The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next few days.

Fang Pingan nodded with a smile.

"In the last lottery draw last month, I won five grand prizes and five third prizes."

"Wow... Brother, you've made a fortune!"

The little girl was only interested in mobile phones and tablets, and she didn't pay much attention to the house.

Liu Qing put down the last real estate certificate in her hand, looked up at him with red eyes, "Pingan, why don't you write your name?"

Chen Shaohua was speechless, he hadn't recovered from the shock.

Chen Shuhui asked in confusion: "Let me see whose name my brother wrote."

She screamed when she opened a random book.

"Brother, why did you write my name?"

Pick up another book at random, and then the next one.

Chen Shaohua's lips trembled as he asked, "Ping An, why are you doing this?

The money is yours, can't you keep it for yourself?"

Fang Ping An smiled and said, "From today on, I won't call you godfather or godmother.

Dad, Mom, these houses are all in Huihui's name.

And they are all old and dilapidated houses. I have contacted an agent to rent them out. When the time comes, the rent will be the main source of income for the family.

You should modify the restaurant and stop getting up at two or three o'clock every morning.

I didn't expect to win the lottery, and the house has been bought, so don't worry about it.

I have the ability to make money and buy you a better house in the future."

Liu Qing was completely broken by the word "Mom and Dad" and cried loudly.

She couldn't even speak.

Chen Shaohua wiped her tears and said, "You can't give it all to her! Don't you keep it for yourself?"

Fang Ping An acted very calmly.

"Mom and Dad, since I'm doing this, I've certainly thought about it.

You only have Huihui as your daughter, and now you have me.

No matter what, Huihui will get married in the future.

These houses, as pre-marital property, will definitely not become someone else's.

That is Huihui's property to rely on in the future. No matter what, she won't have a hard life."

Chen Shuhui interrupted, "Brother, how old am I to say these..."

Fang Ping'an pinched her cheeks, "You are my sister, I should give it to you. And the computer is also for you."

Turning around, he continued to say to Chen Shaohua, "The house has been sold and is in her name. I will definitely not take it back.

Besides, I still have more than two million in my hand. In the future, whether it is going to be on the upper Studying or doing something else, it's enough.

What's more, I can make money!

My college entrance examination score will definitely not be low, so no matter where I go to school or my life, you don't need to worry about me.

When the time comes, I will live in the school dormitory and eat in the school cafeteria, and you don't need to worry about anything.

As for you, you will just live at home collecting rent in the future.

That small restaurant can be opened if you want to, and closed if you don't want to.

Anyway, you won't be short of money in the future, right? "

Liu Qing wiped her tears and shook her head, saying: "No, I can't take your things."

Chen Shaohua nodded, "That's the truth.

You call us mom and dad and you are still a child.

It doesn't make sense for us to start eating and drinking yours.

We can still work and can provide for you two We can support you to go to college, even to graduate school or doctoral studies in the future. "

Fang Pingan smiled and said, "Don't worry, life will get better and better in the future.


I also plan to buy you a new car, but it's not easy to buy it directly, I'm afraid you won't like it. "

Chen Shaohua immediately shook his head and waved his hands and said, "No, don't spend money anymore.

It's hard to make money now, but it's spent very quickly.

Don't spend money recklessly in the future."

Fang Pingan nodded quickly and said with a smile:

"Yeah, I know.

I haven't eaten a few bites just now, but I just want to take this opportunity today to tell you that I am not only good at studying, but also very lucky.

If it weren't for you, my parents, taking me in, I wouldn't have won the prize, right?"

Liu Qing also nodded involuntarily.

Chen Shaohua sighed and said, "Then let's continue eating. Wife, please pack these things and put them away."

Chen Shuhui was no longer in the mood to eat.

She started fiddling with her phone, and only put down her things and came to eat after Liu Qing scolded her.

"Brother, I'm a little rich, right? Can I just lie down and do nothing in the future?

You said I'm so rich, why do I need to go to school!

Being a landlady is not bad, right?"

Fang Ping'an smiled and shook his head.

He didn't say anything, he hadn't eaten yet.

Chen Shaohua drank a glass of wine and put down the glass and said: "You are a student, what do you want to do if you don't study?"

Liu Qing slapped the little girl directly, "What nonsense are you talking about?

Those houses belong to your brother, not you!

It's just borrowing your name, do you think it's really yours?"

Chen Shuhui didn't care so much.

"Brother, if you buy a house, just buy it yourself. Are you afraid that your family will snatch it by writing my name?"

She just said it casually, but it reminded Fang Pingan.

"That's not the case, it's just to give you a guarantee in the future.

You still have to study hard.

Didn't I say that?

The college entrance examination is the only relatively fair opportunity, an opportunity for us to change our family's living conditions.

If you do what you said, I'm so rich, why do I have to go to college!

I can buy a house and lie down."

Chen Shuhui nodded and said nothing.

French fries are really delicious!

It's a pity that there is only iced cola but no iced milk tea...

After listening to what Fang Pingan said, Chen Shaohua didn't say anything else.

But that night, Chen Shaohua and Liu Qing were lying in bed, and both couldn't sleep.

"We can't keep those houses, Shaohua."

"Well, I know. It's just that Huihui's name is already written on it, and it's not easy to change it in a short time.

And it will cost a lot of money to change it.

Also, Pingan has to sign when the name is changed, and he probably won't be willing to sign."

"Today, when I heard Pingan call me mom, I was really excited.

After four years, he can finally call me mom again. Woo woo woo..."

Chen Shaohua patted Liu Qing's hand and comforted him, "Let's leave it at that for the house.

When he chooses to go to Beijing to go to college, let's go with him.

At worst, I'll ask them to provide some help and convenience for Pingan."

Liu Qing was stunned and hesitated.

"Shaohua, you didn't ask them for help when it was so hard back then. Isn't it inappropriate to ask them now?

I don't know what Ping An really needs?"

Chen Shaohua sighed, "He calls me dad, so I should do this.

Otherwise, I don't have the face to be his father.

It was hard back then, I was sorry for you, letting you suffer with me for so many years..."

Liu Qing covered his mouth with a hand and said with a choked voice: "Don't say it. I want to.

Because of me, you left the Chen family. It's not me who suffered with you, it's you who suffered for so many years because of me..."

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