In Yongning Zhai, Princess Yongning heard that Cheng Jin brought Xiao Yu back to the palace, and wanted to go out, but because she was still thinking about it behind closed doors, she could only stay in Yongning Zhai and could not go anywhere.

This time, Princess Yongning was very calm.

It doesn't matter if Cheng Jin marries Xiao Yu, she will have the opportunity to let Cheng Jin divorce Xiao Yu in the future. Even if Xiao Yu doesn't stop, she will find a way to marry Cheng Jin.

It's okay to be confined at present, a month will soon pass, and she will soon leave Yongning Zhai.

It's her people, her things, and no one can take it away.

Qin Zhao can't, Xiao Yu can't!

A few days later, beautiful girls from all over the country entered Kyoto one after another.

On the day of the draft, the show girls took a mule cart to the outside of Shenwu Gate, and then the servants led them into the palace from the side gate.

The emperor Xiao Ce didn't care about the draft, plus the Queen Mother Guo's phoenix body violated the peace, the draft was basically left to Qin Zhao alone.

Of course, Empress Dowager Guo was uneasy about handing over such a major event to Qin Zhao, so she specially asked Wu Xirou to assist.

A group of young and beautiful girls were led to Qin Zhao.

Because Xiao Ce, who is the emperor, doesn't care about anything, after Qin Zhao picked out all the outstanding girls, he let the Queen Mother Guo take a look, and then there are the current batch of outstanding girls.

Wu Xirou was accompanying Qin Zhao, and she was secretly shocked when she saw the appearance of the beautiful women in front of her. These girls are not only beautiful, but also in excellent shape.

One of them is even more amazingly beautiful, both charming and charming, as beautiful as a blooming spring flower, which makes people unable to take their eyes off.

She even felt that the beauty of this beautiful girl was comparable to that of Qin Zhao, but Qin Zhao was much older than this beautiful girl, and this girl was like a tender shoot of branches and leaves. Not to mention Xiao Ce as a man.

The moment Wu Xirou saw this beautiful girl, she was blaming Qin Zhao for keeping such a beauty in her heart. If it was her, she would definitely take this beauty down.

What was Qin Zhao thinking about? !

Qin Zhao didn't know what Wu Xirou was thinking. She carefully looked at the beautiful girls and found that they were all excellent. She felt that it was no exaggeration for everyone to stay in the harem.

It would be fine if Xiao Ce chose here personally, but she was reluctant to discard each of them.

"Baozhu, go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation again and ask the emperor to come and take a look. Just say, it won't take long." Qin Zhao explained to Baozhu in a low voice.

Jewel went away.

When Wu Xirou heard Qin Zhao's words, she secretly mocked Qin Zhao for finding something.

If Xiao Ce wasn't here, it would be understandable for them to take down some more beautiful girls. At that time, Xiao Ce will come and choose by himself, and he will definitely leave an excellent show girl.

Does Qin Zhao know what he is doing? !

Wu Xirou was blaming Qin Zhao for being busy, but Qin Zhao just wanted to do this errand well. She had no selfishness at all, she just wanted to add more good women to Xiao Ce's harem and abandon the real harem.

When the show girls saw that the draft had not started, they were a little anxious, and some even wondered if the noble concubine saw their beauty and did not want them to enter the palace to serve the king?

Especially since the emperor has yet to show up, this is a strange thing.

In such a major event as the draft, as one of the parties, how could the emperor not show up? Could it be that someone deliberately stumbled?

Everyone felt that if the emperor showed up, it wouldn't matter if they stayed in the harem, but if the emperor didn't come, their fate would be in Qin Zhao's hands.

Qin Zhao didn't know what the girls were thinking. She waited patiently. After about two quarters of an hour, Baozhu hurried back and shook her head at Qin Zhao: "The emperor said that he couldn't get out of his body and let the empress preside over the draft. The emperor also said, You can trust the noble concubine."

"The emperor is busy with government affairs, so it's normal that you can't get away. Since the emperor won't come, Sister Qin, shall we start?" Wu Xirou said to Qin Zhao with a smile.

Qin Zhao stopped wasting time, raised his lips and said, "The draft begins."

Xiao Linzi agreed, and then asked ten beautiful girls to stand in a row in front of Qin Zhao, so that Qin Zhao could choose carefully.

Qin Zhao has already written down the names and family backgrounds of all the beautiful girls, but the paintings are far less vivid and beautiful than the real ones.

On the one hand, she feels that it is so good to be young, and on the other hand, she also feels that her vision is really good.

Qin Zhao keeps the excellent ones, and the most beautiful girls may be no exception...

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Wu Xirou hurriedly whispered to Qin Zhao, "Sister, take a step to speak."

Qin Zhao didn't know what Wu Xirou was going to do, so she followed Wu Xirou aside as she said, "What's the matter?"

"Sister, don't you think about it anymore? That person just now looks too..." Wu Xirou hesitated.

"You mean Yun Ran?" Qin Zhao asked.

Wu Xirou nodded hurriedly: "Exactly. Miss Yun's appearance is too outstanding, and it would be bad to stay in the palace."

"Concubine Xian, you are discriminating against beauty. Ben Gong thinks Yun Ran is not bad, and the emperor will definitely like it. There are too few people in the emperor's harem. It is rare to have such an outstanding beauty. Of course, you have to leave a sign." Qin Zhao disagreed.

She felt that there was not much to be a beautiful girl.

With Xiao Ce's temperament, if it is not special enough, Xiao Ce can't remember that keeping so many beautiful girls in the palace will only ruin half of their lives, why bother?

Therefore, she would rather choose less brands to keep, rather than keep some uneven looks in the harem.

Wu Xirou was at a loss for words, but she was still struggling: "That's right—"

"Concubine Xian, the emperor and the empress dowager have entrusted such an important matter to this palace. This palace must not be biased in any way. It must be reported to the public to handle this matter. You are only assisting from the side, and this palace is in charge of other matters." Qin Zhao was too lazy to pay attention to Wu Xirou.

She went to Yun Ran and smiled: "You are beautiful, the emperor must like it."

Then she left Yun Ran's sign.

Yun Ran's expression didn't change, however, it was reasonable to leave a sign on her appearance, and it would be a miracle if she didn't leave a sign.

Qin Zhao was carefully selecting a beautiful girl, when suddenly she heard Xiao Ce's footsteps. Not only Xiao Ce, but she also heard Empress Dowager Guo's footsteps approaching.

I thought that the two big men would show up soon, but when they got here, the footsteps of the mother and son stopped, but they were nearby.

What else did Qin Zhao not understand at this time?

It was clear that Empress Dowager Guo felt that she was selfish and would not leave a good girl, so she deliberately asked Xiao Ce to peep at the side.

She just thought it was ridiculous, but she didn't know what to do, and continued to choose beautiful girls.

Until she picked out all the good enough show girls, there were as many as 30 in total, and the remaining more than 100 people were washed down.

This batch of unsuccessful girls felt aggrieved and thought that Qin Zhao deliberately did not pick them.

It has been several years since I ascended the throne. This is the first draft, but only 30 imperial concubines are left. This shows that I don't want too many newcomers in the emperor's harem.

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