After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 177 Make a decision with him in this way

"Since the concubine's Changqiu Palace is not clean, she has to find a way to take that person out. The son has something to do, so he should retire." Xiao Ce wanted to leave after speaking.

Seeing this, Concubine Shu hurriedly said, "Ace, where are you going?"

Before Xiao Ce's footsteps stopped, Concubine Shu knew it was bad. She rushed to catch up and stopped Xiao Ce's way: "Qin Liangdi was taken away by the second prince of Da Yueshi, and the loss was the face of the royal family. And it's been a night, who knows Qin Liangdi Has her innocence been ruined? It's not like this, you still want to get her back. You are the Prince of Daqi, and you should take Daqi's face as the most important thing before doing anything."

"The crown prince is also an ordinary person. It was the son who insisted on keeping her in the palace. If it wasn't for the son, she wouldn't have this disaster. It was Gu's failure to protect her, so people could take advantage of it. Concubine, Qin Zhao did not. After leaving the East Palace, she is currently being grounded in Mochizuki Residence and has not gone anywhere." After Xiao Ce finished speaking, he strode away.

He only hoped that there was still time to bring Qin Zhao back to the palace before Qin Zhao was taken to the country of Da Yueshi.

Xiao Ce hurriedly returned to the East Palace, ordered the guards to stand outside Mochizuki Residence, and ordered: "No one can enter Mochizuki Residence without the permission of the lonely one."

At this moment, Baozhu hurried out: "His Royal Highness, this servant has something to say to His Royal Highness alone."

Xiao Ce entered Wangyueju, Baozhu followed behind him, and when he went to a land of no one, Baozhu said, "Is Your Highness going out of the palace to find Liang Di? Can the servants be with Your Highness?"

"No. Going out of the palace alone is to take her back to the palace, what are you doing with the past?" Xiao Ce refused coldly.

"But..." Baozhu thought of what Qin Zhao had told him that night, and hesitated.

She wondered if Liang Di had long planned to leave the palace, otherwise how could she have said those words that night?

"I'm in a hurry, speak up if you have something to say." Xiao Ce looked at the sky, it was almost time, and the longer the delay, the worse it would be.

"The night when Your Highness and Liangdi quarreled, Liangdi said something, and the slaves felt that Liangdi seemed to have plans to leave the palace. That night Liangdi said that if she was not in the palace, the slaves should take care of herself. At that time, the slaves felt that , Liangdi seems to be explaining things to slaves." What Baozhu didn't say was that maybe Liangdi didn't want to go back to the palace after leaving the palace.

Xiao Ce frowned, he hesitated for a moment and said, "Follow up, and explain to Gu when you leave the palace."

"Yes, Your Highness!" Baozhu was overjoyed and hurriedly followed Xiao Ce and left the East Palace.

Donggong Zhumei only knew that Xiao Ce had given an order, and Qin Zhao, who had been silent due to the grounding, immediately returned to the public eye. Everyone only knew that Mochizuki Residence suddenly had a lot of guards, and that none of the masters and servants in Mochizuki Residence could take half a step out of Mochizuki Residence.

Seeing these battles, Zhongmei couldn't help but guess what Qin Zhao did to make Xiao Ce angry and make Xiao Ce so aggressive.

Even Wang Liangyuan couldn't figure out what Xiao Ce meant.

It stands to reason that Concubine Wu Gui and Wu Xiyu should have started to remove Qin Zhao. Did Xiao Ce see through the plans of Concubine Wu Gui and Wu Xiyu, and suddenly strengthened the guard against Mochizukiju?

In Wangqiu Pavilion, Wu Xiyu's master and servant knew that something was wrong.

According to the plan, Seth should have kidnapped Qin Zhao from the East Palace last night. If Seth successfully took Qin Zhao out of the East Palace, then there would have been no Qin Zhao in the Mochizuki residence, right?

"Mommy, go see if His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is in the East Palace!" Wu Xiyu suddenly thought.

Madam Zhong walked away.

