After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 215: Climbing the Bed Finally Successfully

"In the past, Wangyueju's favor was a single share, but now Wangyueju can't share anything, and His Royal Highness is too partial." Baoyu kept babbling, holding grievances for Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao thought that she was probably not suitable for eating lychees. Besides, she didn't have much liking for this thing because she was afraid of getting angry.

"I think it's a good thing that Wangqiu Pavilion has this grace..."

When Qin Zhao spoke, Baoyu interrupted her and said angrily, "Liangdi didn't have such a lack of fighting spirit in the past. As long as there is movement on Wu Liangyuan's side, Liangdi will destroy it. Why doesn't Liangdi care about anything now?"

Qin Zhao pursed his lips and smiled: "You don't understand."

The dead end of June is over.

In the past, in order to survive, she tried hard to change the plot of the book, and also wanted to change the ending of her tragic death.

Now she feels that the plot in the book can no longer determine her life and death, so that she no longer cares about the heroine Wu Xiyu in the book.

In the future, whether Wu Xiyu is favored or not, it has nothing to do with her.

Instead, she felt that it was a good thing to be left out by Xiao Ce now.

Xiao Ce once helped her block four swords in order to save her. This person is willing to help her with his life to block the robbery, how could he deliberately neglect her after taking her back to the East Palace?

There is probably only one reason, Xiao Ce neglected her, but also to protect her.

In the past, Xiao Ce often came to Wangyueju to walk around, and gave her all the favors alone, so that she brought many enemies to her. He thought that he also understood a little, his favor was poisoned, so he deliberately left her out.

Baoyu didn't understand this, but she understood Xiao Ce's kindness.

As for Wu Xiyu's sudden rise to power, it's not necessarily a good thing. Wu Tongshen was under investigation, and Concubine Wu Gui was grounded, but Wu Xiyu was pushed by Xiao Ce in front of everyone at this juncture.

You must know that not only everyone in the East Palace is staring at Xiao Ce, but the entire palace is also staring at Xiao Ce. At this moment, Wu Xiyu is only favored by Xiao Ce, and Wu Xiyu's surname is Wu, doesn't this make the emperor more jealous of the Wu family?

"I think Liang Di is doing well now, and it is no longer in everyone's eyes. Everyone in the East Palace is watching the movement of Wangqiu Pavilion. Today, His Royal Highness the Prince sent all lychees into Wangqiu Pavilion. I don't know how many there are. People are jealous." Baozhu sees more clearly.

"But being left out by His Highness for a long time, I'm afraid His Highness will not remember Liang Di." Baoyu sighed softly: "Forget it, Liang Di doesn't care, so that you won't be sad."

After she finished speaking, she shook her head and went to the corner to continue sighing.

Qin Zhao couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

When she first met Xiao Ce in Changzhou, she really didn't want to go back to the palace with Xiao Ce. Later, when Xiao Ce desperately wanted to protect her in the inn, she decided that she would be with Xiao Ce in her life, no matter what any way.

Because she knew that there would never be another person in this world who would protect each other like Xiao Ce.

Seeing that no one else was there, Baozhu asked in a low voice, "My servant knows that Your Highness cares about Liang Di, and Liang Di also knows that, right?"

She was in a coma that night and didn't see Xiao Ce blocking the sword for Liang Di, but later Liang Di said that the assassin's target was not His Royal Highness.

His Royal Highness could leave by himself, but for the sake of Liang Di, His Royal Highness was hit by four swords.

"His Royal Highness is the person who treats me the best in the world. He has passed the test of life and death." Qin Zhao was very gentle when he mentioned Xiao Ce.

Seeing Qin Zhao's appearance, Baozhu said nothing.

As long as Liang Di understands His Royal Highness, it is enough, it doesn't matter what outsiders think.

