After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 1173 I didn't recognize her

Cheng Xiu listened carefully, the two chatted up, and soon became friends. Finally, Princess Yongchun invited Cheng Xiu to go to Wanjinglouhai for a meal, which completely bought Cheng Xiu's heart.

As soon as Cheng Xiu returned to the Hou Mansion, she showed off to Cheng Jin that she had made a good friend. She said a little fish, and Cheng Jin's ears grew calluses.

"Axiu, you are not deeply involved in the world, so you need to guard against the sinister people. Think for yourself, since Xiaoyuer is helping in the Yongxin clothing store, where did she get the money to invite you to eat in a place like Wanjinglou? You guys? The two daughters' family ate 2 taels of silver for a meal, will you settle the bill?" Cheng Jin immediately heard the problem.

"That's Yongxin Garment Store. It's not bad to be on duty in Yongxin Garment Store. Anyway, I think Xiaoyuer is very good, and I have something to say with Xiaoyuer. She looks like a woman with no scheming. By the way, Xiaoyuer Yu'er also said that her brother's backyard is a lot of intrigue, and not long ago because of the intrigue of those women, people died in her yard, and she also said that the battle damaged her reputation..."

Cheng Xiu talked endlessly, and mentioned Xiaoyuer's endless topics.

Cheng Jin had never interfered with Cheng Xiu's friendship before, but there was obviously something wrong with the little fish that Cheng Xiu mentioned, and he had to find a chance to spend a while with the little fish.

The next day, Cheng Xiu planned to go to the Yongxin clothing store again. Cheng Jin had just returned from the yamen and decided to go with Cheng Xiu.

Cheng Xiu pushed and resisted again and again, but still failed to stop Cheng Xiu, and only brought Cheng Jin out of the gate of the Hou's mansion.

Princess Yongchun's plan was actually very simple, because it was difficult to get close to Cheng Jin, so he simply started with Cheng Jin's sister.

As for the plan to approach Cheng Jin, I will make plans in the future.

She never thought that things were simpler than she expected, and Cheng Xiu had a hot fight with her so quickly. She just wanted to strike while the iron was hot, so she came to Yongxin Clothing Store again that day.

But she didn't expect that this time Cheng Jin suddenly appeared in the ready-to-wear shop.

The moment she saw Cheng Jin walking towards her, her mind went blank and she froze in place, not knowing how to react.

Cheng Jin stared at Princess Yongchun as soon as he entered the Yongxin ready-to-wear shop. He carefully scanned the girl standing in front of the counter with his sharp eyes.

I saw the girl was wearing a long pale pink dress, her facial features were exquisite and beautiful, and she looked very simple. The only accessory on her body was a hosta, and a pair of peach blossom eyes seemed to be seductive, and she was looking at him steadily. , looks a little silly.

It's not that he has never seen such a straightforward look before, and it won't make him sick.

This little fish is good-looking, and he doesn't look like a bad person, but he looks a little familiar.

"Brother, this is Xiao Yu'er, doesn't she look good?" Cheng Xiu winked at Princess Yongchun as she spoke.

Yongchun Changgong advocated opening his mouth, not knowing what to say.

She figured out that Cheng Xiu approached Cheng Jin, but she didn't expect it to be so fast.

"You are Xiao Yu'er?" Cheng Jin's voice awakened Princess Yongchun's thoughts.

Princess Yongchun froze in place, and it took a while to react, but Cheng Jin didn't recognize her.

How is this possible?

Could it be that on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, he only saw Yongning in his eyes, and never saw her existence at all?

Thinking of this possibility, her heart froze.

The light in her eyes dimmed, and her shoulders slumped.

All her emotions are exposed, and her happiness and unhappiness are written on her face, all the time.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoyuer, this is my brother." Cheng Xiu said to Cheng Jin again: "Brother, don't be so fierce, Xiaoyuer is very timid."

Cheng Jin is timid and will take Axiu to the restaurant downstairs in Wanjing?

But this little fish doesn't look like a bad guy or a scheming one.

"Axiu, you stay here first, I have something to say to Xiaoyuer alone."

Cheng Jin said, and then said to Princess Yongchun: "Xiao Yu'er, take a step to speak."

Princess Yongchun silently followed behind Cheng Jin to a place with few people.

It turned out that Cheng Jin didn't see her existence at all that night. Is there anything more hurtful than this? No wonder Yong Ning is so confident, even her deliberate approach to Cheng Xiu can't change the result.

Cheng Jin had something to ask Princess Yongchun, but when he saw her sullen face, he thought he was too serious.

"Xiaoyu'er, where do you live and who is there? Who is the last name? How old is this year?" Cheng Jin asked.

"I live in Kyoto, my parents have passed away, but I still have a very powerful brother and many brothers and sisters. My surname is Xiao, my name is Yu, and I am eighteen this year." Princess Yongchun answered honestly.

Cheng Jin didn't expect Princess Yongchun to be eighteen years old. He looked up and down the girl in front of him. At first glance, he thought she was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

Her beautiful peach eyes were a little dim at the moment, and there were only three words "unhappy" engraved on her face.

"Are you malicious in approaching Axiu?" Cheng Jin asked in a serious tone without softening his heart.

Princess Yongchun didn't expect Cheng Jin to look at her like this. She used to be bitter and mean, but under the influence of Qin Zhao, she gradually smoothed out her former mean temper.

Hearing Cheng Jin's words at this moment, she was immediately annoyed: "Sir, you don't need to worry about the maliciousness of me and Axiu in making friends. I won't see Axiu again in the future."

She left this sentence and turned around and wanted to leave, and then she looked back at Cheng Jin, tsk tsk: "Master Shizi looks like Zhou Zheng, but he is not righteous, otherwise everyone will not think that others have bad intentions."

She has never been able to bear the slightest grievance, and now she is the same in front of the man she likes.

Cheng Jin didn't expect Princess Yongchun's reaction to be so big, this girl actually said that he was not right?

She was about to go back to the counter, but Cheng Jin was able to stop her: "Why are you so temperamental?"

"It's all my family's habit and pet, Cheng Shizi has an opinion?" Princess Yongchun retorted.

Cheng Jin was at a loss for words.

Xiao Yu'er was eighteen years old and had yet to marry, and her family used to be like this. She had such a big temper. If she married a bad family in the future, she might not have a good life.

"As long as you don't have bad thoughts about Axiu, I won't interfere with your dealings with Axiu." Cheng Jin still made his position clear.

Judging from the brief dealings with Xiaoyuer, Xiaoyuer doesn't seem to be a scheming. And with such a big temper, he can't stand any grievance, but Axiu and Xiaoyuer are very compatible. This is also a rare fate.

Princess Yongchun gave Cheng Jin a blank look, and secretly thought that Cheng Shizi's eyes were so bad that she didn't recognize her identity.

Afterwards, Axiu came over and saw that Princess Yongchun didn't seem to be unhappy, so she felt relieved.

Cheng Jin was not in a hurry to leave. When Princess Yongchun was happy, she took Cheng Jin and Cheng Xiu to the restaurant downstairs in Wanjing.

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