After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 871: climax! The truth eight years ago! (twenty one)

 Chapter 871 Climax! The truth eight years ago! (twenty one)

Song Yuanxi stood in front of Qiao Lian.

At this moment, her eyes were red and she was very emotional. She looked like she would be killed in the next second.

Qiao Lian stared at her, waiting for her next words.

 She bit her lip and spoke slowly: "Did you know that when you establish a club, you have to sign a recruitment contract?"

  Qiao Lian nodded, "I know."

 Zombie Chang and the others are in the CQ team and have all signed labor contracts.

 They will be paid wages according to the requirements in the contract in the future...

 And what happened that year...

 She had injured her hand at the time, and she was so consumed with the pain that she would never be able to play again that she didn't think about it at all.

Besides, she didn’t understand any of this at all at that time...

She stared at Song Yuanxi in confusion and heard her next words: "Then do you know that your temporary withdrawal will cause them to pay high liquidated damages!"

 High liquidated damages!

 Qiao Lian's eyes narrowed.

I heard Song Yuanxi say: "200,000! 200,000 high liquidated damages! Do you know how hard it was for my brother and Liangchuan to come up with these 200,000?!"


 Qiao Lian stood up in shock!

 She stared at Song Yuanxi, "I, I don't know, I've never heard of it..."

"Of course you haven't heard of it, because! My brother and Liangchuan brother are not willing to tell you! They all want to hold you in their hands and put you in their hearts! How can they make you embarrassed because of these two hundred thousand? !”

 Qiao Lian bit her lip and clenched her fists tightly: "Then what?"

Song Yuanxi smiled bitterly and burst into tears, "Then, in order to get this number in the shortest time, my brother and Liangchuan started playing games all night long, buying equipment and selling them for money. They didn't get much rest for a whole week, and finally , just barely made up this number.”

“They hadn’t rested for a week and were in a daze. When they were walking on the road, Brother Liangchuan didn’t notice that there was a car rushing out next to him..."

“It’s my brother. He suddenly found out and pushed Brother Liangchuan away! Then, my brother got into a car accident!”

  Song Yuanxi broke down in tears when she said this!

She stared at Qiao Lian with eyes full of resentment, "I know, two hundred thousand may be nothing to you! But how can you play with others like this? You proposed the establishment of the club, why can't you insist on it? In the end! Why did you... quit! Without you, my brother would still be alive... It was you who killed my brother!"


Her crying and whimpering reached Qiao Lian's ears in a low voice.

At this moment, Qiao Lian felt like a thunder struck her ears.

She has been thinking hard for so long, and she has been searching for the truth for so long, but she never thought that the final result would be like this.

 She thought that Mo Wuxin's death had absolutely nothing to do with her.

 She thought it was all a misunderstanding.

 I didn’t expect that it would be such a mistake.

She felt that her legs were weak and her whole brain was empty for a moment.

how so?

how could this be?

When she was in a daze, Song Yuanxi's voice came over again: "Now you know why I hate you! Brother Liangchuan and I are so good to you! Why do you betray them? How could you, how could you bear it? , betray them like this?”

 (End of this chapter)

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