After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 217 Give birth to an orphan child!

Seeing Qin Zhao's rough tea-making action, Xiao Ce's lips curved slightly.

Xiao Ce could see at a glance that he was in a good mood, and couldn't help but be a little curious: "Is there a happy event for Your Highness?"

"It can't be called a happy event." While speaking, Xiao Ce has quickly returned to normal.

Qin Zhao lightly curled the corners of his lips: "Your Highness is obviously in a good mood."

When he is in a bad mood, it is like the whole world owes him, and when he is in a good mood, it makes people feel like a spring breeze.

"By the way, when will the imperial concubine lift the foot ban?" Qin Zhao pretended to inadvertently test.

"It shouldn't be released in the near future." Xiao Ce didn't defend Qin Zhao and said whatever it was.

Qin Zhao had a calculation in his heart.

Could it be that Xiao Ce's good mood has something to do with Concubine Wu not being released so soon?

While she was thinking about it, she suddenly heard Xiao Ce ask, "What are your plans in the future?"

He suddenly flew out of the sky and made Qin Zhao a little confused: "What does Your Highness want to express?"

Xiao Ce looked at Qin Zhao and found that she really didn't understand what he was asking, and he didn't know how to express it properly.

"Would you find it boring in the East Palace?" Xiao Ce decided to take a side view.

Qin Zhao nodded and replied, "Of course, the East Palace is so boring, you can only walk around this small place when you come and go, and concubines don't dare to run around in other parts of the palace."

So, boredom is a must.

But she can't leave the palace casually. After all, this is the important place of the palace. Once you enter this place, it will be difficult to get out.

Xiao Ce was accustomed to Qin Zhao's temperament, but he was still a little heartbroken when he heard her truth.

"Since you think it's so boring, why don't you find something to do for you alone." Xiao Ce looked indifferent.

Qin Zhao couldn't see anything from Xiao Ce's expression, but she always felt that what he said should not be expected.

"Let's talk about it, Your Highness, I'm not interested in seeing your concubine's body." Qin Zhao didn't seem too keen.

Xiao Ce didn't expect her to have such a bland reaction, and for a while he didn't know whether to continue this topic, perhaps the timing was not right.

"His Royal Highness said, how can you not say half of the words? It's not good to make people's appetites." Seeing Xiao Ce's silence, Qin Zhao was very curious about what he wanted to say.

Seeing that Qin Zhao's face was too close to him, Xiao Ce pushed her away, coughed twice, and his eyes wandered.

His hesitant appearance made Qin Zhao extremely curious: "What exactly does Your Highness want to say?"

"Gu think, since you think the East Palace is boring, why don't you give birth to a baby." Xiao Ce hesitated for a moment, but still said it.

Qin Zhao didn't expect to hear this from Xiao Ce's mouth, she sat stupidly on the spot: "Have a baby?"

Is that what she meant?

Xiao Ce first asked her if she thought Donggong was boring, and then said to find something for her to do to pass the boring time, and then let her give birth to a baby.

"It's just to give birth to a child for the orphan!" Xiao Ce felt that Qin Zhao was not smart when he should be smart.

As soon as he said these words, the room suddenly became dead silent.

The other people serving outside the study were listening with their ears pricked up. This made everyone look at each other in dismay, and Niansu's heart was even more turbulent.

Before that, she thought that the person that His Royal Highness cared about most was Qin Liangdi, but at this moment, when she heard that His Royal Highness asked Qin Liangdi to have a child, she was still shocked beyond words.

With so many beauties in the East Palace, why is His Highness so different to Qin Liangdi, who has a bad heart?

There are many women who want to give birth to His Highness, why did His Highness choose Qin Liangdi?

Everyone outside the study had different moods, and Qin Zhao in the study was also quite frightened.

She had been in the East Palace for so long, but Xiao Ce had never treated her as a woman, let alone had any idea of ​​wanting her to have a child. She suddenly talked to her about such a hot topic today, which made her not know how to answer.

Seeing Qin Zhao's stunned look, Xiao Ce sighed softly: "Is it difficult to answer this question? Gu can't be in the East Palace all the time, and can't take care of you many times. If you have an orphan child, most people will not dare to look down on you. , even the mother-in-law and the royal father will value you a little more."

Qin Zhao understood what he said.

The prince's intention is to let her have a child to protect herself, and the child can be a tool to protect her. His words sounded good for her, but she didn't like him taking the child as her amulet.

Anyway, his kindness made her feel uneasy.

She believes that children should be the crystallization of love between men and women.

In the current situation, Xiao Ce regards her as a family member, and she also regards Xiao Ce as a family member. Neither of them has the idea of ​​becoming lovers. Is it necessary to have children?

"Why, aren't you happy?" Xiao Ce saw Qin Zhao pursing her lips, and saw that she didn't seem very happy.

"I just think I'm still young and I'm not ready to be a mother, so let's forget it." Qin Zhao barely scolded him. Having a child is not a business.

The two of them are like friends now, how can any friend go to bed hand in hand to have a baby?

It's weird anyway, and it's even weirder to discuss this topic.

You know, except for a few times when the two of them held hands unintentionally, at any other time they didn't have any intimate gestures. Doesn't he feel that the sudden progress to having a baby is too jumpy?

"Do you think you are still young?" Xiao Ce smiled when he heard Qin Zhao's words.

Qin Zhao was immediately annoyed: "Does your Highness think I'm very old?"

She is not yet eighteen, and at the age of seventeen, she is already a tender flower. In modern times, she is young enough to drip.

Xiao Ce's rhetorical tone was too unpleasant.

"You are indeed an old girl at your age." Xiao Ce said the truth.

"Since Your Highness dislikes the concubine's old age, then His Highness should find other little girls. This old lady will not accompany you." Qin Zhao said, raising his lips: "Baozhu, send it to His Royal Highness Prince!"

Just in time to end this unpleasant topic.

It wasn't the first time that Xiao Ce was driven out by Qin Zhao, but he still had to say, "Zhao Zhao, think about it..."

"I don't need to think about it. I'm not only young, but I'm also afraid of pain. Anyway, I don't want to have a child. The main thing for His Royal Highness not to hit me on the stomach. And I heard that having a child will affect a woman's figure. I've finally become beautiful, but I can't. Let the child affect my good figure." Qin Zhao said, urging Baozhu to send Xiao Ce away quickly.

Baozhu bit the bullet and drove the Lord of the East Palace out of Mochizuki Residence.

Nian Su has slowed down at this time.

She looked at Xiao Ce and found that he didn't seem to be unhappy because he was driven out by Qin Zhao.

"Qin Liangdi is unwilling to give birth to a child for His Royal Highness, but she is just afraid of affecting her figure. This slave thinks it is not acceptable." Although Niansu felt rude, she still expressed her thoughts.

After closing the entire East Palace, how many women want to spread branches and leaves for His Highness? Qin Liangdi didn't know the good and bad, and even kicked His Highness out. This kind of behavior is shameful.

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