After the death of Fang Hongjun, the family was still young.

It was already the third day when Fang Hongjun woke up.

He was a little confused and couldn't remember many things, that is, he forgot a lot of things because of the blood clots in his head.

Fang Junhong was shocked and angry. After seeing that the last call record was from Fang Pingan, he immediately believed that Fang Pingan was the murderer.

The other two victims claimed that it was Fang Hongjun, the eldest master, who asked them to meet at the back door.

As for the purpose of meeting at the back door, they said they didn't know and were knocked unconscious before they saw Master Fang.

As for the text message they sent to Fang Hongjun, it was impossible to explain.

What is OK?

Come to the back door and go together?

This is easy to understand.

But where are they going together?

What are you going to do?

This is another topic that is hard to explain.

The two hesitant people were under strict police surveillance. Although they were in the hospital, they could not leave.

The police needed to wait for Fang Hongjun to recover his memory before making the next judgment.

The hospital diagnosed that the three people suffered blunt blows to the head and had a serious concussion.

The youngest Fang Hongjun had blood clots in his head and needed major surgery.

Fang Junhong made a big fuss at the police station, and then Fang Ping'an was taken to the police station.

Chen Shuhui didn't know about this because she was in school, but Chen Shaohua and his wife were completely shocked.

What's going on?

Is my Ping'an involved in a case that caused serious injuries?

Fang Ping'an's phone was set not to answer any strange calls.

This forced the police to find Chen Shaohua and take Fang Ping'an away from the driving school.

This made the matter a big deal.

The coach watched with regret as his good disciple, who offered a pack of cigarettes every day, followed the police into the car and left.

Fang Pingan sat in the interrogation room, feeling very nervous.

But he could still control his facial expressions.

He was just nervous, his heart was beating fast, and his forehead was sweating.

That was nothing, the policemen were also sweating.

The weather was too hot!

"Fang Pingan, where were you between 9:30 and 10 last Saturday night?"

The two police officers who asked were very calm, not stern at all.

Fang Pingan pretended to think, and then simply said that he went to the July Flower Bar.

It was about 10 o'clock, and after leaving the bar and walking around the street, he went to the Internet cafe to watch the latest season of the American TV series Economic Crime Unit all night.

This was the most appropriate explanation he could think of.

Because the surveillance inside the bar definitely had a video of him appearing, he could not deny it.

He simply admitted it generously.

"What time did you go to the bar and what time did you leave?"

Fang Pingan clearly felt that the police officer's tone had become a little more severe.

"It was probably after nine o'clock...

I didn't pay attention to the exact time.

It was probably before ten when I left."

Fang Ping'an answered with his head down.

Transcripts are usually taken only when two police officers are present at the same time, one recording and the other asking questions.

Fang Ping'an knew this.

He answered in a very calm tone.

"Why did you go to the bar?"

"Fang Hongjun asked me to meet at the back door of July Flower Bar at ten o'clock.

I have never been to that bar, and that was my first time there.

I went there early because I was a little worried.

Later, I went to the back door to take a look and felt that the place was not safe, so I called him, but he asked me to wait in the dark alley behind the bar.

I was scared, so I stood him up and left."

"Why do you feel unsafe? Why are you scared?"

The two police officers looked at each other and continued to ask questions.

Fang Pingan looked up at the two police officers and said seriously:

"I'm afraid he will find someone to get me so that he can take away my inheritance rights."

The two police officers stared at each other.

Walmart, this is interesting.

Fang Pingan talked freely:

"I am the son of Fang Junhong and Zhao Wei. I have four older sisters...blah blah blah...

I was adopted by my adoptive father Chen Shaohua in an orphanage since I was a child. I didn't return to the Fang family until I was fourteen years old. Blah blah blah...

But no one in the Fang family cared about me. They always let me live in the servants' room. Blah blah blah...

Fang Hongjun is my father's illegitimate son and has the same inheritance rights. I discovered this by accident in my second year of high school. Blah blah blah...

Before the college entrance examination, my family wrongly accused me of stealing. That day, I signed a severance agreement with my father Fang Junhong. Blah blah blah...

Later, I told Fang Hongjun that I was my half-brother.

I told my second sister...

My second sister told me a few days ago that I was in danger. You can confirm this with my second sister.

Although I have severed ties with my father and am now living with my adoptive parents, my sister still thinks I am in danger...

I am the top scorer in science in the province this year and will go to Beijing University in September. These are all things that can be checked.

I'm afraid that if he finds someone to maim or kill me, my future will be ruined.

Although I don't care about the Fang family's wealth, I want to go to college...

I went to the bar to meet him because he invited me there, and I still have a recording of the phone call...

I just want to know what he wants to do with me.

If possible, I even want to beat him up...

Balabala, Balabala..."

The two policemen were happy.

We asked here, but ended up eating such a huge melon?

Is this still happening in the Fang family?

A wealthy family is indeed a wealthy family, exactly like in the TV series.

Illegitimate children and other things are the best!

Oh, Fang Hongjun is indeed blatant in this phone recording...

