After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 870: The truth eight years ago! (20)

 Chapter 870 The truth eight years ago! (20)

Song Yuanxi lowered his head, "You are not in BJ, but I am."

“I saw with my own eyes that in order to attract sponsors, Brother Liangchuan was such a arrogant person, and he treated people to dinner in such a humble manner. He worked hard to tell others what e-sports is and what the club does..."

 At that time, they were all children.

 The concept of e-sports has not yet become popular.

 Even the country does not list e-sports as a sport.

 For adults, e-sports is not e-sports, it is not business, it is a game.

 No one will want to invest.

  At that time, the club was established. Thinking about it now, it is simply unbelievable.

 And they have no money, so they definitely need the intervention of investors, otherwise, the club will not be established.

"My brother and Liangchuan brother spent the whole night blocking those investors, trying hard to explain to them the difference between playing games and playing competitions. Although e-sports competitions have started abroad, they are not popular in China after all."

Song Yuanxi seemed to be lost in memories, "My brother and I didn't have much savings at first. Later, my brother was running around with Brother Liangchuan, and the family was in trouble. I still remember that the school had to pay fifty yuan for information fees. , Brother can’t even take it out…”

 Mo Wuxin was supporting him and his sister on his own.

 Shen Liangchuan, on the other hand, had just been kicked out of the Shen family and left home.

The situation was so difficult, but they never gave up.

 Qiao Lian clenched her fists.

 A feeling of guilt arises spontaneously.

Her words changed the lives of two people.

songs Brother Chuan looked excited, and I realized that there are some things that cannot be satisfied by material life. Both my brother and Brother Liangchuan have dreams."

“I don’t know your passion for playing games. I only know that I am willing to make my brother and Liangchuan happy.”

"At that time, Brother Liangchuan moved out of their villa and became like us, living in a bungalow and renting a small room. The time I saw him, my brother and I didn't sleep all night. Fierce debaters about the road ahead…I’m happy for them too.”

 “But what happened next?”

Song Yuanxi stood up, staring at Qiao Lian with red eyes.

She bit her lip, pointed at Qiao Lian and said, "What happened next? Did you just quit the club without saying a word?"

Qiao Lian opened her mouth.

 She was injured in both hands, resulting in a blow.

So I called Zichuan and told him that I couldn’t play games with him anymore...

 But...what does her quitting the club have to do with Mo Wuxin's death?

"Do you know how the club is built bit by bit? If you say it is established, it will be established. If you say you want to quit, then quit! Do you know what price others will pay for your words?! The price of establishment , it was my brother who resigned and became a vagrant, and the cost of your withdrawal was my brother’s life!”

 Take her brother’s life?

 Qiao Lian stood up and stared at Song Yuanxi in astonishment: "I quit the club, and then, what happened?"

 She clenched her fists tightly, waiting for the final answer to be revealed!

 (End of this chapter)

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