After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 219 Gu did not treat you as a tool

Niansu's cause was heart disease, Qin Zhao's remarks made her feel inferior, she stayed up all night, and then contracted the cold.

After thinking about it at this moment, her sullenness disappeared.

Why do you have to be the woman of His Royal Highness, isn't it good to be a valet?

How many women in the backyard of the East Palace tried their best to sleep, but they didn't even get a chance to take a look at His Royal Highness. She was different, even if she was just a servant, as long as she wanted to, she could see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Niansu slept soundly that night, and felt better the next day.

How did Qin Zhao know that her words had a profound impact on Niansu. She didn't even know that Niansu was sick because of her illness, and she didn't know that she had become an even more hated object between Niansu's thoughts.

With the little gossip like Baoyu, Xiao Ce's day's itinerary is under her control.

For example, Wu Xiyu went to the main hall twice yesterday, and also had lunch in the main hall. Xiao Ce not only met Wu Xiyu during the day, but also went to Wangchun Pavilion in the afternoon, and went to Wangdong Pavilion in the evening. After leaving Wangdong Pavilion, he went to Ting Fengxuan to sit for half an hour. Finally back to the main hall.

In other words, Xiao Ce spent some time on the beauties in the backyard in addition to the time he was busy with government affairs. Of course, the one who saw him the most was still Wu Xiyu, and the one who favored him more was of course Wu Xiyu.

Moreover, the other batch of fruits that were paid tribute yesterday also all entered Wangqiu Pavilion, which made other beauties in the East Palace envious.

Qin Zhao listened with relish, and after Baoyu's mouth froze, she found that her master had no intention of being jealous and competing for favor, which frustrated her.

"Don't Liangdi have any special ideas?" Baoyu was very unwilling.

Not only yesterday, but today His Royal Highness is also soaked with rain and dew, and he went to walk around each other garden, just like Liang Di said, like a playboy.

However, among them, Wu Liangyuan's favor is the most prosperous, and only Wu Liangyuan can go to the main hall to walk freely, and that place is about to become Wu Liangyuan's own territory.

"His Royal Highness should have been exposed to rain and dew long ago. The emperor and Concubine Shu know about this, and they don't know how happy they will be. As for my thoughts, I hope that His Royal Highness can spread the branches and leaves for Daqi as soon as possible..."

Before she finished speaking, she felt that the atmosphere at the scene was a little weird.

When she looked up and saw Xiao Ce standing silently at the door of the study, she was not used to it: "Why didn't the Crown Prince make a sound when he came down?"

Always appearing silently like a ghost, and eavesdropping on the conversations of their master and servant, it's not like a gentleman.

Xiao Ce's thin lips lifted slightly: "Just now you said about spreading branches and leaves for the Daqi royal family. Gu thinks this matter can be discussed with you. Everyone else can go down."

Qin Zhao looked at Xiao Ce's expression and saw that he was not angry, so he let go and said, "Your Highness, don't tell your concubine about this, it's better to tell the emperor and concubine Shu to be realistic."

Don't mention letting her have a baby again, she's not willing to do it anyway.

Since Xiao Ce will be the monarch in the future, someone will always give him a child, so he will find someone else, she doesn't want her child to be born under such strange circumstances.

It's okay to say she's hypocritical, anyway, the child she wants shouldn't be born in a situation like talking about business.

Although she also misses that child, but...

"Gu Lai to ask you how you thought about having a baby?" Xiao Ce did not turn around and went straight to the topic.

Qin Zhao replied with a smirk: "Apart from giving birth to a child, Your Highness, don't you have anything else to say?"

I don't usually come to Mochizukiju to walk around, and I'm discussing the important matter of creating human lives. Is it necessary?

"Gu is still the same sentence. If you have a child, you can rely on it no matter what happens in the future. There is no need to face the father and mother and concubine's birth of children. Why don't you agree to such a good thing?" Xiao Ce expressed confusion.

"Concubine can't understand why His Highness doesn't find other women to have children. Even if it's not Wu Liangyuan, there are other good choices. His Royal Highness should find someone else. Concubine has no interest in having children at all." Qin Zhao smiled skinny. Asked without a smile.

At the critical juncture of life, Xiao Ce was willing to live and die with her, which moved her very much.

But in this matter, she just wanted to slap him twice and wake him up.

Qin Zhao refused swiftly, while Xiao Ce frowned and looked at her for a while before saying, "Why are you so resistant to having children?"

"Isn't the reason mentioned earlier? One is that I am afraid of affecting my body, and the other is that I am not ready to be a mother. I am playful, and I am afraid that I will not be able to take care of my children after giving birth. Sometimes I feel the saddest thing about women. That is, to be used as a tool for inheriting the lineage..."

Xiao Ce's face sank when he heard this: "Gu didn't take you as a tool."

He had never had such an idea.

Qin Zhao smiled: "His Royal Highness does not need to explain, the concubine knows that His Highness has good intentions, if the concubine can have a child and will have a support in the future, your highness is sincere in saying this. But the concubine also has her own thoughts, so far, The concubine really has no idea of ​​having children, this is not a joke."

Xiao Ce didn't expect Qin Zhao's attitude to be so firm. He thought that she would at least consider this possibility.

"Other things, the concubine can promise His Highness, but in this case, the concubine hopes that His Royal Highness will not force the concubine." Qin Zhao saw that Xiao Ce was silent and said again.

Xiao Ce patted her head and asked in a low voice, "I'm not forcing you. Do you say you can agree to other things, including the matter of serving the bed?"

Qin Zhao didn't expect Xiao Ce's thinking to jump so fast, or that she never thought that the two matters of giving birth and serving the bed would be brought up by Xiao Ce under such circumstances.

The atmosphere in the study once dropped to freezing point.

The people who were eavesdropping outside the study looked at each other in dismay. Of course, the most nervous one was Nian Su.

Because the wind chill was over, she returned to serve in front of His Highness as soon as possible. No matter which other garden your Highness went to, she hoped to follow His Highness. She also knew that no matter which other garden His Highness went to, it was just a pretence.

Only Hope Moon Residence is different.

Since His Royal Highness proposed that Qin Liangdi have a child, it was inevitable that she would be the bed-servant, so she shouldn't be surprised.

It's just that she didn't expect that His Royal Highness would ask Qin Zhao's opinion in advance. Qin Liangdi is really good at it!

She didn't change her face, but she couldn't help but prick up her ears to eavesdrop.

Just then, she felt someone watching her. She looked over and met Baozhu's scrutinizing eyes.

She knew a long time ago that Baozhu was a smart person, and Baozhu's eyes seemed to see through all her thoughts.

"His Royal Highness and Liangdi are whispering, everyone come with me." Baozhu opened her lips, and her gaze was still fixed on Niansu's face.

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