After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 423 I just told you not to be too happy

Luo Ning has already touched the threshold of the realm of the unity of man and nature, so the Yanyue Saber Yinsha suppressed by the seal cannot hurt her at all.

On the contrary, it can use the evil spirit above for its own use.

Seeing the shocked and unbelievable expressions of the old Luo family members, Luo Ning curled her lips together, "I told you not to get too excited, you must listen."

Lou Ranran was happy for Luo Ning to get such a treasure.

Smiling at the side, he said, "So they are suffering from extreme joy?"

Luo Ning nodded in agreement: "Isn't it just that extreme joy begets sorrow, not only the sesame seeds are lost, but the watermelon is also lost."

She touched Yanyue Knife happily and said: "The Luo family gave me such a generous gift, I am a little embarrassed."

Sikong Wei and the others: "..." They didn't see that she was embarrassed.

The face of the old Luo family changed again and again, "Luo Ning, this is not something you can have, I advise you to return the Yanyue knife to its original owner as soon as possible."

This is the treasure of the Luo family's town house, and it cannot be taken away by Luo Ning.

Luo Ning raised the Yanyue Dao, "You said it belongs to you, then you can shout to see if it agrees."

Luo family elder: "..." The dead girl is doing this trick again.

He took a deep breath and persuaded, "Luo Ning, you are so smart, you should know that treasures are not so easy to hold."

"Many times the baby will become a reminder."

His words didn't just scare Luo Ning.

This baby is unique in the whole world, and anyone who is a capable feng shui master will be moved by it.

Luo Ning took it away, and the Yanyue Dao was like a reminder.

He wasn't afraid that Luo Ning would be killed by someone, but what he was afraid of was that the Yanyue knife would fall into the hands of some powerful force, and it would be difficult for the Luo family to recover it.

Luo Ning couldn't understand what he meant, and rolled her eyes, "I really think I'm as good as you."

"Since I can obtain spoils like Yanyue Dao from you, if others want to snatch it from me, they have to weigh whether they have the ability."

She exuded a confident radiance all over her body, and announced domineeringly: "Now this Yanyue Dao belongs to me, Luo Ning."

The Luo family was so angry that they wanted to vomit blood. This dead girl is really rude, "Luo Ning, if you take away the Yanyue Dao today, the Luo family will no longer be kind to you."

Luo Ning sneered, "When has your Luo family been kind to me?"

She said again impatiently: "If you have the ability, just come and snatch it back. If you can't snatch it back, just shut up."

These people in the Luo family are so self-righteous, they really think the world revolves around them.

She was too lazy to chat with the Luo family anymore, so she gave Snake King a look, "Let's open the way."

The elders of the Luo family were so angry that they wanted to throw Luo Ning into the sea, but he really couldn't do it now.

He said in a threatening tone: "If you dare to do this today, you will not regret it in the future!"

Luo Ning sneered: "I never regret anything I do."

"Go back and tell the head of the Luo family that I accept this great gift with a smile, and it can be regarded as getting back the interest he forced my father to break up our family."

She snorted coldly: "If you mess with me again, it's not a matter of looting. I will also let your Luo family experience the feeling of being ruined."

I believe that this word will not only spread to the Luo family, but also other families will know about it soon.

She is also a statement, don't take the initiative to provoke me, or think about the consequences.

The clan elder fell backward in anger, "You, you bastard!"

What evil did their Luo family do, how did they give birth to such an evil junior.

Luo Ning curled her lips in disdain, and said indifferently: "You are just taking advantage of what you say, so you can scold me as you like, as long as you are happy."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and said to Sikong Lieutenant: "Please ask someone to drive the boat, let's continue on our way."

Sikong Lieutenant was already stunned by Luo Ning's coquettish operation, and now he regained his senses after listening to her talk.

"Good!" he gestured to the sailor.

Then she looked at Luo Ning with complicated eyes and some admiration.

Unexpectedly, she actually snatched the suppression of Yanyue Dao, amazing!

The Snake King now also particularly hates the people of the Luo family, the snake's tail swept away, and the nearby sea water surged.

Then the people of the Luo family, including the overturned boat, were all swept away by the sea.

The Sikong family's boat moved and headed towards the original direction.

The only clan elder of the Luo family who was not swept away by the sea, standing on the sea turtle, could only watch helplessly as the Sikong family's boat gradually disappeared from sight.

He tried just now, trying to borrow the Yin Sha of the Yanyue Saber, but failed.

This is something he never expected.

What surprised him even more was that he actually felt a familiar aura on Yanyue Knife.

How did Luo Yicheng help Luo Ning? Could it be that compass?

And even if Luo Yicheng used the secret method to bless Luo Ning with the compass, it was impossible for her to suppress Yanyue Dao. How did she do it?

Could it be the talisman drawn at the end?

There were many questions in the clan elder's mind, but no one answered them.

He looked at the sea with no boats ahead and sighed, "It's going to change!"

Let the sea turtle swim to Elder Luo Ninth's position, grab the seriously injured Ninth Elder and throw it on the turtle, then head towards the island where the Luo family is located.

The rest of them are not qualified to be taken away by him.

Waiting for the rescue boat sent by the Luo family, as long as you can't die anyway.

What happened at sea quickly spread to various families.

The heads of the other families were shocked. What they didn't expect was that the Luo family had such a big hand. Not only did they send the clan elders, but they even used the Yanyue knife to intercept Luo Ning.

What's even more surprising is that not only was Luo Ning not caught by the elders of the Luo family, but they also suppressed and snatched her away with the Yanyue knife.

Luo Ning's coquettish operation really shocked everyone's eyes.

It was also discovered that they had underestimated Luo Ning before, she was hiding so deeply.

Lou's family and others also became a little more afraid of Luo Ning.

While the head of the Lou family hated him secretly, he was also thankful that he was wise and stopped in time, otherwise the damage would be even greater.

And the Luo family's town house treasure was robbed, and everyone was more gloating.

In the past, Yanyue Knife was in the Luo family's ancestral house, and no one thought of snatching it, but now that the treasure is in Luo Ning's hands, some people think that they can still fight for it.

As a result, many people's minds floated.

Luo family.

After Patriarch Luo received the news, he was shocked at first, and then heartbroken with anger.

The treasure of the Luo family was robbed like this, not only the loss was heavy, but also embarrassing.

Luo Ning's evil obstacle was simply born to overcome them.

He didn't even expect that Luo Ning had already touched that realm. This talent is definitely the number one person in the ancient Fengshui family for so many years, even his son is inferior.

At the same time, the regret in my heart was even stronger, and Luo Ning should have been brought back to the island to be trained earlier.

It would not be like today, pushing such a monstrous genius granddaughter to the opposite side.

After a long silence, Patriarch Luo said to the elders of the clan and the elders of the meeting hall: "Those who are scheduled to go to the imperial capital tomorrow don't have to leave for the time being. I will lead the team in two days."

The Yanyue Knife is the treasure of the town house passed down from generation to generation by his ancestors. He cannot lose it. He has to find it himself.

Hearing what he said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, "The Patriarch is wise!"

Yan Yuedao must be recovered, otherwise how could they be worthy of the ancestors of the Luo family.

The head of the Luo family heard from the clan elder that his son's breath was on the Yanyue knife.

So after the clan elders and elders left, he went to the forbidden area.

Today's update is over, thank you for your rewards and votes~

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