After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 499: Song Yuanxi, is that enough? (10)

Chapter 499 Song Yuanxi, is that enough? (10)

Qiao Lian thought of this and her expression became determined.

 She looked backstage, wanting to encourage her teammates before the game started.

 Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked backstage, I found...

  Several people from the CQ team were sitting in a corner of the lounge, originally discussing strategies.

Before Qiao Lian could walk over, she saw someone suddenly pushing open their door.

The CQ people looked up and saw a man about twenty years old standing at the door.

 This person, Qiao Lian knew him, and he was the captain of the king team.

He folded his arms and looked inside: "What? Your coach Wang Chuan didn't show up in the previous games, and he doesn't plan to show up in such an important game this time?"

A member of the King team immediately cooperated and said: "I think you are too ugly to see people, right?"

"That's right, last time we competed with our coach Zi Xianzi for the number one female anchor in e-sports. What do you think she has to do to win the first place? A person who is so ugly that no one dares to see her. No wonder every time she broadcasts a game, None of them showed their faces.”

 The words said by several people were very unpleasant.

The faces of the corpse chief Su Penghao and others turned dark.

Looking at the group of people in front of me, I just felt that they were...brainless!

Su Penghao even thought, are these people blind?

Even though I don’t like Qiao Lian, I have to admit that Qiao Lian is much prettier than the Purple Fairy!

 Such people are said to be ugly. I’m afraid there are no beautiful people in this world!

 His uncle had a bad temper and stood up directly, "What did you say? Don't make personal attacks on our coach!"

The captain of the King team immediately laughed and said: "I am not a personal attack, I am just telling the truth."

 After saying this, everyone burst into laughter.

Su Peng stood up suddenly. Before he could speak, suddenly, another gentle voice came over: "What are you doing here?"

 Everyone turned their heads and saw the Purple Fairy walking over.

She looked at the captain and reprimanded: "Can you stop being so vicious with your mouth? Besides, what does it matter if you are beautiful or ugly? We are not playing games based on appearance..."

 In one sentence, on the surface it was reprimanding the captain, but in fact...

Aren’t you mocking Wangchuan for being ugly?

The captain immediately laughed, "Coach, you are right. However, I think Wangchuan is quite self-aware. She never appears in such situations. I am afraid she only dares to hide in the crowd and peek. But if she appears, I guess the face of their CQ team has been lost! With such an ugly coach, I would be too embarrassed to take action!”

Purple Fairy immediately said: "Shut up, no one will think you are mute if you don't speak."

Then he looked at Su Penghao apologetically, "Captain Corpse, I'm sorry, that's just the way he is, he doesn't cover his mouth. In fact, it's not something you can decide about your appearance. When we play games, who cares about the face~ Yes Oh, Wangchuan hasn’t come yet?”

Since the last time the position of the number one female anchor in e-sports was taken away by Wangchuan, Zi Fairy has actually been unconvinced.

But after playing the game for so long, she has never seen Wangchuan. She really wants to see how ugly Wangchuan looks!

Su Penghao's face looked better when he saw Zi Fairy.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard a familiar voice and said slowly: "I'm here."

Everyone turned their heads and saw Qiao Lian slowly walking up to the Purple Fairy and extending her hand to her, "I have never formally introduced myself. I am Wangchuan."

 (End of this chapter)

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