After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 129 Accept her into the East Palace!

"Do you think you can get out of the capital? Seth is just outside the inn. As soon as you go out, he will take him to Da Yuezhi. I only heard that Seth is a vicious person, and the methods of torturing people are vicious and varied. You fall on him. I don't know how many days I can live. If you don't go back to the palace, then go with him." After Xiao Ce finished speaking, he walked away with graceful steps.

Qin Zhao thought that Seth was not as vicious as Xiao Ce said, but she clearly remembered that she teased Seth twice.

How heavy is Seth's revenge. She has learned from her previous life. She falls into Seth's hands, and it is certain that she will die.

Without hesitating for too long, she followed Xiao Ce and asked, "Your Highness, what about my dowry? I can't enter the palace, and the dowry is still outside the palace."

Wen Chong looked at the stiff back of His Royal Highness and whispered, "Miss Qin, don't worry, I will send your dowry back to the East Palace safely."

This is considered to be a failure of his merits, and I hope His Royal Highness will not hold grudges.

"Then there is Lord Lao Wen." Qin Zhao was also afraid that this matter would implicate Wen Chong, and whispered to him: "Don't worry, Lord Wen, I will not implicate you in this matter, you are a good person, and a good person will be rewarded. ."

Wen Chong didn't expect Qin Zhao to see through his own thoughts, and he felt ashamed: "Miss Qin is serious."

"Then I'll go first." Looking at Xiao Ce who was slowing down in front, Qin Zhao chased after him with a sense of crisis: "His Royal Highness, wait for the people."

Her shouting made Xiao Ce quicken his pace.

At this moment, Qin Zhao is more certain that Xiao Ce is actually very careful. She didn't see it in her previous life and thought he was perfect.

In this way, she chased out of the inn. Sure enough, Seth hadn't gone far. The moment he saw her, Seth's face darkened.

"Miss Qin is really eloquent."

Seth was so angry that Qin Zhao heard his teeth grinding.

She made a statement of innocence: "Has the Second Highness left yet? I was indeed kicked out of the palace by His Royal Highness, but His Highness was merciful and merciful, and suddenly felt that the crime I committed would not be punished so severely, so I mercifully let it go. I'm going back to the East Palace to be a maid, working part-time to pay off my debts..."

"Qin Zhao!" Xiao Ce's voice that was quenched by ice slag came from not far away.

Qin Zhao took another look at Seth and knew in his heart that he and Seth's Liang Zi had settled down. She didn't believe what she said just now, let alone Seth?

Seth had a high self-esteem, but he fell into the trap of her words twice, and he must have hated her.

She gave up her dying struggle and was about to follow Xiao Ce when she heard Seth's gloomy voice behind her: "Qin Zhao, I remember you. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely pick you up to visit Da Yuezhi."

Qin Zhao felt a chill on the back of her neck, she quickened her pace and ran to Xiao Ce's side, only then did she feel safe.

On the way back to the palace, Qin Zhao did not speak, and Xiao Ce looked very serious. Qin Zhaoxi was already familiar with Xiao Ce's cold face, and she was worried that she would still be targeted by Seth, which would implicate Xiao Ce.

Ever since she had dealt with Seth in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, she felt that the bad relationship with Seth had already begun, and she couldn't get rid of it.

They only entered the East Palace when they heard a palace maid whispering that Wu Xiyu would enter the East Palace tomorrow and officially become Xiao Ce's Liang Di.

And this matter has spread throughout the harem, and it is reasonable to spread it into the East Palace.

Qin Zhao heard it sharply, and she took a peek at Xiao Ce, wondering how he would react when he would soon have a great beauty like Wu Xiyu.

But it's a pity that Xiao Ce's brows didn't change, as if Wu Xiyu was not his woman.

The palace maids who were discussing later realized that the Crown Prince had returned to the East Palace, and fell to her knees in fright.

Xiao Ce turned a blind eye and took Qin Zhao into the main hall.

Qin Zhao originally wanted to use Wu Xiyu to shift the focus, but seeing Xiao Ce's expression condensed, like an iceberg, she dismissed the idea.

She was actually right. It's her fault to leave without telling her, but in that case, would she obediently become one of the men appointed by Concubine Shu to fill the house?

"Don't you have anything to say to Gu?" After waiting for a quarter of an hour, Xiao Ce finally broke the deadly silence on the scene.

"No." Qin Zhao said indifferently.

She apologized only because she left without saying goodbye.

"Then tell me, why did the mother concubine tell you about the kiss, you never mentioned it before the solitary? Or do you think that the solitary instigated the mother to tell you the kiss?" Xiao Ce's voice suddenly increased: "Qin Zhao, look at Gu Reply!"

Qin Zhao raised his head to look at Xiao Ce and replied in a muffled voice, "At the beginning, the girl did suspect that it was His Highness the Prince, but the girl knew that His Royal Highness is not such a person. Concubine Shu is the biological mother of His Royal Highness, the girl of the people. I also think that Concubine Shu is not wrong to think for the sake of His Royal Highness, the best way is for the people to leave the palace."

Since she went out of the palace to be good to everyone, why didn't everyone's wishes come true?

She doesn't want to follow the old road of the previous life, but the plot seems to be walking on the road of the previous life, but she came earlier in this life than in the previous life.

She never expected at first that she just wanted to live a little life, and she would end up entangled with Xiao Ce again.

"After all, do you still make sense?" Xiao Ce sneered.

He had never seen such a woman who didn't know what to do, and she knew how to back down when something happened. She didn't even say a word to him and left the palace without permission. How dare she? !

