After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 202 Force her to show her face

"Yes!" Zi Yuan was also very happy, staying behind Wang Liangyuan and heading towards the gate of the East Palace.

When they arrived, many people had already arrived, including Wu Xiyu, He Liangdi, Li Chenghui, and Zuo Liangyuan. She was the slow one.

You can know how many people want to watch Qin Zhao fall from a height. Tonight is a great opportunity, and everyone doesn't want to miss it.

"Why is Sister Wang so slow? If you slow down any more, you won't see a good show kicking off." The speaker was Li Chenghui.

As soon as Fang Cai Baozhu entered the gate of the East Palace, the East Palace was instantly boiling, and everyone rushed over to watch Qin Zhao's joke. I don't know if Qin Zhao will be able to remain calm when he is besieged later.

The only complaint is that Qin Zhao has made too many enemies, and they all wish they could get rid of her soon.

"It's better to come early than coincidence." Wang Liangyuan had a faint smile on her face and was in a good mood.

As soon as Baozhu entered the East Palace, she saw so many people blocking the door. She stepped forward without haste and saluted all the beauties.

"Baozhu, it is said that after Sister Qin was kidnapped, His Highness rescued her. Sister Qin will return to the palace tonight, where is she?" The person who spoke was Li Chenghui. , for everyone to hear.

Baozhu replied respectfully: "Where did Chenghui hear the rumor? Liangdi is fine, just in Mochizuki Residence. Without His Highness's orders, Liangdi dare not walk out of Wangyue Residence at will."

The smile on Li Chenghui's face faded, and he looked at the short, hooded woman standing not far behind Baozhu: "Who is this coquettish guest? Can you show us the real face? "

Isn't this exactly what Qin Zhao looks like? To think that you can get away with wearing a hood is foolishness!

Baozhu looked back at the woman behind her, and answered truthfully, "This is what His Highness the Crown Prince invited into the palace. As for who it is, the servants do not know. If Chenghui wants to know the identity of this girl, you can ask His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

This is the person Hu Guards found for her, and she doesn't know who this is, it is indeed the truth.

"His Royal Highness has already rested at this hour? It's not good to ask His Royal Highness, why don't we just let us see the girl's true appearance, wouldn't it be easier?" Wang Liangyuan answered at the right time.

"Yeah, let's just take a look at it, how simple it is." Wu Xiyu couldn't wait to speak.

Baozhu said, "This is a guest invited by His Royal Highness, and the servants dare not make up their minds. Otherwise, His Royal Highness will blame the servants, and the servants will not be able to bear it."

Wang Liangyuan and Wu Xiyu looked at each other, and both of them had made a decision. No matter what, they would take off Qin Zhao's veil and never let Qin Zhao return to Wangyueju easily.

"I also ask the nobles to make a concession, and the slaves have to send this girl to the main hall." Baozhu said hurriedly seeing that everyone was silent.

Everyone couldn't make up their minds for a while. After all, Baozhu took His Highness out to oppress people. If one can't get it right, His Highness will blame it, and no one can afford it.

Some were timid and gave way.

However, Wang Liangyuan's heart swayed and blocked Baozhu's path: "The East Palace is the palace of His Royal Highness, and no unidentified person can enter without authorization. Do you think so? Just look at this girl's face, His Royal Highness can still blame We can't do it? Or is Baozhu guilty and dare not let us see this girl's face?!"

Seeing that Wang Liangyuan wouldn't let her go, Baozhu said helplessly, "Why is Wang Liangyuan being aggressive? The servant said, this is the honored guest of His Royal Highness, and Liangyuan is making things difficult for her. When His Royal Highness blames her, can Liangyuan be able to stay?"

"I'm also thinking of His Highness, His Highness will definitely understand my loyalty to His Highness." Wang Liangyuan said, and suddenly stepped forward, rushed to the woman wearing the curtain cap, and took off the curtain cap.

Everyone looked at them and saw a strange woman's face revealed, they had never seen this woman before.

Of course, this woman can't be Qin Zhao either.

Just as everyone looked at each other in dismay, Xiao Ce's voice suddenly remembered behind them: "Wait in the middle of the night, gather here, make a lot of noise, what's the decency?!"

All the Shu turned around at almost the same time and saluted Xiao Ce.

Baozhu then told Xiao Ce what happened just now.

Xiao Ce heard the words and looked at everyone present: "You actually suspect that she is Qin Liangdi?!"

Everyone bowed their heads in unison, not daring to look at Xiao Ce's face. Wang Liangyuan, the first servant, was also in shock. It should have belonged to Qin Zhao, so how could it not be?

Doesn't Wu Xiyu also think that Qin Zhao will choose to return to the East Palace tonight?

Since this is not Qin Zhao, where is Qin Zhao now?

"Gu thinks that everyone is a sensible person and won't listen to the gossips in the harem, but you let Gu greatly disappointed. Well, since you want to see Qin Liangdi, Gu will fulfill your wish. But Gu Chou's words are in the front, if Qin Liangdi is watching the moon People who make troubles will be punished. Who else wants to go to Wangyueju to have a look and stand up for Gu!" Xiao Ce glanced around coldly.

You look at me, I look at you, and you don't dare to stand up rashly.

Wang Liangyuan gritted her silver teeth and said in a low voice, "I haven't seen Sister Qin for some days, and I miss her very much. I want to go to Wangyueju to visit my sister, and I hope Your Highness will fulfill my little wish."

Seeing Wang Liangyuan stand up, Li Chenghui couldn't hold his breath anymore, stood side by side with Wang Liangyuan, and said the same thing to Xiao Ce.

With these two leading eldest sisters standing up, others who wanted to completely overthrow Qin Zhao also stood up. In addition, three Zhaoxun and five Fengyi came out, and they all expressed their desire to visit Qin Zhao at Wangyueju.

They have never had the chance to show their faces in front of Xiao Ce before, and of course they wanted to seize this opportunity this time.

Wu Xiyu originally wanted to stand up, but when she saw that He Liangdi had no idea, she promptly dismissed the idea.

Since Wang Liangyuan is leading the charge, why should she stand up at this time to make Xiao Ce unhappy?

Moreover, Xiao Ce suddenly allowed everyone to enter Mochizuki Residence, which was a bit strange. To know that Qin Zhao is not in Mochizukiju, it proves that Qin Zhao's abduction may be true.

Could it be that Qin Zhao really returned to the palace?

Thinking of this possibility, Wu Xiyu's palms went cold, and she was once again glad that she didn't act impulsively.

Seeing that Wu Xiyu didn't stand up to join in the fun, He Liangdi looked at Wu Xiyu more.

The last time Wu Xiyu came to her and told her that the person to hate should be Qin Zhao, which spoke to her heart.

Wu Xiyu also said that they could work together to get rid of Qin Zhao. She thought that Wu Xiyu could really come in handy at a critical moment. After all, Wu Xiyu was backed by Concubine Wu, didn't she?

The eye contact between the two can only be understood.

Next, they waited for the movement from Mochizukiju. Whether Qin Zhao is in Mochizuki Residence or not, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can't blame them.

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