After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 128 Keep up, go back to the palace!

At this moment, Qin Zhao is very glad that he is an abandoned woman. Whether it is Da Qi or Da Yuezhi, they look down on the next cousin. How embarrassing is someone like her being brought by the second prince of Da Yuezhi?

Seeing that Seth was still hesitating, she got up, called Baoyu and Baozhu aside, and whispered, "You two, pack up. We will leave the capital with the Second Highness later, and we will hang out with the Second Highness in the future."

Baozhu received the small eyes from Qin Zhao, and instantly understood, she cooperated in a low voice: "This is not good, the girl rashly leaves with the Second Highness, then can you go back to Qin's house?"

"I will be despised when I go back to my mother's house. I might as well follow the Second Highness. Don't worry, I am measured." Qin Zhao said, and whispered to Baozhu: "Since I had a way to make His Royal Highness the prince that day. Take me to the palace to avoid misfortune, and in the future I will still have a way to entangle the Second Highness..."

Baoyu also understood at this time. She heard a movement behind her, and when she looked back, she saw that Seth was leaving. She hurriedly said, "Miss, the Second Highness is leaving."

Qin Zhao looked and saw that Seth took his people and walked away quickly.

She caught up with two steps and asked, "Won't your second highness take me away?"

As soon as she spoke, Seth walked faster.

Qin Zhao looked at it and breathed a sigh of relief.

She felt that Tongfu Inn should not stay for a long time, and her words could not stand scrutiny. If Seth went to check how she got out of the palace, she would know that she was lying.

After confirming that Seth was far away, she immediately asked Baoyu and Baozhu to prepare, and they had to leave Tongfu Inn immediately.

After that, Seth was still a little unwilling after walking out of the Tongfu Inn. He instructed his attendant, "Go and find out why Qin Zhao left the palace immediately."

He had dealt with Qin Zhao once in the Hall of Supreme Harmony before. This woman was eloquent. Didn't he fall into the trap of her words when he was in the Hall of Supreme Harmony?

Wouldn't he have been deceived by her?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very high, and he wanted to return to the inn right now, but at this moment, someone hurriedly arrived, it turned out to be Xiao Ce!

Xiao Ce also saw Seth, he slowed down and looked at Seth with a gentle expression: "What a coincidence."

It is clearly a very peaceful expression, and even his eyes are very gentle, but Seth feels creepy, and has the illusion of being stared at by a poisonous snake.

"Come to visit a friend, why did Young Master Xiao come to Tongfu Inn?" Seth was unhappy and suppressed by Xiao Ce's aura, but his face remained calm.

Xiao Ce was probably here for Qin Zhao, and he was most likely deceived by that woman just now.

Xiao Ce took a deep look at Seth and opened his lips indifferently: "Personal affairs."

Seth watched Xiao Ce enter the inn, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

He has always been the only one to play tricks on people. After he came to Daqi, he was actually played by the same woman twice, and he couldn't swallow it.

The person who was protecting Qin Zhao secretly was hesitating whether to report to Wen Chong about Seth's visit. At first glance, Xiao Ce and Wen Chong appeared, and they hurriedly came out to greet him.

Xiao Ce motioned them to keep quiet, and went to the guest room they pointed to.

As soon as I approached the door of the guest room, I heard Qin Zhao say: "Seth is not a person to fool, I suspect that he will come back at any time, we have to leave the inn as soon as possible. The two of you can't carry the box, so you have to find someone to carry the box. Carry it out, but I'm afraid Seth didn't get far."

"Would you like to go to Lord Wen for help?" Baozhu said with an idea.

"Master Wen doesn't need to help us. I'm afraid that he will be implicated. If I had known that they would be replaced by silver notes, otherwise it would not have become a burden like it is now." Qin Zhao was very frustrated.

The person who carried the suitcase had already found it, but he was not in the inn, so he had to go to the inn to find someone. If Seth was still outside the inn, wouldn't he have thrown himself into the net?

Wen Chong listened outside and breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that His Highness the Crown Prince thought that he had an affair with Qin Zhao, and what Qin Zhao said just now only proved the innocence between him and Qin Zhao.

On the way to the inn, he told Qin Zhao that he asked him for help. At that time, His Highness the Prince didn't say anything, and his expression didn't show any emotion, but it made him very frightened.

Qin Zhao was worrying about her dowry, but she heard familiar footsteps resounding like Xiao Ce...

She looked back and saw Xiao Ce with an unpredictable expression entering, she got up hurriedly and stood up properly.

Xiao Ce didn't speak, and took the seat where Seth had sat before.

Qin Zhao's scalp was numb, and it was scary that Xiao Ce didn't smile at the moment.

It can be guessed that Xiao Ce's mood at the moment must not be very beautiful.

It's not her fault either. Concubine Shu wanted to kiss her and marry her. She ran out of the palace for the rest of her life and didn't have time to say hello to him. Can't blame her entirely?

"Well, drink a cup of tea, Your Highness, to moisten your throat." Qin Zhao bit the bullet and brought the tea to Xiao Ce.

Xiao Ce didn't pick up the teacup or the call, which made her overwhelmed.

She looked at Wen Chong, hoping that Wen Chong could help her.

Who knew that Wen Chong didn't look away, pretending to be invisible, and Wen Chong took everyone else and left, and finally closed the door.

It's good now, Qin Zhao can only face Xiao Ce by himself.

She moved Zhang Tuzi and sat down opposite Xiao Ce, poured a glass of water and took two sips before saying, "Don't be angry, Your Highness, you will grow old quickly."

Xiao Ce still ignored her, such a stuffy gourd temper really made her unbearable.

She still wanted to pour tea, but found that the teapot was out of water, and she said confidently: "I can't blame me. I asked Lord Wen for help, and it was only a stopgap measure. Besides, this is an opportunity to go out of the palace, and I can't be swayed. Trapped in the palace for a lifetime..."

She was speaking righteously, but she met Xiao Ce's tight jawline. Although it was good-looking, it looked quite scary.

At the moment she was counseled: "Okay, I admit that it's my fault to say goodbye without telling me. It's a bit immoral to run like this without repaying His Highness's kindness. But isn't His Highness here? Thank you so much, in the future, if your Highness has a place where you can find a girl, the girl will definitely do her best and die."

So, can you stop being angry?

Xiao Ce glanced over with a cold glance, and Qin Zhao's heart was lifted in the air.

what does this mean?

Is there anything wrong with her farewell statement just now?

Just when she was feeling uneasy, Xiao Ce suddenly stood up. She thought that Xiao Ce was going to leave, so she got up and planned to show off respectfully.

"Follow up, go back to the palace!" Xiao Ce only put down these two words, looking very cold.

Qin Zhao lowered his face: "What do you mean by Your Highness?"

What's the point of her entering the palace again? Concubine Shu still hoped that she would marry out of the palace, not to harm Xiao Ce, nor did she want to harm Xiao Ce.

Although Xiao Ce is very good and excellent, and also intends to make her his woman, she really has no intention of continuing the fate of her previous life.

He didn't know that her existence might kill him.


Goodnight everybody.

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