After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 491: Song Yuanxi, is that enough? (2)

Chapter 491 Song Yuanxi, is that enough? (2)

As soon as Xia Yehua's question came out, Qiao Lian looked at Shen Liangchuan.

Seeing that he pursed his lips, obviously unable to tell lies, Qiao Lian blinked her eyes, then looked at Xia Yehua, and said: "Mom, Yuan Xi was joking with us, but I didn't expect that things would get serious. … She’s fine now, really.”

Xia Yehua narrowed his eyes when he heard this, "Xiao Qiao, are you telling the truth?"

Qiao Lian was about to deal with it, but she said directly: "I am old, but my heart is not old!"

 She turned to look at Shen Liangchuan, "How long are you going to keep this from me?"

Qiao Lian wanted to say something, but at this moment, Shen Liangchuan suddenly said, "Mom, there are some things I should tell you."

Xia Yehua was stunned for a moment. Looking at Shen Liangchuan's heavy expression, his face became solemn.

 Then, Shen Liangchuan used a few understatement to tell everything Song Yuanxi had done.

Although he said it lightly, Xia Yehua had gone through so much after all. Just seeing Song Yuanxi committing suicide again and taking birth control pills made him frightened.

After listening, she directly held her chest, frowned and said: "Why is Yuan Xi targeting Xiao Qiao so much? Liangchuan, Mom has never forced you to ask. Now, you can't tell Mom, who is Song Yuan Xi? Who is it?"

 After saying this, Qiao Lian looked straight at Shen Liangchuan.

Even though she knew who Song Yuanxi was, she heard it from her mouth after all.

Now, will Shen Liangchuan tell the story about him and his first love?

She stared at Shen Liangchuan, wanting to know why his first love died for him...

Shen Liangchuan frowned when he heard Xia Yehua's words.

 His eyes fell on Qiao Lian with a complicated look.

Such a complicated look in his eyes made it impossible to understand what he was thinking.

 After a while, Shen Liangchuan finally spoke slowly: "She is the sister of an old friend."

Xia Yehua was confused, "What old friend?"

Shen Liangchuan pursed his lips, obviously not wanting to say anything.

Xia Yehua sighed, "Yuan Xi has done these things... Do you really want her to go abroad?"

Shen Liangchuan nodded, "Only in this way can this family be stable."

Xia Yehua glanced at Qiao Lian.

He stared deeply at the two people in front of him, and then spoke after a while, "That kid, Hara Nozomi, has always liked you."

Shen Liangchuan obviously did not expect to hear such a sentence. He frowned and immediately said: "Mom, don't talk nonsense, I..."

"I'm not talking nonsense. You don't understand the girl's thoughts, but I do. She has been studying abroad for so many years just to be able to match you when she returns home."

Xia Yehua obviously thought wrongly, "Could it be because of this that she doesn't like Xiao Qiao, so she targets Xiao Qiao everywhere?"

She thought she had discovered the truth, sighed deeply, and looked at Shen Liangchuan, "They say beautiful women are a disaster, but for us, Xiao Qiao, you are simply a disaster for a blue woman! Look at what we, Xiao Qiao, have suffered in vain. How much grievance?"

 Shen Liangchuan:…

Xia Yehua held Xiao Qiao's hand again, "Xiao Qiao, you should take a good rest in the past six months. Don't worry about the child. You can get pregnant in half a year!"

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

After talking to the two people, Xia Yehua stood up as easily as possible, smiled and said: "Okay, you guys have a good rest, I'm going to bed too."

 (End of this chapter)

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