After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 498: Song Yuanxi, is that enough? (9)

Chapter 498 Song Yuanxi, is that enough? (9)

While I was thinking, my phone suddenly rang.

 She picked it up and when she saw the number on it, she walked to the balcony to answer it.

From the opposite side came the business-like voice of a staff member: "Hello, I am an official staff member of the lot. Is this Coach Qiao?"

 “Yes, I am.”

“Hello, your CQ team has passed the qualifiers, and the official competition will be held in three days.”

When Qiao Lian heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Okay."

 After hanging up the phone, she realized that the results would be officially announced today.

 She picked up her phone and opened the lot official website.

It was then that I discovered that their CQ team entered the competition as the second-placed team in the group points.

 And the first Team King!

Qiao Lian frowned.

The King team is obviously very capable. Except for Smiling Tiger, the rest of the players are veteran players, and the chance of Smiling Tiger playing is not high.

 Such a team is indeed their CQ opponent.

 In the following days, Qiao Lian was very busy.

 She rushed between the hospital and the club, keeping herself so busy that she had no time to think about anything else.

On this day, she brought stewed wolfberry chicken soup from home to the hospital.

 After pouring a bowl of soup for Shen Liangchuan, he took a sip of the chicken soup and then said, "I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

After finishing the sentence, Qiao Lian was slightly startled: "Didn't the doctor say that we need to stay in the hospital for a few more days? The wound will have to heal."

Shen Liangchuan put down the bowl, "I know my body better than the doctor. I have already called Song Cheng to come and help me with the discharge procedures tomorrow morning."

 Qiao Lian didn't understand why he was so determined, but when she thought about it, she suddenly realized that tomorrow, wasn't their team's semi-finals?

 Shen Liangchuan insisted on being discharged from the hospital because he wanted to watch the game with her?

 She looked at him steadily for a few times, and finally nodded, "Okay."


 The next day, Qiao Lian came to the hospital first and helped Shen Liangchuan pack his things for the hospital.

 After everything was ready, Shen Liangchuan, who had just recovered from a serious illness, or to be precise, had not recovered from a serious illness, arrived at the competition site.

To prevent being recognized, Shen Liangchuan was fully armed and blended in with the crowd, making him inconspicuous.

 They arrived a little late because they had gone through the discharge procedures previously.

 When I came over, the players and coaches from other teams were already in place.

 Qiao Lian asked Shen Liangchuan to find an auditorium and then went to the backstage lounge.

She walked to the end of the competition venue and looked forward. There were many people coming to watch the competition, and the venue was completely full.

  A group of people, noisy and noisy.

Looking at this lively and exciting scene, her mind flashed to Zichuan unconsciously.

If Zichuan is still alive, if Zichuan is still alive.

So is it true that eight years ago, they could have sat here and played professional games?

At the thought of this, a wry smile appeared on Qiao Lian's lips.

Shen Liangchuan never forgets his first love, but in fact, she also loves Zichuan, right?

 She took a deep breath and told herself silently.

This game is not only for Shen Liangchuan, not only for the dream of the team, but also for Zichuan.

For Zichuan, she must also win the championship this season!

 (End of this chapter)

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