"ah! Dead, dead, An An, come and see me! Am I a lot darker?"

In the girls' dormitory, after dinner, after returning to the dormitory, screams rang out in the dormitory bathroom.

During the day, no one noticed it, but they were all facing the sun. During training, their skin was red from the sun.

Now, the sun is gone. Some people even took a shower. After their skin cooled down, they looked in the mirror.

The next second, they collapsed.

The places exposed outside the clothes, such as the face and neck, especially the neck were the most obvious.

Because wearing clothes and exposing Come to the skin, it now shows two colors!

"Woo woo...I've already put on sunscreen!

Damn it, that store sold me fake goods, I want to give you a bad review!"

"I also applied it, but it didn’t have much effect!"

Immediately, there were endless screams in the girls' dormitory.

For girls, appearance is sometimes more important than life.

As the saying goes, one white can cover up all ugliness, one black can destroy everything.

Now, one day everyone will be ugly. Okay, how can this not make girls who love beauty collapse?

However, compared to girls, boys are much better.

In the boys' dormitory, the topic now does not have much controversy on the black and white of the skin, although some people have discovered that they are tanned , but only a few words, and then the topic was brought up to female classmates.

For these adolescent male classmates, women and female classmates are always topics in the dormitory that cannot disappear........

At night, when the sun sets and the big lights around the basketball court are shining, the students sitting cross-legged on the basketball court feel doubly happy.

Because, after gathering just now, Lin Fan actually smiled at them.

Moreover, Lin Fan also said that they did not need to stand in a military posture tonight, but let them use their brains to come up with class slogans.

Now, they were happy.

They came up with slogans one after another.

Why don’t you endure hardship in military training? Just go home and plant sweet potatoes!

What other slogans have been thought up, such as working together and achieving great results?

Of course, this is eight characters, and there are sixteen characters, for example.

Unite and forge ahead, work hard, work together to create brilliance.......

For these students who have gone through the college entrance examination and successfully entered the undergraduate program, it is not difficult to come up with a slogan.

It's like holding a symposium. Everyone comes up with N more than one sentence.

Finally, after unanimous consultation and with Lin Fan taking the final decision, the slogan of the Digital Media Art Professional Class was determined.

"Learn from the military style and improve your own qualities!"

It was only two short sentences of ten words, but it clearly meant military training.

Afterwards, Lin Fan kept true to his word and did not practice military posture, but asked two male classmates to go back to the dormitory with a quilt and two mats. Come here.

Folding quilts.

This is an unavoidable topic whether it is in the army or in military training at school.

For recruits and even veterans, quilts are loved and hated by everyone, and sometimes they even wish to lose their existence.

But , it won’t work without stacking.

And now, Lin Fan wants to teach them this skill.

"Look, I'll only do it once. After I finish folding it, I'll switch over to you!"

After the two male classmates came back, Lin Fan asked them to spread the two mats directly on the basketball court, then spread out the quilt, and Lin Fan started to do it.

"When folding a quilt, three points depend on stacking, seven points depend on trimming, and trimming takes place one step at a time. If you are a beginner, you can take your time. Your quilt is also new and a bit fluffy, so I will not be as strict with you as our troops.

However, the difference cannot be too much.

Next, take a look at the first step!"

After Lin Fan opened and flattened the quilt as much as possible, he folded one-third of the width of the quilt along the long parallel lines. After folding, he pressed and straightened it again.

Then, he continued to the next step.

Lin Fan has been in the army until now. It has been almost a year. When he was in the Red Arrow Brigade, his quilt had been pressed very firmly, so now it can be folded without using water.

Of course, the quilt is new and fluffy now. If he doesn't use water, he can fold it. It is almost an impossible task to really fold into a tofu block that is completely angular and flat like an army. This has nothing to do with technology and has a lot to do with the quilt.

It is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without straw, and this new quilt , too loose.

However, it is not a problem to stack the three-quarter image.

"Fold one side of the quilt over and press your hands inside the quilt.

Remember, don’t make the folds concave or convex.

Then take one end of the quilt, check the length with your hands, and then press out the strips with both hands."

Lin Fan folded very slowly, explaining while folding. It took three or four minutes to fold a quilt and put it in front of everyone.

Now, the students in the digital media art class are surrounding Lin Fan, each one carefully watching

"Tang Xin, come here!"

Lin Fan finished folding the quilt, then spread it out and pointed directly at the male classmate whom he had caught during lunch.

"ah! good...good!"

He saw clearly how to fold it, but seeing it clearly and folding it well are two different things.

Simply, Lin Fan always guided and reminded him while he was folding it, so it took seven or eight minutes.

A quilt that looked a bit like fermented tofu. It’s out.

In appearance, it’s only five points like me at most, but it’s okay.

The quilt is not good, and they are students. Apart from the contact, it is extremely difficult to make them fold the same as myself for the first time.

"Kong Anan, come here!"

Lin Fan called another girl over and started folding the quilt.

Moreover, this girl was his schoolmate and fellow student.

Of course, the two did not recognize each other.

In fact, after one day of contact, Lin Fan had already noticed this pretty girl. The girl often looks at herself secretly.

She may also recognize Lin Fan.

Lin Fan in high school is a good student. With his good looks and solid family background, although he is not well-known in school, he is still so famous. A little bit.

If she hadn't met Lin Fan, she might never have thought of her as a senior in her life.

But now that they met by chance, how could she not notice Lin Fan?...

However, that was all, and she did not reveal this relationship.

At this time, Lin Fan called her, and she whispered"Hmm", then squatted down and started to spread out the folded quilt, and then folded it up.

After Lin Fan and Tang Xin passed hands, there were still marks on the quilt. Now it was less difficult to fold it. In almost two minutes, the quilt was folded under Kong Anan's hands.

In response, Lin Fan nodded and then directly assigned the next one.

Forty-two people, each taking an average of two or three minutes to slowly fold it over, is enough time in the evening.

At 8:50, everyone folded the quilt themselves.

At this time, Lin Fan took out a pen and paper, and then asked them to report their dormitory house numbers, and then asked them to go back to the dormitory to fold their own quilts. He would come to check with other instructors after 9:30.

If you don't pass the test, you can run two kilometers at night before going to bed. If you pass the test, you can go to sleep directly!........

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