "dong" sound.

Qiao Lian was startled and opened her eyes. Then someone knocked on the door: "Liangchuan, Liangchuan, open the door quickly!"

Before Qiao Lian came to her senses, the man sleeping next to her had already stood up, walked over and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Xia Yehua rushed in. She was wearing pajamas, her clothes were a bit messy, her fingers were trembling, "Liangchuan, look quickly! Is this Hara Nozomi!"

Hearing this, Shen Liangchuan looked at Xia Yehua's hands...

It turns out that the incident about someone jumping off the building in the hospital today has been posted on Weibo and has become a hot topic.

Xia Yehua probably woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep, so he casually picked up his phone and swiped it, and saw it.

Shen Liangchuan stretched out his hand and put it on Xia Yehua's shoulder, "Mom, Yuan Xi is okay."

Xia Yehua breathed a sigh of relief.

 Then she frowned, "What's going on with this child Yuanxi?"

Her eyes turned red, and regardless of the fact that it was late at night and it was not good to be in the bedroom of her son and daughter-in-law, she walked directly to the sofa next to her, sat down, and then stared at the people in front of her: "Say it, you three Hey, what’s going on?”

Although she was busy with Song Yuanxi's condition during this period, she could also feel the emotional changes of the three children in the family.

Song Yuanxi was hospitalized, and Shen Liangchuan didn't even visit the hospital once...

 And today, Song Yuanxi actually chose to commit suicide by jumping off the building again...

 What happened to these three children?

 (End of this chapter)

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