"I was justified in the first place. Just because Your Highness has a high position, you shouldn't feel that the people should report everything to His Highness, right? Getting married is a good thing, but even if you get married, the people want to follow their own wishes. It is also the reason why Minnu asked Lord Wen for help. Minnu thought about leaving the palace and meeting a suitable one in the future. Minnu has the possibility of remarrying, but in the palace, there will never be such a chance—"

Before Qin Zhao could finish speaking, she heard Xiao Ce slap her palm on the table, and her voice was so loud that she jumped.

She was facing Xiao Ce's cold eyes, and she was a little scared for a while.

But she was still not afraid of death and said the truth: "The people are right!"

"Qin Zhao, have you learned to talk back?!" Xiao Ce couldn't believe that Qin Zhao didn't know how to repent and thought he was right.

Hearing this, Qin Zhao finally couldn't bear it any longer: "His Royal Highness always treats Min's daughter as a child. Min's daughter is an adult, has been married, and has left the court. She is already seventeen years old, and Min's daughter is an older female. Your Highness Is there some cognitive error?"

"So, if you're too big to get married, do you lack a man? How many times Gu has said that you can become an orphan woman, so that you can solve all the troubles, why do you want to be far away?" Xiao Ce really couldn't understand women way of thinking.

I don't know if Qin Zhao is more difficult to understand, or if other women are as complicated as Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao didn't know how to answer Xiao Ce's question.

She can't tell him that she followed him in her last life, and she still loves him to the death, right? But one-sided love is not good at all, and the pain of not getting what she wants makes her not want to try again.

She just doesn't want to fall into the quagmire of feelings again. Avoiding risks is a human instinct, and she can't avoid it.

"Your Highness is too good, Qin Zhao is not worthy. If you really follow His Highness, the girl will feel inferior." Qin Zhao casually found a reason and excuse.

Of course, this is also true.

Now she has nothing. Without the support of the family, without a good-looking face, and without a woman's figure, she has not even grown physically.

Such Qin Zhao, she herself felt too mediocre, would damage the reputation of Crown Prince Xiao Ce.

"I understand what you mean." After a moment of silence, Xiao Ce finally opened his mouth with an unpredictable expression.

Qin Zhao felt that Xiao Ce's expression was a bit wrong: "What does Your Highness understand?"

Now it was her who didn't understand what Xiao Ce was expressing.

"The concubine thinks that it is inappropriate for you to live in the East Palace because you do not have a proper identity. As long as this problem is resolved, the concubine will not be able to kiss you again." Xiao Ce curled her lips lightly.

Xiao Ce's words shocked Qin Zhao: "So, what does Your Highness want to do?"

"If you become a lonely woman, the problem will be solved, and it's not difficult. You don't need to discuss this matter with anyone." Xiao Ce looked at Zhang Jixiang: "Go and gather everyone in the East Palace together. , there is only one thing to announce in public."

Qin Zhao was shocked when she heard this, and she said to the dumbfounded Zhang Jixiang: "Eunuch Zhang, wait a minute, let me and His Highness say a few more words."

"Zhang Jixiang, is the loneliness still not moving you?" Xiao Ce looked at Zhang Jixiang coldly.

Zhang Jixiang did not dare to hesitate any longer, and took his orders to leave.

After this battle, His Royal Highness is determined to admit Qin Zhao into the East Palace, right? What His Highness Fang Cai meant by his words was to summon everyone to announce this matter.

Originally, Qin Zhao had already left the palace, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince personally brought people back to the palace.

Even if he is reluctant to admit it, the problem is not Qin Zhao, but that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is unwilling to let Qin Zhao leave.

Zhang Jixiang informed the beauties of the different gardens, saying that His Royal Highness the Prince had something to explain. This was the first time everyone had seen His Royal Highness summon everyone since they entered the East Palace.

This made everyone wonder what was going on, since it had never been done before.

In the main hall, Qin Zhao also tried to make Xiao Ce change his mind, but Xiao Ce was determined to bring her into his wing.

Her saliva was almost dry, but Xiao Ce was still indifferent.

She suddenly had a flash of inspiration, remembering Wu Xiyu and quickly entering the East Palace, and reminded: "His Royal Highness, don't forget, Miss Wu will enter the East Palace tomorrow. At this time, His Highness made me become His Highness's woman, not to make the Emperor think that His Highness is against the Emperor. Is there any dissatisfaction that made such a decision?"

Yes, this is a slap in the face of the emperor, and it is a crime against the emperor.

"Perhaps this way, let me suspend the matter of entering the East Palace, and only wait for Miss Wu to enter the East Palace, and then discuss my matter again?" Qin Zhao tentatively asked.

Anyway, procrastinating every day counts as one day, the way is someone who comes up with it, maybe Xiao Ce will change his mind tomorrow.

"Your words seem to make sense..." Xiao Ce's deep black eyes revealed a bone-drenched coldness.


The three thousand words in this chapter are considered compensation. Zhaozhao will become one of Xiao Ce's harems tomorrow.

Because of a sudden change, this article was temporarily decided to be put on the shelves tomorrow, and Daqian was also confused. Because it is a temporary decision to put on the shelves, and the manuscript is not enough, Daqian can only update it as much as possible tomorrow.

Tomorrow's first order is very important and very important. I hope that parents who have the conditions can help to order all of them and give Daqian a little help.

Thank you very much for your support all the time. Next, I will ask for a monthly pass. If you have a monthly pass, please vote for Daqian, be careful.

Then, on a whim, I opened a pre-received article. The title of the article is "After I quit my relatives, I will be my ex-sister-in-law." The following is the portal, and interested parents can collect it first. After writing this one, let’s write that one, anyway, it’s a pre-received text.

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