Soon she came back and replied: "His Royal Highness is not in the main hall, nor is he in the council hall. According to this old slave, I think His Royal Highness will not be out of the palace, right?"

If nothing else, Qin Zhao was kidnapped by Seth last night. And His Royal Highness also left the East Palace, the biggest possibility is to want to go out of the palace to find Qin Zhao.

The reason why His Royal Highness the Crown Prince made great fanfare to strengthen the guards of Wangyueju was because Qin Zhao was not in the East Palace to cover.

Of course Wu Xiyu also thought of this, and she opened her lips coldly: "His Royal Highness knows that Sister Qin was kidnapped by the second prince of the Da Yueshi and disappeared all night, and the festival may be ruined, but she is still maintaining the reputation of Sister Qin. , Does His Royal Highness really like Sister Qin so much?"

"Qin Liangdi is very scheming. If she hadn't preemptively climbed onto His Royal Highness's couch, where would she have a place in the East Palace? Right now His Royal Highness is out of the palace to find Qin Liangdi. We want Qin Liangdi to kill her before returning to the palace!" The mother said harshly.

Wu Xiyu felt that what Mother Zhong said was reasonable.

If the future troubles are to be avoided forever, Qin Zhao must be allowed to die outside the palace. If Qin Zhao is allowed to return to the palace again, I am afraid that the favor will be even stronger.

Before Qin Zhao was grounded, she thought it was Xiao Ce who completely left Qin Zhao out. As a result, when Qin Zhao had an accident, Xiao Ce desperately went out of the palace to find someone.

To know that there was a flood in Jiangnan before, Xiao Ce only sent cousin Yu to Jiangnan to deal with the flood. Now, for a Qin Zhao, Xiao Ce left the palace without hesitation. Does this mean that Xiao Ce values ​​Qin Zhao?

"There is no need for Liangyuan to intervene in this matter, the old slave will go to the concubine to discuss it, the concubine will handle this matter well, and Liangyuan can rest assured. The old slave will go to Jinyang Palace, and Liangyuan will wait for the good news of the old slave. "Mother Zhong said again.

Liangyuan's hands must not be dirty. After all, Liangyuan's goal is to be the queen. Liangyuan's hands must be clean and not stained with blood, let alone let His Royal Highness find Liangyuan's fault.

"Then there will be Mama Lao for a run." Wu Xiyu was waiting for Mama Zhong's words.

Of course, she knew that she wanted to be a woman who was free from competition in the world. She didn't need her intervention in those intrigues, and the auntie would help her eliminate the opponents she wanted to get rid of.

She only needs to be her own good woman in peace, to be able to sleep smoothly when necessary, and to spread branches and leaves for the royal family, which is enough.

As for her hands, there must be no blood on her hands.

And Madam Zhong went to Jinyang Palace on purpose and told Concubine Wu about this.

Concubine Wu also agrees with Madam Zhong's idea: "Sister Xi is really not suitable to take action, that's all, this matter will be handled by this palace. You have connections outside the palace, find a group of people to track down Qin Zhao. If Qin Zhao is taken away If you enter the country of Da Yuezhi, you will ignore it, if you are found by the prince before entering the country of Da Yuezhi, you will be killed without mercy!"

"Yes, Niangniang." After Wu mama responded, she went out of the palace overnight to do this.

Xiao Ce is an actionist. When he was out of the palace, Baozhu also talked about what Wang Liangyuan did.

Although Xiao Ce was expressionless, his mood was very complicated.

The scene where he questioned Qin Zhao that day seemed to be still in front of him. He thought she was going to frame Wang Liangyuan for no reason, but he didn't want to have such a secret during this period.

Wang Liangyuan's plan was first, and Qin Zhao's counterattack was the second. If he was tricked, it would be difficult for him to settle.

Qin Zhao, however, has the temperament of revenge, and it is normal for him to fight back against Wang Liangyuan. It's just that Qin Zhao is not like such a reckless person. He knows that this matter is easy to be exposed, why do he still do this?

Could it be that Qin Zhao knew that he would leave the palace and made a decision with him in this way?

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