"Wang Liangyuan sees me as a thorn in her side. She thinks that I may rise again after I become beautiful, so she wants to use the hands of others to get rid of me. In this East Palace, my enemies are not just one or two. Even Concubine Wu also sees me as a thorn in their side. They I won't just watch me look good and do nothing." Qin Zhao said, and went to the dressing table to look after himself.

To be honest, she really didn't see any big change in her appearance.

"Wang Liangyuan looked nice and kind, but she didn't want to be a vicious person. Liang Di will not see her again next time, she looks disgusting." Baoyu was so angry when she heard that Wang Liangyuan had done a good deed.

"Besides her, do you think other people are good? Since I have entered the East Palace and become a member of the East Palace, I must deal with other people." Qin Zhao suddenly smiled bitterly: "This June is not good."

Her death in June was probably inseparable from this matter.

In the book, her death is unclear, but this time it was precisely because of Wang Liangyuan's plan behind her that she had this disaster. If she survives this disaster, she should think of a way to repay Wang Liangyuan's "value" for her.

"Liangdi, shall we fight back?!" Baoyu asked excitedly.

Qin Zhao glanced at her and said in a cool tone, "Perhaps you have a good idea?"

This confused Baoyu, she blushed: "Liangdi is so smart, there is no reason to suffer losses but not fight back, Liangdi will definitely find a way, right?"

Qin Zhao lightly tapped her forehead and pushed her further away before saying, "Indeed, who knows what will happen tomorrow? If I don't do something, I may have no chance in the future."

If she really died in June, how could she return this "gift" to Wang Liangyuan?

"How could there be no chance? As long as Liang Di is good, she will always be able to fight back. We are not in a hurry. Right now, Liang Di is still taking care of her body, and other matters will be considered in the long run." Baozhu was afraid of Qin Zhao's impulsive actions, so she hurriedly comforted her.

Qin Zhao sat in a daze for a moment, then suddenly got up: "Follow me to Wangxia Pavilion, and I'll meet Sister Wang. However, you have to wait for me for a while. I have a whisper with Baoping."

Seeing Qin Zhao calling out his name, Bao Ping immediately responded, "If Liang Di has anything to do, just tell the servants."

"You come with me." Qin Zhao said, calling the bottle aside.

Baoyu was very curious and wanted to follow, but Baozhu held her back: "Don't make trouble."

Baoyu admires Baozhu's steadiness the most, but she can't do it anymore. She especially wants to know what Liangdi whispered to Baoping.

After that, Qin Zhao and Bao Ping walked away, and when they came back, Bao Ping's expression was a little weird.

Qin Zhao's expression was unfathomable. Seeing this, Baoyu asked, "Did Liangdi think of a way to punish Wang Liangyuan?"

"I remembered that someone in the East Palace said that I didn't develop. Now I think that maybe the pusher last time was also Sister Wang. If Sister Wang really did these two things, I should thank her anyway."

Speaking of this, Qin Zhao looked at Baoyu: "You just leave me at Wangyueju and stay here, lest someone break in and put things that shouldn't be put there."

"Can't let Baozhu stay behind?" Baoyu became anxious when he heard this.

"Baozhu has kung fu, do you have it?" Qin Zhao finished speaking, brought Baozhu and Baoyuan, and went out of Wangyueju.

Wangchun Pavilion.

Wang Liangyuan didn't expect Qin Zhao to suddenly come to her place. She was in a good mood, but when she saw Qin Zhao's face, her mood was not so good.

I don't know if it's her illusion, but Qin Zhao seems to be better looking than yesterday, especially with a pair of beautiful eyes and a spirit of agility, people can't help but look at it again and again.

Qin Zhao's skin was even more white and ruddy, and her delicate lips were bright red with a seductive luster. Where is this still the sick child from before?

The more she looked, the more frightened she became, and the more frightened she became, the more determined she needed to get rid of Qin Zhao as soon as possible.

How did Qin Zhao know that in Wang Liangyuan's eyes, she had become a calamity. After she took her seat, she looked at the Spring Pavilion and said with a smile, "I wanted to come here early in the morning to see the other garden where Sister Wang lives, and this is really extraordinary. It’s a little worse than Mochizukiju.”

Wang Liangyuan felt that Qin Zhao's words were very useful at first, but the latter sentence was not very pleasant.

"Everyone used to say that Wangyueju is one of the best gardens in the East Palace. I still think it's a bit exaggerated. Today, when I see Wangchun Pavilion, I know that Wangyueju is really good..." Qin Zhao said, his voice gradually faded. Hidden, it seems that only then did he realize that his words were inappropriate.

Zi Yuan was bringing tea over, and when he heard Qin Zhao's words, his expression changed.

Seeing Zi Yuan's changed expression, Qin Zhao coughed lightly: "I didn't mean it just now, Zi Yuan, don't be angry, I usually speak out of my mouth. His Royal Highness has said to me many times, but I just can't change it. ."

It was only then that Ziyuan realized her gaffe. She returned to her normal state and replied respectfully: "Liangdi's words are serious, and slaves dare not be angry."

"If you say you don't dare to be angry, then you are really angry with me." Qin Zhao said, and stepped forward to hold Ziyuan's hand: "I'm better than Sister Wang, and I treat her as a friend before saying anything."

Zi Yuan became even more angry when she heard this.

Qin Liangdi's meaning is that everything just now is true?

She withdrew her hand: "The slave and the servant are soft-spoken, what Liang Di said is right."

As she thought, Qin Liangdi came here on purpose to anger their master, right?

It was Wang Liangyuan who was afraid that Ziyuan would lose her temper, so she hurriedly continued: "What my sister said is the truth. To close the entire East Palace, apart from the main hall, the best place to live is Mochizuki Residence. From this, it can be seen how much His Royal Highness doted on my sister."

Qin Zhao lowered his eyebrows: "Unfortunately, that's the past. His Highness recently had a new love, Sister Wu, and completely left me out..."

Wang Liangyuan sneered in her heart, but her face was as usual: "Don't talk about that. My sister must be thirsty. Let's have a cup of tea first."

It would be better if Her Highness kept Qin Zhao in the cold.

Qin Zhao sighed lightly, and after she took a sip of tea, she said, "After being neglected by His Highness recently, I realized how much I miss His Highness. It's not a good feeling to fall from a height, so I don't know when His Highness will be willing to see me again? "

She said and drank two more sips of tea.

It's just that this time she quickly changed her face, and suddenly covered the position of her chest: "I, I...heartache..."

Baozhu was shocked when she heard the words, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "What happened to Liangdi?"

"Is this, this tea poisonous?" Qin Zhao pointed at the teacup and looked at Wang Liangyuan in disbelief: "Sister Wang, did you poison it? I, I have a deep hatred with you, why do you want to harm me?"

At first Wang Liangyuan thought that Qin Zhao was just pretending, but when she saw that the blood on Qin Zhao's face was gone, she realized that something was wrong.

After that, Qin Zhao suddenly fainted, and Baozhu went to the imperial doctor to help Qin Zhao diagnose.

Only Bao Yuan was left to protect the unconscious Qin Zhao, staring at Wang Liangyuan's master and servant vigilantly.

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