After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 869: The truth eight years ago! (19)

 Chapter 869 The truth eight years ago! (19)

 She knows that her brother is doing everything for her own good.

 They lost their parents when they were so young.

 My brother has to work to make money, and he wants to play his own games at night.

 So she has to take care of herself.

 After all, my brother is actually just an eighteen-year-old boy.

 Her brother hoped that she would become strong and aggressive. Once, he even deliberately angered Xiao Qiao and then made a loud noise to let her hear Xiao Qiao's curses.

 She cursed so confidently, like a heroine, with a lively personality, witty and humorous words, which made her envious.

 Brother often says: "You have to learn from Xiao Qiao..."

 “You have to learn from Xiao Qiao…”

 Everything is Xiao Qiao.

 At that time, she knew that her brother liked Xiao Qiao.

One time, when she was eating, she didn't like green peppers and was picking something else to eat. Her brother put a large piece of green pepper into her bowl.

She curled her lips and said weakly: "Brother, can I not eat green peppers?"

After saying this, I heard my brother say: "Xiao Qiao likes to eat green peppers the most. You should also eat more. You should learn from her character to avoid being upset at school."

 It’s Xiao Qiao again!

She rarely lost her temper and threw her chopsticks on the table, "Are you in love with that Xiao Qiao? How about Xiao Qiao every day, how about Xiao Qiao... If you like her, you should go after her! You can catch her , come and be my sister-in-law, just in time to teach me how to be more aggressive!"

 Brother was shocked by what she said.

He jumped up and said, "Who likes her? Who likes her! How could I like her!"

She wondered, "Why can't I like her?"

 Why can't you like her?

 Later, she realized that it was because she was his best brother, Zichuan's girlfriend.

 Later on, my brother became a little neurotic and often avoided Qiao Lian.

 Sometimes, I no longer follow the two of them to play games and practice quietly by myself.

 Brother became unhappy.

 Before, every time he wanted to play games, he would be very excited.

 But later, every time he played games, he would look sad.

 Until later, Zichuan came to their home.

 This was her first time meeting Brother Liangchuan.

 So tall, so handsome, so attractive!

I don’t know what Brother Liangchuan said to his brother, but he suddenly changed and returned to his former self.

They became good buddies again, and together with the chirping, lively and cute Xiao Qiao, they lived their lives freely in the game.

 Until that time…

Song Yuanxi stared at Qiao Lian and slowly said, "That time, you guys lost in a game. It was you who suggested forming a club, right?"

Qiao Lian was slightly startled when she thought about it.

is her.

It was she who brought it up first.

Song Yuanxi looked at her and smiled, "I used to envy your eldest lady's temper, but that time, I really hated you! Because of your words, my brother resigned, and Brother Liangchuan was kicked out of the house... You know what they want How much do you need to prepare to set up an e-sports club? If you are far away in Suzhou, the two of them will break their legs if you use your words!"

 Qiao Lian was stunned.

 Because she established the CQ Club, she also participated in the entire establishment process, so she knows how complicated the process is.

Zichuan and Mo Wuxin, who were still eighteen years old at the time and penniless, would definitely find it even more difficult to do these things.

 (End of this chapter)

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