The company commander and instructor did not stay long. They chatted with Lin Fan for a while, asked Deng Dayong and others to recite the confidentiality regulations and left!

Watch the two of them leave!

In the dormitory, other people looked at each other, and then they started acting weird together!

Lin Chao took the lead and shouted!

"stand at attention! salute!"

"Hello, Chief!"

"you..."Holding the skill box and certificate, Lin Fan was left speechless by these guys!

"Ha ha! He is indeed the chief!

Look at you, the instructor said you are a lieutenant!"

"First class merit! Brother Fan, chief, would you mind showing me and touching me?

This is the first time in my life that I have seen first-class merit with my own eyes!

Moreover, you still stood up to receive it, you are really my idol!"Chu Ping'an rubbed his hands and walked to Lin Fan, staring straight at the small box in Lin Fan's hand that contained the certificate"503"!

"Is it that exaggerated?

Here, let’s take a look! I can let you hold me to sleep tonight!"

Although Lin Fan was pleasantly surprised by this first-class merit, he said he was not very excited!

In less than half a year, he had received several merits, although the combined weight of his previous merits could not compare. This one, but the momentum before, even the commendation is more prestigious than this first-class merit!

He is already a little immune!

Of course, this is Lin Fan, Chu Pingan and the others are not like this!

Accept the medal and the medal handed over by Lin Fan When it came time to receive the certificate, he nervously wiped his hands on his clothes in advance, and then took it carefully! At this moment, not only Chu Pingan, but also Lin Chao and others came over to look at the medals and certificates!

One by one After passing the hand and sighing, Hu Kai, who had finished reading it at the end, carefully held it and returned it to Lin Fan's hand!

Looking at Lin Fan, Hu Kai suddenly felt a little emotional!

"Hey, you have to throw it away when comparing goods, and you have to die when comparing people!

Think about me, since I joined the army, my salary is only 4,500 per month!

Now you have surpassed me all of a sudden!"Hu Kai shook his head and sighed.

He was a little shocked.

Lin Fan was a little surprised when he heard what he said:"Are there so many?

I just got a promotion in military rank, there are no position subsidies, right?"

Just now, the instructors only said that they would be promoted to an officer's salary, but they did not say how much money it would be.

So Lin Fan had no idea how much salary he would be able to receive after his salary was improved!

At this time, Lin Chao smiled and answered He said:"It's almost the same. With the military rank plus the job allowance and other subsidies of our scouts, even if you don't have the job allowance of the company and platoon level, you will still be no lower than a non-commissioned officer!""

Lin Chao's words made Lin Fan feel slightly happy!

As for money, who doesn't want the more the better!

You must know that Lin Fan originally earned seven hundred yuan, and it was not salary.

As a compulsory soldier, he only had subsidies, but now if he reaches If you are a sergeant, your monthly money will soar!

"Okay, don't be happy, collect your medals and certificates, let's go to the door!

Since the instructor said that the squad leader will be in the afternoon, then we should go and wait for him early!"

When Lin Chao mentioned the squad leader, Lin Fan's smile instantly came to his face!

The same happened to everyone else!

The original joy brought by Lin Fan's promotion and meritorious service faded away in an instant!......

"Dad, Xiaohan, I can do it myself. I just lost one hand, but it’s not like I can’t move it.

I can change my clothes myself!"

In the hospital ward, Bai Xu persisted and pushed his father and sister who wanted to help him change clothes to the door!

Although his right hand could not move, his left hand was fine, not to mention...

At this time, he really wanted to wear the military uniform seriously this time!

"Brother, let me help you. Your hands must still hurt now. It’s inconvenient for you!"A sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl didn't want to go out.

In the end, it was the middle-aged man with a crew cut who held her back!

"Okay, Xiaohan, stop making trouble. Since your brother insists, let him do it by himself!"

Bai Xu's father is also a veteran. He has been in the army for several years. He understands Bai Xu's mood now!

The door is closed!

He turned back to the bedside and looked at the hospital set on the bed. The winter clothes were delivered.

Bai Xu didn't pick them up and put them on immediately.

With his remaining left hand, he bent down and gently touched the clothes....

A tear silently flowed from the eye, and finally fell from the face!

He was really reluctant to leave the military camp!

From a recruit to a private soldier, then from a private soldier to an upper class soldier, and then to a non-commissioned officer!

It’s been ten years!

He graduated from high school and entered the military camp just after he turned eighteen!

Over the past ten years, he has become accustomed to this outfit and loves it!

However, today is the last time he wears these clothes...0

Even those training clothes that he has been used to for a long time, he may never have the chance to wear them again in his life!

This situation happened so suddenly..., although, before the accident, he occasionally wanted to go home in the dead of night.

I also thought about whether I should go back and live an ordinary life.

He even thought about retiring from the army when he was still a first-class soldier!

However, along the way, he was not willing to leave this big family!

I made choices again and again, but I stayed every time!

Unexpectedly, this time, because of this method, I have no choice!

He had to leave!

Tears fell drop by drop!

Outside the door, his father and sister didn't rush him!

It wasn't until more than half an hour later that Bai Xu changed his clothes, opened the door and walked out!.......·


Outside the gate of the camp, Lin Fan and others have been standing in line for more than an hour!

At this time, Lin Chao saw the car with the logo of the brigade hospital heading towards the gate of the camp, and immediately issued a low-pitched reminder!

Of course, He didn't need to remind him, everyone else knew that Bai Xu must be sitting in this car!

Sure enough, the car stopped directly in front of Lin Fan and others!


The car door opened, and the first person to show up was not Bai Xu, but a young girl.

She was stunned for a moment when she saw the row of soldiers standing in front of her, and then got out of the car with some restraint and turned around.

She was about to turn around When her brother helped her down, she was startled by the voice behind her!

"Hello monitor! Welcome back to the squad leader!"

It turned out that Bai Xu had already appeared at the door of the car at this time, ready to get off!


Bai Xiaohan saw his brother's eyes turn red instantly!

The next second, Bai Xu got out of the car quickly!

When he came to Bai Xiaohan's side, he silently saluted Lin Fan and others!......_·

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