After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 877: The truth eight years ago! (27)

 Chapter 877 The truth eight years ago! (27)

After cleaning up the ward, Qiao Lian sat beside Shen Liangchuan's bed.

The two were facing each other, and Shen Liangchuan suddenly reached out his hand and touched her head.

Qiao Lianxiao: "What are you doing?"

Shen Liangchuan: "My little Qiao, I feel grown up."

 “Are you saying I’m old?”


 “That’s what you mean!”

Shen Liangchuan couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw her becoming unruly and willful, "I mean, it doesn't matter if you get old."

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

 Qiao Lian snorted, then looked at him, and suddenly picked up her phone, "It's so boring, let's play two games?"

Shen Liangchuan raised his eyebrows.

 Qiao Lian seems to have regained her passion for games recently.

Besides, while he was recovering from illness, it was really not suitable for him to read documents. It would be nice to relax with her.

So, Shen Liangchuan picked up the phone.

 Two people logged into a mobile game-like lot.

Qiao Lian said: "I now feel that the mobile game version is not worse than the computer version. The pace is super fast! It is more exciting than the computer! Of course, it also tests the teamwork more."

Shen Liangchuan nodded, "Sooner or later mobile e-sports will develop."

Qiao Lian's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Then we can also develop into mobile games in the future."

Shen Liangchuan nodded.

Qiao Lian smiled and then opened the game.

  Logged in to the account.

 As soon as her account was logged in, Shen Liangchuan was stunned.

 Because, Qiao Lian logged in with her big account, Xiao Qiao.

Shen Liangchuan frowned.

Qiao Lian raised her head and looked at him, "Shen Liangchuan, the people who are matched with the trumpet are very poor. It's boring to play. Let's play with the big trumpet."

Shen Liangchuan tensed his jaw.

 Since eight years ago, he has never logged into Zichuan's account.

 Because he saw that Zichuan died on the day Mo Wuxin died.

 However, looking at Qiao Lian's eyes full of expectation, he suddenly laughed: "Okay."

 He never had the heart to refuse her requests.

  Just like eight years ago…

Thinking of what happened eight years ago, Shen Liangchuan lowered his eyes.

 He picked up his mobile phone and logged into Zichuan's account.

 Zichuan and Xiao Qiao finally met again in the game.

Qiao Lian got married and invited Zichuan.

 After matching ten people in 5V5, Qiao Lian chose Xiao Qiao and Zichuan chose Zhou Yu.

Games start.

 Someone spoke directly from the opposite side!

  【Oh my God, what did I see? Zichuan and Xiaoqiao! 】

【really? I must be playing a fake game! 】

  【It can't be fake, because the game ID cannot be repeated, and there is only one Xiao Qiao in the entire lot. 】

 Seeing this, Qiao Lian smiled.


 Game ID cannot be repeated.

 She liked the character Xiao Qiao and the name Xiao Qiao, so when she wanted to change her name to Xiao Qiao, she found that someone else had already taken advantage of her.

She looked at Shen Liangchuan and said with a smile: "When I was young, I was really willful. I found the first person named Xiao Qiao on the game, and I forced her to add a symbol to the name, and then I Changed his name to Xiao Qiao!”

 So, she is the unique Xiao Qiao in the whole lot!

 Shen Liangchuan laughed directly when he heard this.

 Then, someone in the same team spoke:

  【What are Xiao Qiao and Zichuan? Why are you so excited? 】

As soon as these words came out, the entire game chat interface suddenly became quiet.

  Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan looked at each other and said nothing, because at this time, the game began!

 (End of this chapter)

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