After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 1190 One person for the rest of my life

"What about later?" Qin Zhao's curiosity aroused Xiao Yu.

"I was tired and fell asleep on the bed. I woke up the next day before dawn, and Ajin also woke up. He told me that it wasn't intentional, and that he didn't drink much, so he got drunk for some reason. Dead. Later, in order to cover up the fact that we didn't have a consummate marriage, A Jin hurt himself..." Xiao Yu said, blushing.

So even if she was fooled like this on the second day of the wedding, she and Cheng Jin were in the perfect room on the second day of the wedding.

Qin Zhao noticed Xiao Yu's sweet tone when she called Cheng Jin, she winked and said, "It seems that Cheng Jin treats you well."

From Xiao Yu's ruddy face, you can see a thing or two.

"It's alright, what's wrong with the man I'm in love with? It's just that he's too good-looking. There are always some little girls in the Hou residence who are obsessed with Ajin." Xiao Yu was particularly angry when he mentioned this.

Especially the maid named Zhixi, relying on serving Cheng Jin for many years, not treating herself as an outsider, and breaking the rules many times, if Qin Zhao hadn't taught her to do things too badly, she would have sold the maid directly to Hou Hou. government.

"So what's going on? You told me." Qin Zhao heard something unusual and asked.

Xiao Yu told about Zhixi.

"Zhixi has been serving Ajin for ten years, and because she has a little master-servant relationship with Ajin, she doesn't treat herself as an outsider. Yesterday, I was whispering to Ajin when she suddenly broke in. If it wasn't for you Teach me not to act recklessly, so I punished her at the time. However, Ajin was not happy when Zhixi broke in, and it can be seen that Ajin has no other intentions for Zhixi." Xiao Yu explained the general situation .

After listening to Qin Zhao, he shook his head and said: "This matter should not be taken lightly, and you should not underestimate any woman. Even a maid can do bad things. The previous Niansu was not a powerful person, especially when it comes to doing things, don't you? I underestimated Zhixi. She has been in the Hou residence for so long, and her foundation is deeper than yours. You are new to the Hou residence, and you are not very clever, so you have to be careful in everything. Catch Cheng Jin's heart. As long as you catch a man's heart, his body will naturally guard you."

Xiao Yu nodded while listening, feeling that listening to Qin Zhao would benefit a lot.

"By the way, you also have to be careful with the eldest princess Yongning. I suspect that she won't let it go. You think that she had covered up all your sharpness before, but at the last moment you stole the man she liked. Will you let go of you and Cheng Jin easily?" Qin Zhao expressed his concerns.

Xiao Yu was stunned when she heard this: "Isn't it? I'm married to Ajin."

"Xiao Yu, I'm not trying to scare you. People like Princess Yongning can do anything." Qin Zhao said sternly, "Maybe she still wants Cheng Jin to divorce you and marry Cheng Jin again."

Xiao Yu's face turned pale when she heard this: "Don't scare me."

"I think that's what she thinks, so you should not only be careful to guard against Zhixi, but also guard against Princess Yongning's hand from entering Yongchang Hou's mansion." Qin Zhao said this, and suddenly felt that the problem was serious: "Well, I Go and ask the Empress Dowager for an experienced and scheming mama, and enter the Hou residence with you, you can rest assured to use the person introduced by the Empress Dowager."

"Okay, I'll listen to your arrangements." Xiao Yu was no longer nervous.

Anyway, with Qin Zhao helping her, no matter how powerful Yongning is, it is impossible to be more powerful than Qin Zhao.

"How come your virtue hasn't changed when you get married?" Qin Zhao was speechless.

Although she regards Xiao Yu as a friend, she is not Xiao Yu's mother, Xiao Yu is married, she still has to take care of Xiao Yu?

"There's nothing to change, anyway, in the three days I've been married, I don't think it's any different from being in the palace. I used to eat well and use it well. I used to have you to help me, but in the Hou residence, I relied on my A Jin to help me. "Xiao Yu felt that her life was probably a good one.

Qin Zhao:  …

Xiao Yu stayed in Jinyang Palace for an hour, and Cheng Jin came to Jinyang Palace to connect Xiao Yu to return to Houfu.

"Aren't you going to stay in the palace for two days before going back?" Qin Zhao didn't expect Cheng Jin to come so quickly.

"I'm married to my husband. Whatever A Jin says, I promise." Xiao Yu smiled.

Qin Zhao was silent, and stuffed the prepared snacks into Xiao Yu's hands.

Xiao Yu looked grateful, took the snack and said, "Whoever knows me is more like Qin Zhao."

"Okay, stop talking sweetly, I'll send you off." Qin Zhao said, sending Xiao Yu out of Jinyang Palace.

Cheng Jin was waiting outside the Jinyang Palace. He was wearing a dark blue robe and had a high eyebrow, which was very seductive.

The moment he saw Xiao Yu, the sharpness between Cheng Jin's brows seemed to melt away. He saw Xiao Yu carrying a basket of snacks and hurried forward to take them.

"This is a snack specially prepared for me by Zhaozhao. It's a snack made by Baoyu. It's very delicious." Xiao Yu said with a smile.

Cheng Jin held her palm and looked at it, seeing the bamboo basket print on it, his eyes darkened slightly: "Next time, let Ju Yun help you..."

"I can lift it." Under Cheng Jin's gaze, Xiao Yu shut up.

When Qin Zhao saw this scene, the only worry was gone.

Although she didn't know if Cheng Jin had a relationship with Xiao Yu, but Cheng Jin's concern for Xiao Yu was by no means a show, it was enough.

Are they the so-called Qin Se and Ming?

"Zhaozhao, I'm going back. Next time I'll come to the palace to see you. If you're free, you can go to the Hou's Mansion to find me." Before leaving, Xiao Yu said reluctantly.

Qin Zhao's brows and eyes are gentle and authentic: "Okay."

Xiao Yu walked a few steps away, then looked back at Jinyang Palace, only to see Qin Zhao still standing still.

"I think Zhaozhao is like my sister. If my mother-in-law is still alive, she will treat me like Zhaozhao." Xiao Yu felt that she was a very lucky person.

Born in the royal family and grew up with Yongning, she was confused for more than ten years, and she was able to meet Qin Zhao, which made her wake up in time.

Qin Zhao is not so lucky. After she gets married, the draft is about to start. There will be countless newcomers entering the palace, and Qin Zhao's situation will be even worse.

"I'll treat you well in the future." Cheng Jin held Xiao Yu's hand tightly.

Xiao Yu looked at Cheng Jin and said, "You're fine in everything, but you shouldn't be too good-looking, it's easy to attract rotten peach blossoms."

Qin Zhao said that Yongning was still thinking about Cheng Jin and asked her to be careful, but she didn't know how to prevent it.

Now we can only see one step at a time.

Cheng Jin didn't know the concerns in Xiao Yu's heart, so he comforted her and said, "Since you are my wife, I will be single-minded to you and not have two hearts."

What he advocates is a marriage like that of his parents, one for the rest of his life.

Now that I think about it, there is nothing wrong with Princess Shangli, Xiaoyuer is a good woman, much better than the rumors.

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