It was night, and Wu Xiyu had dinner in the main hall. When the meal was over, she peeked at Xiao Ce from time to time, hoping that Xiao Ce could give her a hint that she wanted to stay in the main hall for the night.

In the end, she mustered up her courage and asked Xiao Ce, "Can my concubine stay in the main hall tonight?"

When Xiao Ce heard this, he looked at Wu Xiyu and met her shy and timid face.

He was silent for a moment and replied, "Yeah."

Wu Xiyu was surprised and delighted: "Is it really possible?"

"Yes." Xiao Ce said concisely, with a serious expression.

Zhang Jixiang and Niansu, who were waiting on the side, looked at each other and both had the same question in their hearts. Could it be that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince finally realized that he planned to let Wu Liangyuan serve in the bed?

Wu Xiyu was overjoyed, she thought her chance had finally come.

After Piansheng finished bathing, she was arranged to live in the Pianist Highness.

She waited in the side hall with peace of mind, and it was not until near Hai that she saw Niansu hurried over: "His Royal Highness is still dealing with government affairs, and he specially ordered slaves to come here, please Liangyuan to rest first."

Wu Xiyu couldn't hide her disappointment, she said unwillingly, "I can wait for His Royal Highness."

"His Royal Highness just went to the council hall. I don't know when I'm busy. It's better for Liangyuan to rest early." Nian Su replied softly.

Wu Xiyu bit her lower lip lightly, and said after a while, "I see."

How could it be so coincidental, she was staying in the main hall, Xiao Ce was involved in government affairs, and was still busy in the council room at this hour?

Could it be that Xiao Ce deliberately avoided her?

I can't blame her for thinking this way, it's just too coincidental.

"His Royal Highness is afraid that Liangyuan will think too much, and let her servants serve Liangyuan here. If Liangyuan needs anything, she can instruct her servants." Seeing Wu Xiyu's gloomy expression, Nian Su added at the right time.

This was indeed explained by His Royal Highness, asking her to serve Wu Liangyuan for a long time, and she also said that she would serve in front of Wu Liangyuan tonight.

"I see." Wu Xiyu was happy and worried, and quickly returned to normal.

Whether it was Xiao Ce's intention or not, Xiao Ce gave her enough face and allocated Nian Su to her, which was a great favor.

So far, no one has been able to serve the bed. If she can stay overnight in the main hall tonight, it is already her success.

After thinking about this, she calmed down and fell asleep quickly.

Nian Su sighed lightly and stepped aside, ready to be dispatched at any time.

In fact, she didn't understand what His Highness was thinking. If you didn't want Wu Liangyuan to stay, His Highness could make it clear to Wu Liangyuan directly.

His Royal Highness the partial birth prince asked Wu Liangyuan to stay in the main hall, but he did not intend to let Wu Liangyuan serve in the bed.

In the past few days, the movement of Wangqiu Pavilion has been followed by people, so the news that Wu Xiyu did not come out after entering the main hall spread quickly.

The next morning, the scene where Niansu sent Wu Xiyu back to Wangqiu Pavilion was seen by many people.

As a result, the whole East Palace was rumored that Wu Liangyuan finally succeeded in climbing the bed.

In Changqiu Palace, Concubine Shu also received the news that Wu Xiyu was serving the bed. The tea cup in her hand was a little unstable and some tea was spilled.

"Really serving the bed?" Concubine Shu couldn't hide her anxiety.

Yesterday, she asked Nianyun to beat Niansu. The next day, Mrs. Wu succeeded in taking the throne. How could A Ce be so confused?

"It should be true, everyone in the East Palace is spreading the news, and the emperor also knows about it." Nianyun saw that Concubine Shu was in a hurry, so he hurriedly reassured: "Niangniang, don't be in a hurry, the slave girl goes to Niansu and asks. Even if Wu Liangyuan If you are fortunate enough to serve in the bed, you may not be able to conceive the emperor's grandson, everything is not a foregone conclusion, the empress need not worry."


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