After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 176 Three Eagles with One Arrow

The next day, all the Four Treasures who had fallen in Mochizukiju woke up, and they soon discovered that Qin Zhao was nowhere to be seen. Or Baozhu was attentive, and found that the rouge box on the desk had disappeared.

"My kung fu is not bad, but the other party brought me down in an instant. It can be seen that the other party's martial arts are profound. This matter must be reported to His Royal Highness immediately." The person who spoke was Bao Yuan.

And the person who robbed Liang Di was able to enter and leave the East Palace without disturbing anyone. This was a strange thing.

"It's just that we are all grounded, how do we report this to His Royal Highness?" Baozhu asked with a frown.

Although there is no one to guard outside Mochizuki, the rules cannot be broken.

"It's already this time, so I can't help myself. The night has passed, and now I don't know where Liang Di is. Is it already..." Baoyu's voice gradually faded, and he didn't dare to think about it.

"I'll go to the main hall to find His Royal Highness!" Baozhu said solemnly.

"Let's go together!" The other three treasures echoed.

The four of them went out of Mochizuki Residence, two of them went to the main hall, and the other two went to the council hall.

However, the two groups of people rushed to the air, because Xiao Ce was still in the court, and the people were not in the East Palace.

Baozhu and Baoyu were waiting outside the council hall. As time went by, they became more and more anxious, but there was nothing they could do.

After about noon, Xiao Ce finally returned to the main hall.

The moment he saw Treasure Bottle and Baoyuan, he paused.

Mochizukiju's master and servant are being grounded, why are the two of them here?

As soon as Xiao Ce came back, Bao Ping rushed forward: "Your Highness, Qin Liangdi was robbed last night!"

Xiao Ce thought for a while that he was listening, "What did you say?"

"When the slaves woke up this morning, they realized that Liang Di was gone..." Aquarius also said that the four of them were brought down last night.

Xiao Ce stood stunned for a moment, then went to Wangyueju.

He went to Qin Zhao's dormitory for the first time, and when he saw the large boxes, his face darkened.

He would rather Qin Zhao leave the palace with her dowry because he was angry with him and was unhappy. If it is robbed, I am only afraid of the worst.

"Baozhu and Baoyu were waiting outside the study yesterday, when Liangdi was playing the piano in the study. Liangdi finally learned to play a complete piece of music, and said that there is a chance to play it to His Highness..." Baoping's voice faded away.

Xiao Ce walked into the study, and he saw Qin Zhao's coat behind the screen. In other words, the other party forced Qin Zhao to change a dress.

From last night to today, there is no news about the assassin breaking into the East Palace. And the palace is heavily guarded, how did the other party break into the East Palace so easily?

He picked up Qin Zhao's clothes and saw the word "plug" carved with his fingernails under the clothes.

Did Seth take Qin Zhao away?

"Zhang Jixiang, go and find out who left the East Palace and the palace last night at Hai Shi." Xiao Ce ordered in a deep voice.

Zhang Jixiang was rejoicing that Qin Zhao had left the palace, but listening to His Highness's words, should Qin Zhao be brought back?

"His Royal Highness, Qin Liangdi has been missing for one night, even if her life is safe, I am only afraid that her reputation will be ruined..."

Before Zhang Jixiang finished speaking, Xiao Ce suddenly looked back at him with a gloomy face: "Qin Zhao was confined in Mochizuki Residence, she never stepped out of Mochizuki Residence! If you don't have a long memory, I don't mind picking your head off. ."

When Zhang Jixiang heard this, how could he dare to object, "Yes, the servants will be spared."

Xiao Ce looked at Zhang Jixiang's back, still worried about Zhang Jixiang's work, so he went to the gate of the East Palace and questioned the guards in person.

The guards dare not hide anything.

"Instead, there was a maid who came out of the gate of the East Palace with the token of Concubine Shu. At that time, there was a little palace maid beside the father-in-law. The palace maid was small, and the subordinates did not see the appearance of the little palace maid clearly."

Under Xiao Ce's gaze, the guards bit the bullet and finished.

Xiao Ce didn't expect this to be related to Concubine Shu again. He took a while to say, "All the guards on the night watch last night were charged fifty, and those who survived continue to be on duty in the East Palace!"

"Your Highness, spare your life!" The guards did not expect to suffer such a disaster, and all fell to their knees.

Xiao Ce turned a blind eye and strode out of the East Palace towards Changqiu Palace.

Concubine Shu didn't expect Xiao Ce to break in. When she saw Xiao Ce's gloomy face, the smile on her face disappeared: "What happened?"

"Mother concubine colluded with Seth to take Qin Zhao away from the East Palace?!" Xiao Ce tried his best to forbear, but the anger in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Who is Seth?" Concubine Shu didn't remember who Seth was.

Besides, Qin Zhao was taken away?

Seeing Concubine Shu's dazed look, Xiao Ce breathed a sigh of relief.

The concubine is not a scheming woman, and she can't even remember who Seth is, so it should not be the concubine's actions.

"Last night someone took the token of the mother's concubine and robbed Qin Zhao from the East Palace, and Seth was the second prince of the Da Yuezhi." Xiao Ce said every word.

If it's not the concubine, then someone wants to blame the concubine.

If it were rumored that the concubine colluded with the second prince of the Da Yueshi, the concubine would not be able to tell even if she had ten mouths.

Concubine Shu's complexion changed slightly: "No matter how confused this palace is, it is impossible to collude with the second prince of the Da Yueshi. Someone must be blaming this palace."

Speaking of this, she looked at Nianyun: "Nianyun, this palace only gave you the exit token two days ago."

Nianyun knew that the stakes were very important, "The servant will go and have a look."

Seeing this, Xiao Ce said, "I'll be with you alone."

In this way, Xiao Ce followed Nianyun to Nianyun's residence.

Nianyun took out the brocade box where the token was stored. She opened it and saw that the token was well placed and not lost.

Her face changed slightly, and she knelt on the ground: "Your Highness, it's really not what the slaves did. It is impossible for slaves to betray Concubine Shu, you must trust slaves."

Xiao Ce looked at the token in the brocade box and said nothing.

At this time, Concubine Shu also rushed over. After seeing the token, her expression was a bit complicated.

She explained to Xiao Ce: "Ace, although the mother-in-law is sometimes confused, it is impossible to make mistakes in such a matter. How could the mother-in-law collude with the second prince of the Da Yueshi? It is impossible to do such a wrong thing. And you have recently imprisoned Qin Liangdi, how could the mother concubine bother her again under such circumstances? As for Nianyun, she has served Ben Gong for many years, and there is no doubt about her loyalty to Ben Gong , she couldn't betray her mother-in-law."

Xiao Ce pondered for a moment, then Fang said: "The son believes in the mother and the concubine.

The other party not only colluded with the second prince of Da Yueshi, but also picked himself up and framed his mother-in-law. If he turned against his mother-in-law, he would be caught in that person's trap.

"It must be Concubine Wu Gui who is behind this palace!" Concubine Shu had a flash of inspiration, remembering that Concubine Wu had a lot of connections in the palace.

After this battle, she can be sure that Changqiu Palace also has Wu Guifei's eyeliner.

Concubine Wu has such a motive, because Wu Xiyu is in the East Palace, in order to help Wu Xiyu rise to power, Concubine Wu is likely to collude with the second prince of the Da Yuezhi.


There are still a few days in this month, everyone will put up with Daqian's noise again, the competition is too fierce. Yelling loudly, asking for a monthly ticket.

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