As soon as Princess Yongchun entered Wanjinglou, she asked the shopkeeper to order all the most expensive and delicious dishes.

Cheng Xiu was amazed by the tsk tsk, and asked curiously, "What exactly does your family do?"

How can you be so generous?

Princess Yongchun thought for a while before saying, "My brother is a very powerful person."

And he is the largest official in Daqi.

Cheng Jin didn't make a decision, feeling that Xiao Yu'er was just protecting his shortcomings.

"Anyway, my brother is the most powerful person." Princess Yongchun mentioned her royal brother with pride.

Cheng Jin wanted to see traces of lying on Xiaoyuer's face, but Xiaoyuer looked very sincere and didn't seem to be lying.

It wasn't until the food was served that Princess Yongchun shook her head after trying a few bites: "It's still the food made by Baoyu. After eating the food made by Baoyu, the other dishes can only be in the future."

Although she made such a comment, her mouth never stopped.

Cheng Xiu whispered to Cheng Jin: "Brother, I'm right, Xiao Yu'er is a very interesting person."

Cheng Jin frowned slightly, his eyes fixed on Xiaoyu's hands.

Those jade hands were as white as jade, without the slightest slack, and at a glance, they knew that they had never done any heavy work.

"Xiaoyu'er, how did you go to the Yongxin clothing store to help?" Cheng Jin probed.

"My sister-in-law introduced it. My sister-in-law is amazing. Not only is she beautiful, but she is also very intelligent. She even subdued my brother who is not close to women. There are so many women in my brother's backyard. My sister-in-law is different..." When it comes to Qin Zhao, Princess Yongchun has endless things to say.

Although Qin Zhao is not the queen, she regards Qin Zhao as her only sister-in-law.

"Is your sister-in-law really that powerful?" Cheng Xiu listened with relish and was extremely curious.

"Let's put it this way, I think my sister-in-law is the most amazing woman in the world, no one." Princess Yongchun has been with Qin Zhao for a long time, and her tone of voice is also closer to Qin Zhao.

"Listening to you, I really want to meet your sister-in-law." Cheng Xiuyu looked forward.

"My sister-in-law manages the entire backyard... She has to take care of the little cute baby, and she has to serve my difficult brother. She is usually very busy. However, there will always be opportunities in the future." Princess Yongchun sold her money. .

If she married Cheng Jin, wouldn't Axiu be her sister-in-law, Qin Zhao would definitely meet.

Cheng Jin watched Xiaoyu'er speak, and always felt that the girl was talking in a different way.

For example, her brother is not close to women, and there are a lot of women in the backyard. If she is a noble daughter of a wealthy family, why would she go to the Yongxin clothing store to help?

"Does Cheng Shizi have so many worries?" Princess Yongchun was chatting with Cheng Xiu, and when she turned her head, she saw Cheng Jin looking at her distracted.

Cheng Jin was facing Princess Yongchun's bright eyes, and she saw pure curiosity on her face.

Xiaoyuer's emotions are written on his face, and he is a pure-hearted man.

"Does Cheng Shizi think I'm good-looking? Otherwise, I'll feel wronged and marry Cheng Shizi." Princess Yongchun looked at Cheng Jin's handsome face and blurted out.

Cheng Xiu's jaw dropped in shock.

You must know that there are long queues of noble girls in the capital who want to marry their brother, but Xiao Yuer actually said that marrying his brother was wronged?

Cheng Jin was also shocked by Princess Yongchun's bold remarks, and he said with a sullen face: "Who allowed you to speak frivolously in this school?"

Princess Yongchun burst into laughter and trembled: "Why does Cheng Shizi talk like my brother? My sister-in-law said that liking someone is not something to be ashamed of, and you should speak out bravely. Cheng Shizi, I love you."

Cheng Jin blushed at this moment, he wanted to refute something, but in the end he couldn't utter a word.

One is shocking, and the other is because this is the first time in his life that he has been confessed in person.

"Xiaoyu'er, forget it, my brother is too good, he was booked by the emperor, and my brother wants His Royal Highness Princess Shangchang in the future." Although Cheng Xiu couldn't bear it, she still poured a basin of cold water on Princess Yongchun's head.

Cheng Jin only remembered this at this time, and his heart was a little heavy.

I made it clear today, let him choose between the two eldest princesses. No one in the Hou Mansion wanted to see him as Princess Shang, but he himself wanted to marry a woman he liked.

But today, he said, his fate can only be one of the eldest princesses, otherwise the entire Hou Mansion will suffer.

"Which eldest princess did Prince Cheng fall in love with?" Princess Yongchun's heart raised in her throat, and it must not be Yongning.

Cheng Jin didn't answer, Cheng Xiu sighed softly: "The incident happened suddenly on the Mid-Autumn Festival night, and my brother was a little more impressed by His Royal Highness Princess Yongning."

"Then Cheng Shizi took a fancy to Princess Yongning?" Princess Yongchun raised her heart in her throat.

Cheng Xiu said, "That's not so. If you really want to honor one of them, it must be Your Highness Princess Yongning? The reputation of Her Royal Highness Princess Yongchun is not very good..."

"That's just a rumor, the rumor may not be the truth." Princess Yongchun was anxious.

Cheng Jin was in a bad mood and wanted to leave when he got up.

Princess Yongchun hurriedly chased out. Cheng Xiu also wanted to chase out, but the shopkeeper stopped her because they hadn't given the money yet.

After giving the money, when Cheng Xiu chased out, he found that Cheng Jin and Xiao Yuer had disappeared.

The long princess Yongchun quickly chased after Cheng Jin, hesitating whether or not to clarify her identity with Cheng Jin.

Qin Zhao asked her to fight for herself. She was working hard, but the man's heart was deep in the bottom of the sea, and she didn't know what Cheng Jin was thinking.

In addition, her reputation is really bad, and she is not smart, can Cheng Jin like her?

Thinking of this, she sighed, and suddenly felt that her future was slim.

Cheng Jin heard the sigh and looked at her: "What are you sighing for?"

"I'm eighteen and haven't married yet, so I'm worried about getting married. To tell the truth, my reputation is not very good, and the outside world says I'm vicious. I just have a bad temper. Last time, a slave died in me. In the courtyard of the house, it was him who was self-defeating, I didn't force him, I was framed, okay?" Princess Yongchun sighed.

As long as a normal man is unwilling to marry her, he wants to marry Yongning, right?

"You always talk like this..." Cheng Jin was at a loss for words and couldn't find a suitable adjective.

Princess Yongchun smiled and said: "It was probably influenced by my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law said that if you like someone, you have to say it, and if you like something, you have to fight for it. I am fighting for it now. To tell the truth, I saw the first son of the eldest son. At a glance, my heart beat faster."

Cheng Jin slowed down and met the beautiful eyes of Princess Yongchun.

The eyes of the two were intertwined, Princess Yongchun's face gradually turned red, and Cheng Jin's heartbeat suddenly slowed for half a beat...

They looked at each other with too much concentration, unaware that there was a woman standing not far away, and clenched their fists when they saw this scene...

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