After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 876: The truth eight years ago! (26)

 Chapter 876 The truth eight years ago! (26)

Qiao Lian clenched her fists tightly and looked at Shen Liangchuan on the hospital bed.


 When Shen Liangchuan woke up, he had been sleeping deeply for six or seven hours.

I haven’t slept like this for a long time.

  Maybe it was the intravenous drip that had a calming effect, so he slept particularly deeply this night.

 So sinking that he didn't even dream much.

 It felt like half of the energy that had disappeared during this period had returned, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

He himself knew that if he continued to suffer from insomnia, his body might not be able to hold on any longer.

 Now, he was given another chance to breathe.

Shen Liangchuan moved and wanted to do it.

 But the excruciating pain in my legs suddenly came over me.

 He had always been shy, so he frowned but didn't say a word.

  He raised his head and his eyes fell on the leg.

 The things that happened before he was knocked unconscious came into his mind. He couldn't help but laugh.

 What happened to him at that time?

 Why did you see Mo Wuxin standing in front of that car?

 It was as if a ghost had possessed him, and he rushed over regardless.

Xiao Qiao and Mom must be frightened, right?

Just when I was thinking of this, I suddenly realized something. I suddenly looked up and found that Xia Yehua was already leaning on the sofa next to me, sleeping quietly.

 He was slightly startled.

 Where is Xiao Qiao?

He frowned and was about to get out of bed to look for it when the door to the ward was pushed open and Qiao Lian's familiar figure appeared there.

The moment he saw Qiao Lian again, Shen Liangchuan's heart suddenly fell back to where it was before.

Qiao Lian stood there with a smile, "Are you awake? Are you hungry? I made pig's feet soup for you! They say you eat what you eat to make up for it. Your legs and feet are injured. In the past few days, you have been I need to eat more pig’s feet soup!”

Looking at Qiao Lian who was so narrow and lively, Shen Liangchuan nodded, "Okay."

 He laughed.

That smile seemed to have its own light, shining brightly throughout the room.

Qiao Lian looked at the photo and felt her eyes were a little sore.

 She quickly turned her head away, walked to the side, poured out the soup, and handed it to him.

Shen Liangchuan took a look. Soybean and pig's trotter soup was usually eaten by pregnant women. It looked greasy and a bit disgusting.

He frowned, "My bones are injured, shouldn't I eat more pork rib soup? Why pig's feet soup?"

Qiao Lian suddenly frowned: "You can drink it if I ask you to, why are you talking so much nonsense!"

 After saying that, he put the bowl into Shen Liangchuan's hand, "Drink quickly!"

Shen Liangchuan looked at her helplessly, held his breath, and drank it in one gulp.

 When the soup was finished, Xia Yehua also woke up.

Seeing Qiao Lian, she immediately said, "Are you back?"

Qiao Lian nodded, "Mom, go home. I'm watching him here!"

Xia Yehua was worried, "But..."

"Mom, what's the problem?" Qiao Lian looked at her with a smile, "He hurt his leg, not somewhere else, it's fine. But you, your health is not good, what should you do if your blood pressure is high after enduring so much? "

Xia Yehua could only nod, "Okay."

 After Xia Yehua left, Qiao Lian took out the food box again and took out the nutritional meal package inside.

 After Shen Liangchuan finished eating, she packed her things casually.

 Then he took it to the bathroom next to him to wash it.

 After cleaning, she walked out, busy, like a little daughter-in-law.

Shen Liangchuan looked at her and felt very relieved.

 (End of this chapter)

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