When Patriarch Luo went to the forbidden area, he saw his son lazily leaning on the sofa drinking wine and singing a little tune.

He frowned, "Where did you get this wine?"

His original intention was to throw his son to the forbidden place to reflect on it, and agree to the previous incident, not for this rebellious son to enjoy.

Every time he comes over, he will find that a lot of things have been added to the forbidden area, such as sofas, tablets, food, etc., and now he even drinks wine.

Luo Yicheng said lazily, "Just a little wine."

"You don't go to the Three Treasures Hall if you don't have anything to do. If you have something to say, just talk about it."

Patriarch Luo narrowed his eyes, "I see you are in a good mood?"

The last few times I came here, it was obvious that my son was anxious and unhappy. Today, drinking a little wine and singing a ditty, his mood is obviously the opposite of before.

A bright smile appeared on Luo Yicheng's face, "My precious daughter is so capable, I'm so happy, of course I'm in a better mood."

He said foolishly again: "Speaking of which, I have to thank Dad, even the most precious treasure of the family's town house, the Yanyue Knife, is willing to give it to my family, Ning Ning, you are so generous."

Patriarch Luo's complexion turned ugly for a moment, "You really know everything."

I don't know it's that bastard, who not only gave this Nizi all kinds of food and food, but also passed on the news from outside.

Don't let him find out who it is, or he will punish him severely.

"I know, what's so strange about this."

Luo Yicheng smiled indifferently: "By the way, you don't have to check who sent me the message, I'll tell you now."

"My sister has come to see me these two days, and she told me all about it."

"If you are not afraid that people in the family will say that you have no way to teach your children, then you can punish your younger sister."

Lei Lifei asked his younger sister to pass on the news to him. If his father had to investigate carefully, he would not be able to hide it, so he might as well let it go.

Patriarch Luo's face turned ugly, "You!"

He couldn't see that his son did it on purpose, and he was forcing him not to pursue his daughter.

"Your wings have grown hard, do you really think I won't punish your sister?"

He snorted coldly, "If I deal with Luo Yihan, people in the family will only say that I am fair."

Luo Yicheng raised his phoenix eyes, "You are indeed fair. You forced your daughter to leave her lover and marry into Lei's family. In the end, she lost her love. If the husband and wife did not get along, they could only go back to their natal family and suffer alone."

"Forcing the son to abandon his wife and insist on incest, it turned out to be a big joke in the end."

He hooked his lips and continued: "Dad, you and Mom are amazing. Parents like you are probably unique in this world. You did a great job!"

Patriarch Luo's chest heaved with anger at the sarcastic words, he raised his finger and pointed at Luo Yicheng with anger on his face, "You, you rebellious son, you must piss me off."

Luo Yicheng rolled his eyes, "Don't let people tell the truth."

"It's said that good people don't live long enough to cause harm to thousands of years. You and my mother will surely live a thousand years. Don't worry if you don't die of anger."

"It's like my mother often gets dizzy. If you take her to the hospital for an examination, she will be healthier than a young man."

Although Patriarch Luo knew that his son had nothing good to say before he came, he was still pissed off again.

Which son would say that parents are evil? What evil did he do to raise such a thing.

For a moment, he suddenly didn't know how to refute, after all, what Luo Yicheng said was the truth.

When his daughter fell in love with someone outside, he and his wife forced people to bring their daughter back and married into Lei's family according to the original plan.

In the end, the man the daughter loved died, and the daughter and Lei Lifei also fell out, and the son took him back to his natal family.

From the time my daughter returned to Luo's house to now, in the past few years, when I saw him and his wife, let alone calling them parents, I just didn't want to say a word.

For his daughter, he did feel a little guilty.

As for the son, after the exchange meeting, having sex with the two had become a joke, and he felt a little guilty because he almost cuckolded his son.

Therefore, I endured the irony of the rebellious son just now.

He took a deep breath and said softly, "I didn't come here today to quarrel with you."

He only had such a son, and he didn't want to force him to leave his heart.

In addition, he knew that his son was soft but not hard, so he decided to change his strategy.

Luo Yicheng looked at Patriarch Luo suspiciously, then rubbed his arms, "Old man, don't speak so gently, I'm a little scared, I'm afraid."

Patriarch Luo: "..." Suddenly wanted to strangle this rebellious son to death.

He yelled angrily, "Shut up!"

Luo Yicheng put his hand down, "That's right, I thought you were a ghost just now, it scared me to death."

Patriarch Luo: "..." He felt that one day he would be pissed to death by this rebellious son.

He didn't want to go around in circles anymore, so as not to be angry with this rebellious son.

He said with a sullen face, "Pack up your things and come out with me."

Luo Yicheng raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you going to confine me?"

Patriarch Luo nodded, "It's not closed, I'll let you out today."

Now there is no need for the son to have both sexes, and there is no need to force the son to agree to have a child, so naturally there is no need for confinement.

Luo Yicheng crossed his legs and said, "Close it if you say it, and let it go if you say it. I don't want face?"

Patriarch Luo: "..."

He suddenly remembered all the content of the confrontation between the Luo family and Luo Ning that had been passed down before, and that girl had said similar things.

They really deserve to be father and daughter, their mouths are as poisonous, and their behaviors are also very similar.

It's a pity that the target is used on him, so it's not good.

Patriarch Luo exuded air-conditioning all over his body, "Are you going or not?"

Luo Yicheng shook his head, "There is food and drink in this forbidden place, it's so comfortable to live in, I really won't leave."

Hearing Lei Lifei's words before, saying that his family Ning Ning was being bullied, and his father actually shot at his precious daughter, which made him extremely angry.

Because of this, he broke through the bottleneck at once, and completely touched the realm of the unity of man and nature.

In the past few days, he has been recharging his energy and recharging his energy, just to directly attack the realm of harmony between man and nature.

The oppression and environment of this forbidden area are of great help to his impact on the realm.

Although he missed his wife and children very much, he still endured the longing and prepared to advance to the unity of man and nature before going out. Anyway, it's not too late.

Ever since he was imprisoned in the forbidden area, he realized that everything is fake in front of absolute strength.

He was forced to separate from his wife and children because he was defeated by the clan elders. He couldn't get rid of his parents' persecution, so he was locked up here and couldn't get out.

So he needs strength.

After reaching the realm of harmony between man and nature, no one in the Luo family can stop him.

It's not that he left when he wanted to, it's not that his conscience found out and let him go.

No, his old man is not a conscience discovery, but he was slapped in the face, so he came to remedy it.

Patriarch Luo looked at his son coldly: "Are you sure you don't want to leave?"

He suddenly didn't understand what this Nizi was thinking, didn't he want to go out every day before?

How come you can go out now, but don't go out again?

playing with him...

Continue at 14:30~

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