The two of them had to wait for a long time.

Zhao Wei hesitated.

"Let's talk about this after Hongjun's coming-of-age party. It's too early to decide now."

She has always been indecisive and has a hard time making decisions.

Fang Junhong coughed and said, "Then let's go abroad, that's it."

Fang Qingyan glanced at Fang Jinglei, stood up and said, "That's it, I'll go back to my room first."

Fang Jinglei stood up and said, "I'll go back to my room too."

Fang Zhidie picked up her bag and said, "Hongjun, do you want to go out and play with your sister?"

Zhao Wei patted Fang Hongjun's hand and said, "Go if you want to, don't play too late, don't drink too much, understand?"

Fang Hongjun shook his head and said, "Sister, go by yourself, I'll go back to my room and play games for a while."


"Sister, don't you think Fang Hongjun said those things today on purpose?"

Fang Jinglei lit a cigarette, her face a little ugly.

Fang Qingyan sighed, "If you look at it with prejudice, of course it's intentional.

But what if Hongjun's original intention was to ask?

Why do you think so badly of him?

Besides, there are only three or two 985 students in No. 38 Middle School every year. No matter what, he can't compare with Hongjun in terms of grades.

It's normal for children to be competitive. There's no need to think too much."

Fang Jinglei didn't want to hear these meaningless things. She asked directly, "Have you found anything these days?"

Fang Qingyan shook her head, "Nothing useful.

But what is certain is that Dad did have an affair with Qin Bailian. In the past half month, he has been there three times. "Fang Jinglei said softly: "But these are not enough, there is no way to prove the relationship between Hongjun and her. Sister, I have withdrawn the commission. I have other ways to prove this matter. "Fang Qingyan looked up and said: "I thought of it too. If you want to prove it, you just need to find someone to get Qin Bailian's hair for a paternity test. I am not worried about the result. But how can we make our mother accept the result of this matter? If she can't accept it, what can we do? "Fang Jinglei smiled bitterly and said: "What else can we do? I will go Do it. "

Fang Qingyan was silent for a moment before asking:

"So you don't believe me?

Do you think I will lie for this family?"

After a pause, she looked up and stared into Fang Jinglei's eyes and said:

"I admit it.

I don't want the result to be true.

I hope the result is that Fang Hongjun has no blood relationship with Dad.

In this way, this family will not break up, and Mom won't be sad.

Everyone is still together happily.

Even if Fang Ping'an doesn't come back, this family is still good.

To put it more cruelly, sacrificing Fang Ping'an alone in exchange for the stability of this family and the Fang family in I think it is worth it to gain a good reputation outside the family.

Anyway, neither my parents nor the rest of us like him, right?

Do you have to break up this family to feel at ease?

Are you satisfied?

Jinglei, why have you become like this now?

Didn't you and the third brother target Ping An in the past?

Although I don't care about him, I rarely say things to him that are unacceptable.

Don't you all want him to get out of the Fang family?

I remember that you were the first one to ask him to get out of the Fang family, weren't you? "

Fang Qingyan's series of questions broke Fang Jinglei's defense.

She lowered her head and looked at her hands.

Tears dripped on her arms and hands.

"Yes, I have been saying bad things to him.

I even instigated the third sister to target Ping An.

This is all my fault.

I shouldn't have asked him to get out.

I shouldn't have said bad things about him in front of my parents.

I shouldn't have encouraged Zhidie to hurt his heart..."

She raised her head, revealing a tear-stained face.

"Sister, I was wrong. I'm sorry...

Don't hesitate any longer, sister.

This should be told to mom, no matter what.

If Hongjun is dad's biological child, then mom should know..."

"Don't say it," Fang Qingyan interrupted her:

"Mom has not been in good health.

Don't you think about whether mom can accept it if you tell her directly?

If something happens, I will regret it to death."

Fang Jinglei choked up and said, "We can't keep it a secret from mom forever.

If it's true as dad said, everything in the family is inherited by Hongjun, then we

What are these people?

Sister, what do you think of what you have done for this family?

There are also the third and fourth sisters.

The fourth sister is still in school, so she should be able to accept it.

It’s just that the third sister likes to go to extremes...”

Fang Qingyan pinched her eyebrows and said, “Okay, okay, don’t cry.

Crying makes people upset.

Let me think about it again. ”

Fang Jinglei wiped her tears and said, “No matter what you plan, I absolutely cannot accept letting that illegitimate child stay at home!

The one who should really leave this family is Fang Hongjun!”

Fang Qingyan waved her hand and said, “Okay, okay, I know.

Go back to your room.

Just these two days, I will collect some hair and do a paternity test. ”

Fang Jinglei stood up and said, “I don’t care whether you do it or not.

I don’t believe you either.

I will find a way to do it myself.

Don’t think about hiding it from mom.

As long as the results come out, I will tell mom everything frankly.

A short pain is worse than a long one.

I will arrange it. "

Fang Qingyan stared at her blankly, "You, you, you are really going to piss me off!

Forget it!

You can do whatever you want."


Chen Shaohua's family gathered around the dining table.

The drinks that Chen Shuhui and Liu Qing drank, two family buckets, were actually quite large.

Four people really couldn't finish them.

Fang Ping'an didn't drink.

He shared the remaining three chicken legs with his godfather, godmother and Huihui.

He ate a hamburger himself, then got up and went back to his room.

When he came out, he was holding a stack of red books, with an unopened tablet and mobile phone on the property certificate, and a computer bag on his shoulder.



Seeing that the whole family was staring at him, Fang Ping'an smiled and walked over to put all the things on the sofa and said:

"Godfather, godmother, Huihui, these are all for you. "

He put the tablet and mobile phone on the other side, took off the computer bag and put it on the sofa.

"Shaohua..." Liu Qing looked at the pile of real estate certificates and opened the top one with trembling hands.

Chen Shaohua followed and picked up another one.

Only Chen Shuhui took the mobile phone in her hand and shouted with surprise: "Wow, brother, is this for me?"

Fang Ping'an smiled and rubbed her head and said: "These are actually all for you.

There are 11 houses in total, computers, tablets and mobile phones, all yours."

Chen Shaohua had only drunk two glasses of wine so far and was completely sober.

It was clearly written on the real estate certificate that the owner was Chen Shuhui.

"Ping'an, where did you get the money?"

"Yes, Ping'an, where did you get so much money to buy so many houses?"

Liu Qing echoed and asked, and she didn't stop her hands. She picked up the books one by one and opened them to read them.

"Brother, did you win the lottery?" Chen Shuhui said while unpacking.

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