This is the first time in Lin Fan's life that he has entered a girls' dormitory.

Although these girls have only moved in for a few days, they still look very different from the boys' dormitory.

At least, it's normal to smell smelly socks and sweat as soon as you enter a men's dormitory.

On the contrary, in the girls' dormitory, no matter which room you enter, you can smell the fragrance.

Of course, Lin Fan had to remain serious now.

What's more, he wasn't the only one checking the housekeeping quilt.

All instructors work separately, but there are at least three instructors accompanying them, but they will be more focused and go to the student dormitory of the class they lead.

"What is this stack, and who stacked it?"In a dormitory, Lin Fan looked at a quilt that was as swollen as a steamed bun and had no edges at all. Lin Fan pointed at the quilt and asked the six girls standing in the dormitory with a straight face.

"I!"A girl who is not a digital media arts major raised her hand a little embarrassedly.

"Didn't your instructor tell you that you need to call a report before answering questions?"

"Report, it’s me!"The girl quickly corrected herself.

"Okay, go downstairs and wait!"

Lin Fan didn't say much to her, let alone correct her and demonstrate how to fold a quilt.

After that, he watched her walk out of the dormitory and continued to check other quilts.

In fact, Lin Fan and the others' inspection standards are really very low now. As long as they folded three points and looked like tofu, they would just turn a blind eye and let them pass.

However, after everyone had checked and went downstairs, the men and women gathered together, and at least hundreds of people were caught. People are waiting here.

They are all just like fools. They have folded a quilt and it is completely out of shape.

"Okay, everyone lines up in separate classes and prepares for the night run!"

Lin Fan didn't tell them any big reason. It's not easy to fold quilts, so they came for a night run.

Today is the first day, give them an easy ride, two kilometers.

They should increase the effort next time. If they don't fold quilts seriously, , then the punishment will be increased.

That night, Lin Fan did not return to the dormitory until half past ten.

The next day, the second day of military training.

In the morning, Lin Fan was still blowing the whistle in the boys' dormitory.

Similarly, in the girls' dormitory, Three female instructors also passed by.

However, something unexpected happened today.

In the male and female dormitories, after the whistle blew to wake up these students, there was a lot of pain and wailing in these dormitories.

Modern young people, especially those with academic performance Not many good and well-behaved babies usually exercise. After years of lack of exercise, once a large amount of exercise and high-intensity training occur, clinical symptoms such as lactic acid accumulation in the body and muscle soreness will appear.

Of course, these symptoms are not what the recruits were at the beginning. When we were in the company, a large number of recruits also appeared.

It was no big deal, and it was over after all.

But these students didn't think so.

When something like this happened, it was inevitable that many people would cry and cry for their parents.

So it was inevitable that the six o'clock blowing After the whistle, even if all the instructors went out to call people and pull them in, it still took more than twenty minutes before these students, with sad faces and"ouch" sounds, stumbled to the playground and gathered together, supporting each other.

"My classmates, when I entered the military academy, my counselor said something to me.

He told me that people are divided into three grades. Now, I give these words to you.

If the physical fitness is not good enough, it is a waste product, if the academic performance is not good enough, it is a defective product, and if the ideological and political awareness is not good enough, it is a dangerous product."

After a pause, standing on the stage at the edge of the playground, looking at the thousands of people standing below, Lin Fan took the microphone and shouted loudly:"If you can get into the undergraduate program, your academic performance is good.

However, your physical fitness and ideological awareness are very poor.

If your physical fitness is not good, I can understand you.

Now that your living conditions are better, you are all the little princes and princesses in your family. You have clothes to wear, food to eat, and mouth to eat. You have never done farm work, and you probably have no time to exercise because of study.

I can understand this.

However, with a little bit of muscle soreness, everyone cried for father and mother. When I went to the dormitory to call you, even some male classmates burst into tears.


This is military training. Strictly speaking, you are also soldiers during this month.

I couldn't stand such a little bit of pain, so I cried out in pain that I needed to rest and ask for leave.

Are you worthy of wearing the camouflage military uniform you are wearing?

Are you worthy of being a qualified college student of the new generation?"

Lin Fan scolded all the thousands of people standing below with a straight face.

Some students may be disapproving, but no one dared to stand up because their instructors were also walking in the queue.

"Now, I'm giving you a choice.

Morning exercise, two kilometers, if you want to continue to participate in military training, run it for me. If you don't want to participate, find your own instructor, report your name, and then get out!"

After Lin Fan said this, he stopped talking and looked down.

Someone really went to find their instructor.

In this regard, Lin Fan said nothing.

There are all kinds of birds in the forest. Every year, there are deserters and retreats in the army. , military training, it is reasonable for some of them with poor physical fitness and ideological awareness to be unable to bear it.

Simply, no one in Lin Fan’s class of forty-two flinched.

Ignoring those few who quit, Lin Fan led his class The people will start running circles along the track.

Military training will be gradual. In the first week, they will be given two kilometers to run that they have never seen in the army. After a week, they will be increased. After running, The team disbanded, had breakfast and went back to the dormitory to wash up and tidy up the house. Lin Fan and others did not bother them to follow the steps.

However, at 8 o'clock in the morning, the team gathered again.

It started with forty-five minutes of military posture.

After that, they started to teach. and stop transition method

"What the hell, don’t you know the difference between left and right?"

"What are you doing? Where is your left hand? I said left, left!"

Instructors shouted loudly everywhere on campus, and Lin Fan experienced for the first time the helplessness of the instructors of the recruit company.

To be honest, at this second, he really wanted to beat someone.

Some students really It's too bad.

You said to turn left, but he just turned right, and some students were always half a beat too slow to react.

Everyone else had turned around, but he was still looking left and right, and then he moved over in a panic. It's not turning at all.

Time and time again, something went wrong one after another. Even if I took him out and asked him to turn alone, he couldn't correct it.

Lin Fan scratched his head and almost looked up to the sky with rage.

How stupid!

Especially the team The two girls in the middle just moved their feet no matter how hard I taught them.

Lin Fan yelled at them and cried.

However, there was still no result. In fact, the more they became more anxious, the more mistakes they made, which directly made Lin Fan lose his temper....

"I'm mad!

MD,Stand in military posture for forty-five minutes.

Everyone, go and bask in the sun, especially Zhang Yani and Lu Weijia, please calm down and think about where your left and right hands are!"

At half past ten, the sun came out, and Lin Fan, who was so angry that he lost his temper, gave the order a little frantically........

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