After hearing the news, many people went to Wangchun Pavilion to discuss with He Liangdi.

The most diligent person among them is of course Wang Liangyuan.

Because Wang Liangyuan broke her face with Qin Zhao, she naturally did not want Qin Zhao to return to the East Palace. If she could expose the fact that Qin Zhao was not in the East Palace in public, it might prove that Qin Zhao was actually robbed by thieves for more than 20 days. destroy.

As long as Qin Zhao's fame is destroyed, Qin Zhao will never be able to see people in the East Palace in the future. Even with the protection of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the Emperor and Concubine Shu would not allow Qin Zhao to continue to stay in the East Palace to harm His Royal Highness.

Only when Wang Liangyuan mentioned that Qin Zhao would return to Wangyueju tonight, Wu Xiyu also came to Wangchun Pavilion.

"Sister Wang's concerns are justified, and I thought about it with my younger sister. His Royal Highness is the prince of Daqi, how can the East Palace tolerate a woman who damages the reputation of the Prince's Palace? Sister He is a role model in everyone's heart. Like Sister Wang, we all hope that He My sister can stand up and help all the sisters." Wu Xiyu talked eloquently.

He Liangdi looked at the two beautiful girls in front of her with a calm expression, but she actually had other concerns in her heart.

These two are so eager to get rid of Qin Zhao, because Qin Zhao is blocking their way.

As for her, she really dislikes Qin Zhao, but if she gets ahead in this matter, will this East Palace still tolerate her?

Qin Zhao was really going to be kidnapped by the gangsters, and His Royal Highness chased out of the palace to rescue Qin Zhao, which only proved that His Royal Highness valued Qin Zhao. If she came forward, it would only make His Royal Highness unhappy.

She shouldn't be involved in this matter.

She is barren and must not be rejected by His Royal Highness in the future.

"I am afraid that the two sisters are thinking too much. Sister Qin is on the ground at Mochizuki Residence, so it's enough to listen to the gossip in the palace. If the two sisters really want to know if Sister Qin is in Mochizuki Residence, you can go to Wangyue Residence to see. Look. My sister has been in despair since she was injured, and now I hope everyone is well." He Liangdi said to Xiangqiao: "Xiangqiao, you go and send off the two nobles."

He Liangdi ordered the expulsion of the guests, so Wang Liangyuan and Wu Xiyu were naturally not allowed to stay cheeky.

The two went out of Wangchun Pavilion, and Wang Liangyuan asked Wu Xiyu, "Sister, do we want to visit Wangyueju?"

Originally, I wanted to use He Liangdi's hand to expose the fact that Qin Zhao was not in the East Palace and was kidnapped, but He Liangdi became smart and did not want to be used by them.

As such, only they act on their own.

She couldn't let Qin Zhao return to the East Palace smoothly. If everyone knew that Qin Zhao's fame was ruined, then there would be no place for Qin Zhao in the East Palace.

Although Wu Xiyu didn't know why Wang Liangyuan was so eager to get rid of Qin Zhao, Wang Liangyuan could be the best pawn in her hands.

"It's just that Wangyueju is surrounded by guards, and His Royal Highness has specially told no one to enter Mochitaka. If we go there, will it be inappropriate?" Wu Xiyu said with some emotion: "I didn't know that Sister Qin was grounded. How are you doing these days, I really miss her as a younger sister."

Wang Liangyuan is used to pretending, but seeing Wu Xiyu's pretentious appearance at this moment, she suddenly felt psychological discomfort.

It's just that she couldn't expose Wu Xiyu's hypocrisy, "Sister said that since Sister Qin was banned, I have missed her very much. Today, His Royal Highness has returned to Beijing, and I will not detain Sister Qin anymore. Why don't we go to the moon together? Take a look at my sister."

In this way, Wang Liangyuan and Wu Xiyu hit it off, and the two went to Mochizuki Residence.

