After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 201 Qin Liangdi has returned to the East Palace

"Is this... the news true?" Wu Xiyu hesitated, but actually had the same thought in his heart.

"Is it true, we'll know when we watch at night, at least there's a lot of fun to watch, what does my sister think?" Wang Liangyuan smiled meaningfully.

Wu Xiyu just smiled, acquiescing to Wang Liangyuan's idea.

After Xiao Ce entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation, before waiting for the emperor to attack, he immediately knelt down in front of the emperor and pleaded guilty: "I failed to inform the emperor when I left the palace, my son is guilty. However, this time Changzhou The trip has been very rewarding.”

The emperor was ready to scold Xiao Ce, but after hearing Xiao Ce's words, he became curious: "You say it."

"When my son went to Changzhou this time, he learned that Qin Zhao had done a great job in Changzhou and prevented the Nanba from bursting in time. The father may not know that the Nanba is the most important checkpoint in the entire Jiangnan waters. The dyke, the fertile fields downstream will be flooded, and thousands of ordinary people will be displaced..."

"I heard that you went out of the palace to find her. You are the prince, and she is just a little good lady, why should you worry about it? The most important thing in the East Palace is women. I am so disappointed by such a stupid thing!" The emperor interrupted Xiao Ce.

"I don't know what the royal father does, but the reason why my son will chase him out of the palace is not for the Qin family. It is because the person who robbed the Qin family is the second prince of the Da Yuezhi! The princes of other countries can freely enter and leave the palace and take people away. , there must be someone who is in the palace and the second prince to make peace with the outside world. If this person can't be found out, it will definitely cause great harm to my Daqi in the future. Usually, the ministers value the Qin family more because the Qin family screwed up in important matters. It's clear. This time Nanba's danger, if she can stand up, it proves that Erchen has not mistaken her." Xiao Ce explained calmly.

"Are you really going out of the palace to save the Qin family?" The emperor's eyes were scrutinized.

Xiao Ce just smiled: "It's just a woman, why bother? Since Erchen is the Prince of Daqi, how can he care about his children's private affairs? He treats beautiful Erchens like Wu's family equally, let alone Qin's? Erchen? It's impossible for a woman to lose her big because of a small thing."

Seeing Xiao Ce say this, the emperor calmed down a little.

What he values ​​most is that the prince is calm and self-controlled, and is not confused by beauty.

"Where is the Qin family now? Since she was kidnapped by Seth, such a woman can no longer stay in the East Palace, so as not to damage the royal reputation." The emperor said suddenly.

Xiao Ce did not change his face, of course he knew that the emperor was testing him.

"My son had planned the same way, but later felt it was inappropriate. No matter how she made great contributions to the Nanba adventure, she was also a victim when she was kidnapped by Seth. If the victim and the meritorious person were unfairly The treatment, this is in line with the way of being a king and a minister that I have learned since childhood. I mean to let her stay in the East Palace for the time being, and at most I will not touch her. In this way, even if she is not chaste and unclean , Yu Erchen has nothing to do with it either." Xiao Ce looked at justice with awe.

The emperor looked at Xiao Ce for a long time, and said word by word: "You must know that you are the heir, as the crown prince, everything should focus on state affairs. If you disregard the country's justice because of a woman, I will help you solve this problem. Trouble."

"My son will not disappoint the father. Rest assured, the son knows his identity and has no interest in women. The Qin family doesn't need to worry about the father. The top priority is to talk to Cesri. The thief who should be outside and harmonized should be caught and executed, so as to prevent this person from doing treasonous deeds in the future." Xiao Ce staggered the topic without a trace.

"You said that you went out of the palace to investigate this matter, do you have any eyebrows?" The emperor also felt that this was a serious problem.

"Erchen will rush to Changzhou this time, and it is for Seth for a while. Erchen asked him this question in person, and he had someone give him the token of his mother and concubine, so that he can freely enter and leave the palace. This is also the matter of the minister. I know that before leaving the palace, the son went to the concubine on purpose. The concubine said that she did not give the token to anyone. The only possibility was that there were thieves in Changqiu Palace and they stole the order of Changqiu Palace. The purpose of the card is to put the blame on Erchen. Because of this, Erchen is even more certain that the other party wants to break Erchen, the prince, that he came up with this one-shot strategy, so he has to go out of the palace to find out the matter in person... "Xiao Ce talked eloquently.

The more the emperor listened, the more shocked he became.

Who wants to tear down the prince?

Could it be that the other party's goal is not Qin Zhao, Qin Zhao is just implicated, and the other party's real goal is to force him to depose the prince?

Thinking of this possibility, the emperor was furious: "Pass on my order to investigate this matter thoroughly. No matter who is behind the instructions, kill..."

The emperor's meaning was not fully expressed. He was afraid that King An or the third child would be instigated to commit such evil deeds.

"Father, don't worry, King An and the third child will not do such a depraved thing. Maybe someone betrayed the country and then colluded with the Da Yuezhi Kingdom. After the son finds out the truth, he will report to the father again. The father emperor is not in good health, take a good rest, and the son will retire!" Xiao Ce achieved his goal, and did not want to stay for a long time, so he left the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

He just came out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation when he saw Hu Shiwei.

Hu Shiwei told him that Qin Zhao had returned to the East Palace, and he couldn't help but praise: "This girl thinks about Zhou Xiang, she is smart. Just do as she says, you can cooperate with her."

If it is as Qin Zhao expected, the East Palace must be lively at night.

"Yes, Your Highness." After receiving Xiao Ce's order, Hu Weiwei knew it.

On this day, the East Palace was very lively.

Just because everyone received a gossip, it is said that Qin Zhao was indeed kidnapped, and when His Royal Highness came out of the palace, Qin Zhao was rescued from the thief.

Moreover, Qin Zhaohui chose to return to the East Palace at night. It is said that someone saw Baozhu on the streets of Kyoto.

If there is no accident, Qin Zhao will return to the East Palace tonight. If not tonight, it will be back tomorrow night.

As a result, the beauties of the other gardens watched as they were all staying in their own gardens, but they were all paying attention to the movement outside. There were also a few palace servants who served in the other gardens deliberately wandering around the gate of the East Palace. With the figure of Baozhu, everyone will swarm out and surround Qin Zhao.

Time is passing little by little, and the night is getting darker, but the East Palace is still very quiet.

Just when everyone was waiting impatiently, there was a sudden movement in the East Palace, and it was almost time at this moment.

As soon as Ziyuan received the news, he immediately returned to Wangxia Pavilion to report to Wang Liangyuan: "As expected by Liangyuan, Qin Liangdi has returned to the East Palace."

Wang Liangyuan was overjoyed when she heard the words: "Let's go, let's go and see the excitement."

Today, not only is she waiting for news, but the owners of other gardens in the East Palace can't wait to see Qin Zhao's jokes.

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