The nearest night market is on Dehong North Road.

You need to walk through three main street intersections to get to the bar.

I don’t know much about the rest of the road, but at least there are cameras at every intersection.

This is common sense. Fang Ping’an can see the existence of the cameras without deliberately looking up.

Although he can’t tell which one is related to public security, if the police check, these cameras can provide information.

If you take a detour, you need to pass a small park. He remembers that there is a fountain in it.

To be safe, he took out his mobile phone, opened the map, and checked it.

Sure enough, walking northwest, about 300 meters and a block away is the park.

Fang Ping’an hesitated for a moment, and then walked towards the park.

That fountain is where he used to wash himself.

The weather was very hot, but I felt refreshed after taking a cold shower.

I was wet all over, and I felt cold when the night wind blew.

He started to jog towards the night market.

The night market on Dehong North Road is not a snack street.

There are mainly three kinds of things for sale: toys, shoes, and clothing accessories.

It was a time when there were many people, and everyone was just enjoying the cool breeze, strolling around and picking up things they liked at will.

The sound of bargaining was very lively.

Fang Pingan threw his hat into the trash can on the side of the road, and then followed the crowd to pick up what he wanted.

He could clearly smell the faint smell of garbage on himself.

Although it was not strong, you could still smell it if you got close.

It was mainly the smell on the clothes.

He easily bought a new set of clothes and changed his shoes, and then carried the changed clothes and shoes in a plastic bag and continued to move forward.

He randomly found a neighborhood and walked in, then threw all his clothes and pants into the recycling box for used clothes and turned around and left.

After changing his clothes, he began to recall the details of what happened before.

What he did was too obvious or left clear traces.

He didn't know whether the three guys would die.

But if they really died, he would definitely not be able to escape.

At least, Fang Hongjun's phone had a call record with him.

At that time, the police would definitely ask him to come over for questioning... to cooperate with the investigation.

But can he withstand the investigation?

He didn't know if what he did was right.

Until now, he is still very scared.

Afraid that the police will find him.

After all, he didn't have enough evidence to prove where he was during this period.

And there were no witnesses to provide evidence.

Although he was wearing a hat when he came out of the alley, he believed that the surveillance cameras on the road must have seen his figure.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he had missed too many things.

At that time, he was also impulsive when he beat people.

Besides, Fang Hongjun shouldn't have been released from the blacklist in the first place!

This is just looking for trouble.

How can he make his whereabouts more reasonable?

Although there is a little time gap in the middle, what if he can give a reasonable reason?

What reason can play such a role?

He thought about it and didn't know what reason to use.

When he saw the neon light box of an Internet cafe, he stopped.

Instinctively, Fang Pingan began to recall how Fang Hongjun dealt with some shameful things when he was in the spirit state.

But he found that the two were completely different.

He simply walked into the Internet cafe, turned on a computer, put on headphones and turned on the American TV series.

But his mind was not on the plot at all.

After thinking for a long time, he regretted it a little.

At that time, he should have hidden in the gap between the big trash can and the back door platform.

Until the two people couldn't wait for him and left directly.

Anyway, as long as I don't show up, there is basically no danger.

Using this method, I can also confirm whether Fang Hongjun has arranged someone to kidnap him like in the previous life.

As long as I can hear the sound of their phone calls, I can basically confirm this.

But, what if Fang Hongjun continues to attack me in another way because I didn't show up?

For example, the most common one is to go to the hospital and find a person who is crazy about money to drive a car to hit him?

Or find a dying person and stab him directly on the street?

These possibilities are not impossible

, but very high!

The more Fang Pingan thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

So it shouldn't be wrong for him to take the initiative.

But the bad thing was that he didn't know whether Fang Hongjun was dead or alive.

If he was implicated because of his death, his life would be ruined.

He hadn't started college yet.

He still had an unlimited future.

With his photographic memory, he should have a lot to do.

All of this became a suspense...

The more he thought about it, the more scared he became.

He just thought of his family, and then he remembered to tell his parents.

He picked up the phone and saw that there were indeed several missed calls.

He quickly took off his headphones and called back.

Chen Shaohua had already started to comfort Liu Qing at this time.

She didn't know where this adopted son was now, and he didn't answer the phone. She didn't know if something had happened.

He just thought of his family, and then he remembered to tell his parents.

He picked up the phone and saw that there were indeed several missed calls.

He quickly took off his headphones and called back.

Chen Shaohua was comforting Liu Qing tirelessly at this time.