Oh, when you were a sophomore in high school, you followed Fang Hongjun and wanted to beat him up, but you found out that he was an illegitimate child?

Fang Pingan, you are very, very unlucky...

While eating melon, I wrote and wrote rapidly.

When had the two policemen ever tasted such a big thing first-hand?

Damn it!


Your mother, sister and others don’t want to see you?

Tsk tsk tsk, poor little one...

What? ? Are you the jackpot winner of the straight lottery?

Damn it, you are so rich.

Fang Pingan, you can do it!

With so much money, he really doesn't care much about the Fang family's property. This has a certain degree of credibility.

No, that was before you got rich...

Little friend Fang Pingan, you seem to be suspicious of this matter!

What? No one can help you prove that you were not at the scene of the crime between 9:50 and 10:00?

Oops, Fang Pingan...this, this is not going to be easy.

Although we sympathize with your experience, the law is here to stay.

You are a serious suspect!

Fang Pingan lowered his head.

Alas, I knew there was no way out of this matter.

In this way, Fang Ping'an was listed as a major suspect.

This made Chen Shaohua, who was waiting at the door of the police station after hearing the news, spin in circles anxiously.

And Liu Qing was crying even more, and kept urging him to contact the capital.

On the other side, the two kidnappers were even more unlucky.

Fang Hongjun couldn't provide them with proof.

They couldn't explain clearly what Fang Hongjun asked them to do, and what "OK" meant...

The two of them were left in the hospital, and they could not leave Yuncheng after they recovered. They could listen to news at any time!

Director Pan was shocked after Fang Junhong said that Fang Pingan was the biggest suspect.

A group of police officers looked at him in a different way.

What dad!

Although they are both biological sons, you, the father, are too partial!

My son was lost when he was a child. When he was found, he didn't feel sorry for the child or give him more care. Instead, he treated the science champion like garbage?

And signed a severance agreement?

You are so inhumane...

The result was that Fang Pingan was suspected, but there was insufficient evidence.

Regardless of whether the police have insufficient evidence to prove that Fang Pingan is the murderer, or there is insufficient evidence for Fang Pingan to prove his innocence...

In the end, Fang Ping'an didn't have any problems, and with the aura of being the number one scholar in science, he was given the opportunity to go back.

It's just that you are not allowed to leave Yuncheng before the school starts and you have to keep your phone open at all times.

That's not the only thing that made Fang Junhong angry.

The little beast revealed that he, Qin Bailian and Fang Hongjun were illegitimate.

This made Fang Junhong feel ashamed and angry.

If the police hadn't stopped him, he would have rushed over and strangled Fang Pingan to death.

The way he was furious and staring with red eyes was just like a ghost.

Fang Pingan also learned about Fang Hongjun's condition from the police. After expressing his heartfelt sympathy, he followed Chen Shaohua and Liu Qing home.

Fang Junhong pointed at him and cursed, and Qin Bailian standing next to him looked even more resentful.

But without sufficient evidence, there is no way to file a case.

There are too many strange things in this matter, and the police don't know what happened.

Director: Poor child, his biological parents and family didn't love him. After four years of enduring it, he finally had the courage to leave. Not only did he win the grand prize, he also won the first prize in science. .

What a good boy. Although there is suspicion, there is no evidence now, right?

Could it be that the number one scholar was detained for no reason?

This is going to ruin the future of the child!

No, no, we can't do this!

The director waved his hand and said: "Let the children go home well!

He will be a pillar of the country in the future.

Don't scare the child!"

Fang Junhong and Qin Bailian could only be furious at this time.

Qin Bailian wanted to kill Fang Ping'an, the bastard, but at this time she could only cry in Fang Junhong's arms.

And Fang Junhong didn't expect Zhao Wei to move so quickly.

Beijing, Fang's old house.

Zhao Yuanlong brought Zhao Wei to visit.

Faced with three appraisal reports, photos, videos and recordings, Fang Junyi, the current head of the Fang family, was stunned.

At this time, Zhao Wei didn't know that her own son had beaten the little bastard silly.

If she knew, she would probably laugh out loud.

Her eyes were red and swollen, but she didn't say a word, just lowered her head slightly.

To be fair, it's not surprising that a wealthy family has an illegitimate child, and it's not enough for the Zhao family to come to the door.

The Zhao family had no right to interfere in the internal affairs of the Fang family.

The key point was that Fang Junhong had been deceiving Zhao Wei from the beginning.

What made the Zhao family even more unacceptable was that Fang Junhong personally handed his illegitimate son to Zhao Wei to raise.

Perhaps from the very beginning when the two families got married, Fang Junhong had never given up on Qin Bailian.

Whether it was true or not, the Zhao family thought it was true, and that was it.

This required Fang Junyi, the current head of the Fang family, to give an explanation.

Otherwise, the Zhao family would use all their connections to either clean up the Fang Group in Yuncheng or move the Fang family in Beijing.

The face of a wealthy family is sometimes higher than interests.

But for Zhao Yuanlong, this was the best opportunity to ask for a big price.

No other!

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