"Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!~

"Give labor and management speed, work harder in peacetime, and bleed less in wartime! Haven’t you learned enough lessons during this period?

We are soldiers, there is no peace, and we don't talk about peace. You are always at the moment before danger comes!

If you don’t want to die, please speed up!"

At the edge of the 400-meter obstacle course, Captain Qin was roaring loudly with a loudspeaker!

Beside him, the first platoon leader and the one who was still there were holding guns and firing continuously, and the second platoon leader and third platoon leader kept firing. Detonate the explosive package in the pit at the edge of the training ground!


Amidst the gunshots and explosions, every soldier in the training ground ran fast!

The reconnaissance battalion, or in the Red Arrow Brigade, after two consecutive battles in which comrades died, now the entire brigade They are all carrying out high-intensity training tasks!

Moreover, this is not just a day or two, it has lasted for half a month!

Everyone trains during the day, and the emergency whistle will sound from time to time at night!

For half a month Within a few days, all vacations were cancelled, and those comrades who were on annual leave were all recalled the day after the accident! Prepare for war!


Welcome to the military exercise in advance on March 15th!

Everyone already knows that this military exercise The performance is to go to the border, so everyone is holding back their energy! Some people are even secretly expecting that those drug traffickers will cross the border without knowing the heights of the sky!

Then it will not be a drill but actual combat!

Lin! Fan also had this expectation, and even Lin Fan really hoped that General Taker would come in person!

Of course, expectations were just expectations, and Lin Fan also knew that this was actually impossible!

That Taker had a pit in his head, so he dared to During a group army exercise, he went to the exercise area to cause trouble!

"It's been half a month, and I don't know how the squad leader is doing?

Brother Chao, why don't you take out your mobile phone and call the squad leader to ask?"

After lunch, when he returned to the dormitory, Wang Ping'an couldn't help but speak to Lin Chao!

Immediately, Lin Chao looked at him angrily and said:"You go and try, now the whole company!

No, all the mobile phones in the camp have been handed in for safekeeping. How can I get them?"

"Why! We can’t get out without our cell phones!

MD, I have lost the vigilance I used to have in an ordinary company!

It seems that in the future, I will have to get a spare mobile phone to hide, otherwise there will be really no way to do it in times like this!"Hu Kai scratched his head and spoke helplessly!

At this moment, Lin Fan was sitting on the bed reading the sniper manual!

Hearing this, he was about to speak, but the next second Lin Fan looked at the door of the dormitory!

He heard the dormitory door There were footsteps coming outside the door. At first, he thought they were from the second class next door, so he didn't take it seriously!

But now it doesn't look like it!

The other person's footsteps stopped at the door of his class dormitory!


The next second, Lin Fan stood up immediately!

"Hello, company commander, hello instructor!"

Immediately, the other six people in the dormitory also hurriedly stood up from the bed or bench and stood at attention to say hello!

"Are you just messing around and are you still a new recruit?

As soon as I reached the door, I heard you trying to hide your hands!

Hu Kai, don’t you know the concept of hiding a mobile phone?

Hu Kai was embarrassed. He didn't expect to be caught just talking, and he was not the company commander, but an instructor at the same level as the battalion commander!

"report, know...Know!"

"snort! Knowing that you still have this idea, I will wait for a thousand-word review and send it to the battalion headquarters tonight and give it to me!"The instructor's face was dark, and what he said made Hu Kai feel dark!

Five thousand words of review..., he just wants to slap himself in the mouth a few times!

"Okay, let’s get down to business, Lin Chao, you and Deng Dayong go help Bai Xu get all his things!

In addition, everything in the dormitory is also put away!

This afternoon, your class will have a half-day off!

Bai Xu will come back later. Let's chat and see your squad leader off!"

After the company commander finished speaking, no one in the class said a word, they all stood there with their heads lowered!

They all knew that this moment has finally come!

Bai Xu has been discharged from the hospital, and it's time to retreat!

"What are you doing, one by one, you are so dead, wait until Bai Xu comes back to see you, you can still be in a good mood!

Everyone smiles at me. Those who don’t smile, wait until the vacation is cancelled, go to the playground and train!"


Immediately, everyone laughed.

It's just that the smile is ugly, shameless, and the same as crying!

"Forget it, Lao Qin, don't force them!"

At this time, the instructor spoke up. After talking to the company commander, he looked at Lin Fan. He stretched out his hand from behind and brought it to the front!

Now, Lin Fan and others saw that he still had the hand in his hand. Wearing something!

A certificate and a box!

Everyone instantly knew what it was!

A medal of meritorious service and a certificate of meritorious service!

"Lin Fan, this is your medal of merit. Because of this incident, the brigade has decided to keep everything simple, not publicize it, and not be high-profile, so please keep it!"

···0 flowers requested·········

"this..."Lin Fan looked at what the instructor was holding and didn't rush forward for a moment.

In fact, Lin Fan thought there would be no merit at all this time!

After all, strictly speaking, this incident was caused by myself!

Moreover, the incident was very serious. Three ordinary people died and two were injured, and one soldier died and one was injured!

Such a serious accident ended up with a medal, which was a bit beyond Lin Fan's expectation!

"Okay, don’t think too much, it’s for your own good to make meritorious service and not to publicize it!

In addition, you deserve this credit, and it has nothing to do with the gangster’s starting point!"

The instructor took two steps forward and handed the box and certificate into Lin Fan's hands!

"Lieutenant Lin Fan, congratulations on being awarded first-class merit!"


Lin Fan looked at the instructor in confusion!

What do you call yourself?


When did I become a lieutenant?

At this moment, let's not talk about Lin Fan.The other comrades in the house are all staring with eyes wide open!

What's going on?

Although Lin Fan was definitely promoted, and before entering the military academy, he should have obtained the rank of second lieutenant and enjoyed the treatment of second lieutenant!

But what the hell is this now?

Isn't it too early to go to military school?

Why are you now a lieutenant?

Logically speaking, Lin Fan must at least graduate from the military academy to become a lieutenant!

They, including Lin Fan, automatically ignored the accurate word in the instructor's words for a second, and even didn't pay much attention to what the instructor said next!

First class merit!


That's right, after comprehensive consideration, your superiors have decided to make an exception this time and improve your treatment.

Of course, it's just the salary, the real military rank will not be given to you until you go to the military academy!

However, all your information has been filed. Strictly speaking, you are actually a lieutenant now, a lieutenant with the rank of private!"

The instructor said with a smile!

After speaking, he added another sentence!

"oh! By the way, your application for party membership has been approved, and you are now a party member!"

Lin Fan was a little dazed. He had just been promoted, and he was a lieutenant and a deputy company!

Less than half a year after joining the army, Lin Fan did feel a bit dreamy!

However, Lin Fan recovered quickly.

He became Being an officer is a given in itself, but now, he just arrived unexpectedly early.

And, strictly speaking, it doesn't actually count as arriving early. He doesn't have a military rank yet, but he can just enjoy the benefits in advance!......Xiao._,

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share! ,

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