She didn't know where this adopted son was now, and he didn't answer the phone. She didn't know if something had happened.

After hearing the phone ring, he glanced at the screen and quickly said to Liu Qing:

"Okay, okay, Ping An called back.

I said he was busy and might not have heard..."

Then he answered the phone.

Liu Qing was relieved, but her eyes were fixed on her husband.

"Hey, Ping An, where are you?"

"Dad, I'm watching American TV series in the Internet cafe. I won't go home tonight..."

Fang Ping An tried to make his voice sound calm.

As if nothing had happened.

Chen Shaohua frowned slightly, "Not coming back? Are you planning to stay in the Internet cafe all night? Not going to sleep?"

Fang Ping'an explained, "Dad, I'll go back after I finish watching."

After Chen Shaohua turned on the hands-free, he asked, "Are you planning to sleep directly in the Internet cafe?

If you don't come back, pay attention to your own safety and don't conflict with others.

Internet cafes are very messy places."

Fang Ping'an agreed repeatedly.

"Yeah, don't worry...

Yeah, I know, don't worry.

I will go back early tomorrow morning."

Liu Qing sat aside without saying a word.

She was very relieved about Ping'an.

When he was young, the child was very obedient. When he occasionally went out to play, he would tell them where he was going, who he was with, etc.

Now the child is older, and he has been in the Fang family for the past four years, and he is not living comfortably.

Now that the college entrance examination is over, it is not impossible for the child to be unrestrained.

So she didn't say a word.

She got up and poured water to wash her feet.

Fang Pingan hung up the phone and asked for a night out.

I had just called my family and I felt much better and not so nervous.

Although the two kidnappers were bought by Fang Hongjun, they didn't have time to attack him.

On the contrary, he knocked them unconscious with a brick and didn't know if they were dead.

If they were dead, would he be shot?

I still haven't started college yet...

I didn't do a lot of things in my last life, and I don't want to miss them again in this life because of murder.

The more I think about it, the more scared I am.

The more I think about it, the more regretful I am, regretting that I shouldn't be impulsive.

If I really killed someone, my life would be ruined.

Intentional homicide is punishable by death.

He began to tremble involuntarily and even began to sob softly.

A fat man who was playing a game next to him turned his head and looked at him in confusion.

I said, you are watching a zombie movie, why are you crying...

Fang Pingan regretted his impulsiveness and cried.

At that time, his mind was hot, and he thought about how to do it in a very short time and then he did it directly.

He didn't call the police as planned, let alone contact other people.

He was just thinking about it, and finally fell asleep on the sofa.

When the network administrator came over and saw that he was asleep, he didn't care about him.

Soon, there were basically no people in the Internet cafe except for the students who had just finished the college entrance examination.

On the other side, the July Flower Bar called the police at around 2 o'clock in the morning.

Because the back door is not only a place to dump garbage, but also a place to pile up empty bottles.

Every night, countless bottles are put in baskets and placed in the open space behind, and will be taken away when new wine is delivered the next afternoon.

There is not only a car parked in the open space behind the bar, but also three people lying next to the car. I don't know if they are dead.

The waiter who carried the basket out to put the empty bottles was almost scared to death.

It was the middle of the night, and suddenly saw three people lying on the ground. Anyone would be scared.


So they ran back to report the situation to the manager, and then the manager stood on the stage and looked at the situation and called the police directly.

In order to avoid getting the bar into trouble, they didn't even touch the three people or the bodies lying on the ground.

Three police cars arrived at the scene quickly.

The ambulance also rushed over "Zwa Ziwa".

The three people didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

It might be a big case.

The duty director of the police station came.

The scene looked quite big.

After confirming that no one died, the manager of the July Flower Bar was relieved.

Although the camera on the back door had been broken for a long time, at least he had done what he could.

He didn't even notify the big boss. Based on experience, the big boss didn't need to come forward for this matter.

No one died, and the bar didn't need to close.

That's good.

He didn't care who the person on the ground outside was.

Anyway, his boss was not far from being a jack of all trades in Yuncheng.

Besides, the boss rarely comes here.

He accompanied the director to smoke a few cigarettes and then sent the police away.

The ambulance left directly.

The station wagon was also driven away by the police.

In this case, only someone reported the case to the police. If no one reported the case, there would be no way to file a case.

These were all things Fang Pingan had not expected.

At this time, he had fallen asleep on the sofa in the Internet cafe.

He still had a faint smell of garbage on his body.

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