After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 166 Give Qin Zhao to Him

"What will Niangniang do next?" Madam Zhong asked about business.

Concubine Wu Gui pondered for a moment, and soon made a decision: "Let's go out of the palace to find out if the second prince has left the capital. If not, then relay the news of Qin Zhao's beauty to the second prince. If the second prince has returned to Da Yuezhi country……"

In this way, she was the only one who sent someone to do it herself.

This is the last resort, but also the most effective method. Only by completely eliminating Qin Zhao can we restore peace to the East Palace and help Sister Xi eradicate one of the most powerful enemies.

Madam Zhong also instantly understood what Concubine Wu meant.

Don't give Qin Liangdi a chance to turn over, let alone let Qin Liangdi serve in the bed, otherwise it will be very difficult for Wu Liangyuan to win.

The queen concubine and the Wu family's dream of being a queen are waiting for Wu Liangyuan to come true, and the concubine will naturally not allow Qin Liangdi to block Wu Liangyuan's way.

Madam Zhong went out of the palace to inquire about it, and received news that the second prince of the Da Yuezhi was delayed by something and had not left the capital for a long time.

Knowing that Seth hadn't left the capital, Madam Zhong naturally knew what to do next.

She tried to send an anonymous letter to Seth, informing Qin Zhao of the situation in the East Palace, and emphasized that Qin Zhao was about to become beautiful.

Wu Liangyuan once said that at the Dragon Boat Festival, Seth paid special attention to Qin Zhao and seemed to be a little interested in Qin Zhao, so he specifically mentioned Qin Zhao's beauty in an anonymous letter.

In addition, Qin Zhao and Seth celebrated at the Dragon Boat Festival. If Seth was allowed to enter the palace to take Qin Zhao away, Qin Zhao's famous festival would be ruined, how could he continue to be Prince Liangdi?

This trick to kill with a knife is definitely the best way to get rid of Qin Zhao.

And Seth did receive an anonymous letter, which stated Qin Zhao's current situation, and also said that Qin Zhao was favored by Xiao Ce because Qin Zhao was developing, becoming beautiful soon, and would soon be in bed.

"Do you know who sent the letter?" Seth asked Anu, his close guard.

"When the subordinate came back, a child shoved this letter into the hand of the subordinate. As for the messenger behind it, the subordinate does not know." Anu answered truthfully.

He couldn't even figure out why the other party wanted to send this letter to the Second Highness. It was impossible that the Second Highness was really interested in Qin Liangdi.

Seth carefully read the letter again. The letter mentioned Qin Zhao's transformation into beauty, but he didn't take it seriously.

There is no shortage of beauties in Da Yuezhi, and the beauties there are all as beautiful as flowers, just like Qin Zhao's small bean sprouts, how beautiful can they be?

But for some reason, he was really interested in Qin Zhao's "beauty".

That woman teased him twice and made him lose all face in Daqi, but she was better, and she returned to the East Palace safely and became Xiao Ce's Liang Di.

No one has ever dared to tease him like this, let alone a woman?

If he can't take this revenge, he really can't swallow this breath. Seeing that his return to China is imminent, if Qin Zhao can be brought back to the Da Yuezhi, it will be a concern for him.

But Qin Zhao is the good Di of the East Palace, how can he take people away from the East Palace? If Xiao Ce knew about this, wouldn't he still be pursued and killed?

Just when he hesitated for a while, another attendant sent a letter in.

He opened it, and the content above made him laugh and laugh. Very simple, the letter said that if he intends to take Qin Zhao away, there will be someone in the palace to help him.

Seston understood that it was Qin Zhao's enemy in the palace who wanted to use his hand to get rid of Qin Zhao.

But he was really interested in Qin Zhao. If he could take Qin Zhao away, it would be interesting to see Qin Zhao's expression on his hands.

Without hesitating for too long, he made a decision.

"His Royal Highness, this is inappropriate. Qin Liangdi is the wife of the Crown Prince of Da Qi. If the Second Highness goes down and takes people away, doesn't that mean that it will set off a conflict between the two countries?" Anu hurriedly persuaded.

"There is someone in the palace who is willing to give Qin Zhao to me. Why don't I accept this kindness?"

Anu still wanted to lobby, but Seth couldn't listen to the advice, he had to execute the order.

Qin Zhao was in the East Palace, and he didn't know that hiding in the Mochizuki Residence would also bring disaster.

It was only the next day when Baoyu received news that the East Palace was spreading the news that she had become beautiful, that she felt something was wrong.

"Why don't I know about my beauty?" Qin Zhao was at a loss.

Baozhu carefully looked at Qin Zhao's facial features, and then frowned, she simply called Baoping over and asked Baoping to help Qin Zhao's pulse.

Baoping looked at Qin Zhao's face while taking his pulse, and was secretly amazed. They were with Liang Di all day long, and even if there was a slight change in Liang Di's appearance, they didn't notice.

But outsiders can see the change in Liang Di's appearance at the first time.

"Did the drug effect play a role?" Qin Zhao couldn't help touching his face when he saw that everyone was staring at him.

With just her face, can she really be beautiful?

"Liangdi's pulse is more stable and powerful than half a month ago. Yes, has Liangdi been feeling unwell recently?" Aquarius asked sternly.

Qin Zhao shook his head: "I can eat and drink without any discomfort."

Bao Ping said that it will hurt when the medicine takes effect, but so far she has no discomfort.

"Everyone's physique is different. Maybe Liang Di has been well nursed a few days ago, so there is no reaction. The slave maid sees Liang Di's ruddy face and long facial features, it really seems like the medicine is working. After a few days, the slave maid will give it again When Liang Di takes her pulse, she can determine whether the medicine is effective or not." Bao Ping didn't dare to say too much.

In fact, she expected Liang Di to come to Guishui within a month and officially become a woman, but she did not dare to talk too much.

Qin Zhao was secretly happy when she heard this, she knew that Bao Ping had reservations.

If she can really develop soon, how did the rumors come from outside?

"Did I meet anyone on the way yesterday when I went to the kitchen?" Qin Zhao asked with a frown.

She remembered that she went to the kitchen, and none of the people working in the kitchen dared to look directly at her, and they had never seen her before, so naturally they would not see the change in her appearance.

"I didn't meet anyone special." Baozhu remembered clearly.

Qin Zhao pondered for a moment, then said slowly, "It's Wang Liangyuan!"

Yesterday, Wang Liangyuan came to Mochizuki Residence and stared at her face for a long time, and the news that she became beautiful followed yesterday.

Therefore, it is Wang Liangyuan who wants people all over the world to know her change in appearance. What benefits can Wang Liangyuan get by doing this?

There must be some benefits. After all, there are so many people who want to get rid of her. Don't Wu Guifei and Wu Xiyu just can't wait to get rid of her? Wang Liangyuan didn't need to do it herself at all, she could use a knife to kill.

"Wang Liangyuan spread the news of Liang Di's beauty in the East Palace?" Bao Zhu was also a little surprised.

But yesterday, after Liang Di went out to Mochizuki Residence, she also dealt with Wang Liangyuan. If Wang Liangyuan spread this news, it would not be surprising at all.


God groaning for a monthly pass.

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