Xiang Qiao saw from a distance that the place they were going to was Wangyueju, and turned back to He Liangdi to report the situation.

"Those two have a good idea. They want to get rid of the Qin family, but they still want to lend my hand. In my situation, why bother your Highness? From now on, I'll just watch the fun, some of them are other ambitious women. Help me get rid of Qin Zhao." A strong hatred flashed in He Liangdi's eyes.

If it wasn't for Qin Zhao that day, how could she cut off her fertility?

The poison hidden in those ice cubes was clearly Mochizuki's part, and the person the other party wanted to harm was also Qin Zhao, but in the end, she helped Qin Zhao to stop the disaster.

If it wasn't for Qin Zhao, she would not have lost her fertility, which is all Qin Zhao's fault.

It's just that no matter how much she hates Qin Zhao, if she doesn't have absolute certainty, she can't make a move. She has to be patient when she has the right opportunity.

Those most eager to get rid of Qin Zhao should be Wang Liangyuan and Wu Liangyuan, right?

These two people obviously disliked Qin Zhao's exclusive favor of His Highness, so they would not give Qin Zhao a chance to breathe.

Back to Wu Xiyu and Wang Liangyuan.

When they went outside Mochizuki Residence, they were stopped by the guards: "His Royal Highness ordered that no one should enter Mochizuki Residence and disturb Qin Liangdi's recuperation!"

"His Royal Highness has come back. My sister has been locked in Mochizuki Residence for so long. Our sisters just want to see Sister Qin and come out soon." It was Wang Liangyuan who spoke.

The guards did not look sideways, with a condensed expression: "You two, please stop!"

Wang Liangyuan became angry when she heard this: "Sister Qin has been imprisoned in Wangyueju these days, and everyone has ignored it. If sister has three strengths and two weaknesses, can you afford it? For the good of sister Qin, I must go in and visit her today. , can be at ease.”

After she finished speaking, she wanted to push hard, but the guard suddenly drew his knife.

The sharp knife light illuminated Wang Liangyuan's eyes, making her shudder.

"The sword has no eyes, please stay away from Mochizuki Residence, so as not to accidentally hurt the two nobles!" The guards resigned sternly.

Both Wang Liangyuan and Wu Xiyu were afraid that the blade would hurt their face. Of course, what they valued most was their beauty. Seeing that the guards didn't know what to do, the two had no choice but to take a step back and plan to find another way.

After the two were far away from Wangyueju, Wu Xiyu said to Wang Liangyuan, "Sister, would you like to sit at Wangqiu Pavilion for a while?"

Wang Liangyuan had this intention, and the two hit it off and went to Wangqiu Pavilion.

After the two took their seats, they chatted for a while before talking about business.

"What does Sister Wu think of the rumors about Sister Qin in the palace? It is said that Sister Qin is not actually in Wangyueju. She was kidnapped by thieves long ago, and even suffered humiliation, and her reputation has long been lost." Wang Liangyuan mentioned this matter with a smile. .

Seeing Wang Liangyuan's smile, Wu Xiyu felt disdain in her heart, but she also knew what Wang Liangyuan's idea was: "I think since there are such rumors, there must be a reason. There are so many guards outside Mochizuki Residence, and His Highness suddenly left the palace. , If the rumors are true, His Highness should go out of the palace to save Sister Qin. If Sister Qin really wants to ruin the festival, His Highness will definitely be sad."

"I also received a message that Sister Qin will return to the palace after dark today. Shall we find other sisters to see if the news is true?" Wang Liangyuan finally got to the point.

This is the only way to catch Qin Zhao right now. As long as Qin Zhao came back from outside the palace, it proved that Qin Zhao was kidnapped and abused by the thieves.

Having proved this matter, what face does Qin Zhao have to stay in the East Palace and lose His Highness?

Tonight is the best time to contain Qin Zhao.


I just had a nucleic acid test, everyone should pay attention to safety

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