"Go and ask now." Concubine Shu said solemnly.

Seeing that Concubine Shu was in a hurry, Nianyun had to go to the East Palace as quickly as possible.

Niansu didn't expect Nianyun to come to find herself so soon. She was serving next to His Royal Highness, but Zhang Jixiang came to her and gave her a wink.

When she saw Nianyun, her heart was particularly heavy.

From the moment she stepped into the Eastern Palace, she was a member of the Eastern Palace, not a servant of the Changqiu Palace. Nianyun came to her every three to five to let His Royal Highness know how he would feel?

Nianyun didn't know Niansu's complicated feelings, so he went straight to the topic and asked about Wu Xiyu's sleeping in the bed yesterday.

Of course Niansu knew the truth, but this time she didn't want to tell the truth.

"Yesterday, Eunuch Zhang served next to His Highness, and I don't know the specifics." Nian Su replied in a low voice.

Nianyun was a little disappointed to hear her answer: "Concubine Shu is very worried..."

"Wu Liangyuan is the beauty of the East Palace. Even if she didn't attend the bed yesterday, she might be there tomorrow. Concubine Shu should understand one thing. His Royal Highness has grown up and is very assertive. Let His Highness know about this, I'm afraid I will be disappointed with Concubine Shu." Niansu's expression was flat.

Nianyun was stunned for a moment, then looked up and down Niansu, "What do you mean?"

"Sister Nianyun knows what I mean. I'm just a servant of His Royal Highness, and I will always be loyal to His Highness. But if Sister Nianyun always comes to me to inquire about the East Palace, I will feel that I have betrayed His Royal Highness, and I am the most loyal to His Highness. What I don't want is to betray Your Highness." Nian Su said in a hoarse voice.

Nianyun wanted to say something, but in the end he remained silent.

Niansu is towards His Royal Highness, it is a good thing that he is not willing to betray His Royal Highness, Concubine Shu should be relieved.

After returning to Changqiu Palace, she relayed the meaning of Niansu to Concubine Shu.

After hearing this, Concubine Shu was silent for a long time: "For A Ce, this is a good thing. As long as she is loyal to A Ce, this palace will not send the wrong person. Forget it, don't make it difficult for her in the future."

Nianyun breathed a sigh of relief. She was most afraid that Concubine Shu would be sad. It seemed that Concubine Shu also knew that Niansu's loyalty was a good thing for His Royal Highness.

Regarding how Xiao Ce spoiled Wu Xiyu, the emperor finally became vigilant.

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Xiao Ce stood in front of the emperor and listened to the instruction: "How many times have I told you that the ruler should not be trapped by love, let alone dote on one person alone, but you dote on that Wu family..."

"The royal father can rest assured, the son and the minister are measured. Wu Liangyuan is obedient and lovable, and it is not too much for the son to dote on her. Didn't the royal father also favor the imperial concubine for many years? Very good. The father and the emperor have done a good job between the harem and the government, and the sons will also learn from the father, so that women will not be mistaken for the government." Xiao Ce refuted the emperor for the first time in his life, and looked a little disapproving. .

The emperor couldn't believe that Xiao Ce would say such a thing.

He knew the tradeoff, but Xiao Ce didn't understand the depth of it, otherwise he wouldn't spoil Wu Xiyu at this juncture.

Concubine Wu Gui didn't know the seriousness, but dared to make the prince's biological mother kneel. Wu Tong was convicted of corruption of the disaster relief funds, and now the prince only favors Wu Xiyu. All these are related to the Wu family.

Perhaps it was a wrong decision that he promised Concubine Wu that sending Wu Xiyu to the East Palace.

He originally thought that in half a month, after punishing Concubine Wu, he would lift the ban, but now seeing the appearance of the prince not repenting, he felt that Concubine Wu could not be released until the case of Wu Tong's sentence was decided.

"If the father has nothing else to do, the son will retire. By the way, when the son returns to the East Palace later, he will definitely go to the backyard of the East Palace for a walk, so that the rain and dew are even, and Qin Liangdi will also go for a walk." Xiao Ce After saying that, he backed away.

The emperor's eyes were heavy, and he didn't sit back on the dragon chair until Xiao Ce walked away.

His body is getting worse day by day, and sooner or later this throne will be inherited by the prince. In the past, the crown prince was never confused by beauty. A few days ago, it was Qin Zhao, but now it is a woman of the Wu family. This is definitely not a good thing.

She was a woman of the Wu family, and Qin Zhao was favored better than Wu Xiyu. After all, there was no strong family behind Qin Zhao, but the Wu family was different.

If Wu Xiyu was only favored by the prince, and became like Concubine Wu after the prince ascended the throne, the prince might not be able to do better than him.

Originally, he thought that if the case of Wu Tong's sentence was not involved, it could be dealt with lightly. After all, it was the Wu family, but now it seems that it must be dealt with strictly.

After Xiao Ce walked out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he was in a good mood.

The father was always too kind to the Wu family. He could only use this method to let the father understand that the Wu family today was made by the father alone.

How many years Wu Guifei has been favored by her father, and how much grievance her mother has suffered in the hands of Wu Guifei, the father must know, but the father chooses to turn one eye and close one eye.

Even if Concubine Wu was fined and grounded by the emperor this time, according to the degree of favor the emperor showed to Concubine Wu, the emperor would soon release Concubine Wu.

The first thing Wu Guifei did after she was released from the grounding was to blow the pillow to her father and treat Wu Tong's sentence lightly.

With such far-sightedness, he made the first move and forced his father to make his own choice.

Because Wu Xiyu was useful in this matter, he also tried his best to meet all of Wu Xiyu's requirements, which was a reward for Wu Xiyu, but that was all.

After returning to the East Palace, Xiao Ce rarely went to the various courtyards in the East Palace, and finally he went to Mochizuki Residence.

When he went there, he heard the sound of the piano coming from the study, and when he heard the obscure sound of the piano, he knew who it was from.

However, I finally finished the song completely, which is worthy of encouragement.

He clapped his palms, Qin Zhao raised his head, and then saw Xiao Ce coming.

"His Royal Highness is late! The first time the concubine finished playing this tune, it was the night when the second prince of the Da Yueshi came to rob the concubine, and he was the first to hear the concubine play a complete song. The song." Qin Zhao said, smiling brightly.

She was born pretty, and her frowns and smiles were all amorous.

In the past, Xiao Ce thought she looked good when she smiled, but now she has become more beautiful, and her smile has become more contagious.

"Don't play this tune again. You will learn a new tune another day. You must be the first listener." Xiao Ce was not in a good mood when Qin Zhao mentioned Seth.

"Okay, let's learn a new piece of music. But, it's not easy to learn a piece of music again, it will take a while." Qin Zhao thought that she shouldn't have mentioned Seth and caused herself a problem.

Xiao Ce was a little surprised to see Qin Zhao so well-behaved.

"How have you been recently?" he asked casually after sitting for a while.

He actually wanted to ask her if she would have any doubts when he had not been to Mochizukiju recently.

"Very good. I study and exercise every day, and I'm so busy." Qin Zhao stepped forward and made a cup of tea for Xiao Ce.

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